############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) # # and others # # # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # ############################################################################### from collections import deque from discover.fetchers.cli.cli_access import CliAccess from utils.inventory_mgr import InventoryMgr class CliFetchBondHostPnics(CliAccess): BOND_DIR = '/proc/net/bonding/' SLAVE_INTERFACE_HEADER = 'Slave Interface: ' def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.inv = InventoryMgr() def get(self, parent_id: str): self.log.info('CliFetchBondHostPnics: checking under {}' .format(parent_id)) host_id = parent_id[:parent_id.rindex('-')] cmd = 'ls -1 {} 2>&1'.format(self.BOND_DIR) host = self.inv.get_by_id(self.get_env(), host_id) if not host: self.log.error('CliFetchBondHostPnics: host not found: ' + host_id) return [] host_types = host['host_type'] if 'Network' not in host_types and 'Compute' not in host_types: return [] lines = self.run_fetch_lines(cmd, host_id) if lines and 'No such file or directory' in lines[0]: return [] # no bonds so directory does not exist bonds = [] for line in [l.strip() for l in lines]: bond = self.get_bond_details(host_id, line) if bond: bonds.append(bond) return bonds def get_bond_details(self, host_id: str, interface_name: str) -> dict: lines = self.run_fetch_lines('cat {}{}' .format(self.BOND_DIR, interface_name), host_id) status, mac_address = \ self.get_bond_status_and_mac_address(host_id, interface_name) interface_id = '{}-{}'.format(interface_name, mac_address) interface = { 'host': host_id, 'name': interface_name, 'id': interface_id, 'local_name': interface_name, 'mac_address': mac_address, 'Link detected': 'yes' if status == 'up' else 'no', 'EtherChannel': True, 'EtherChannel Master': '', 'members': {} } # keep stack of info objects to support multi-level info info_objects = deque([interface]) for line in [line for line in lines if line != '']: if line.startswith(self.SLAVE_INTERFACE_HEADER): name = line[line.index(':')+1:].strip() slave = { 'name': name, 'EtherChannel Master': interface_id } # remove any pending info objects, keep only interface info_objects = deque([interface]) info_objects.append(slave) interface['members'][name] = slave elif line.rstrip(':').lower().endswith('info'): # move to lower level info object info_name = line.rstrip(':') upper_info_obj = info_objects[-1] info_obj = {} upper_info_obj[info_name] = info_obj info_objects.append(info_obj) else: self.get_attribute_from_line(info_objects[-1], line) for slave in list(interface['members'].values()): self.set_slave_host_pnic_bond_attributes(host_id, slave, interface_id) return interface def get_bond_status_and_mac_address(self, host_id: str, name: str): output = self.run_fetch_lines('ip link show {}'.format(name), host_id) status_line = output[0] status = status_line[status_line.index(' state ') + len(' state '):] status = status[:status.index(' ')] matches = [line.strip() for line in output if 'link/ether' in line] if not matches: self.log.error('Failed to find line with MAC address ' 'for bond {} (host: {})' .format(name, host_id)) tokens = matches[0].split() if len(tokens) < 2: self.log.error('Failed to find MAC address in line: {}' .format(matches[0])) mac_address = tokens[1] return status.lower(), mac_address def get_attribute_from_line(self, obj: dict, line: str): if ':' not in line: self.log.error('object {}: failed to find ":" in line: {}' .format(obj['name'], line)) return attr = line[:line.index(':')] value = line[len(attr)+1:] obj[attr.strip()] = value.strip() def set_slave_host_pnic_bond_attributes(self, host, slave, interface_id): pnic = self.inv.find_one({ 'environment': self.get_env(), 'host': host, 'type': 'host_pnic', 'name': slave['name'] }) if not pnic: self.log.error('unable to find slave pNIC {} under bond {}' .format(slave['name'], interface_id)) return mac_address = pnic['mac_address'] slave_id = '{}-{}'.format(slave.get('name', ''), mac_address) slave['mac_address'] = mac_address slave['id'] = slave_id pnic['EtherChannel'] = True pnic['EtherChannel Master'] = interface_id self.inv.set(pnic)