From 33802c45e4bc24c1e78f6b46cf968306cee2d4da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Koren Lev <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 18:08:39 +0300
Subject: release 1.1 for euphrates

Change-Id: Iddc0e0148db7c72458b7fcdfcb7664e4aa609be0
Signed-off-by: Koren Lev <>
(cherry picked from commit 5c6eb170878cefa12f717a62c31f7228d440e61e)
 app/discover/fetchers/cli/  | 26 ++++++--------
 .../fetchers/cli/       | 41 ++++++++++++++++------
 app/discover/fetchers/db/         | 12 ++++---
 3 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

(limited to 'app/discover/fetchers')

diff --git a/app/discover/fetchers/cli/ b/app/discover/fetchers/cli/
index 4af3ebc..26cd603 100644
--- a/app/discover/fetchers/cli/
+++ b/app/discover/fetchers/cli/
@@ -19,18 +19,12 @@ class CliFetchHostPnics(CliAccess):
         self.inv = InventoryMgr()
         self.ethtool_attr = re.compile('^\s+([^:]+):\s(.*)$')
         self.regexps = [
-            {'name': 'mac_address', 're': '^.*\sHWaddr\s(\S+)(\s.*)?$',
-             'description': 'MAC address with HWaddr'},
-            {'name': 'mac_address', 're': '^.*\sether\s(\S+)(\s.*)?$',
-             'description': 'MAC address with ether'},
-            {'name': 'IP Address', 're': '^\s*inet addr:?(\S+)\s.*$',
-             'description': 'IP Address with "inet addr"'},
-            {'name': 'IP Address', 're': '^\s*inet ([0-9.]+)\s.*$',
-             'description': 'IP Address with "inet"'},
-            {'name': 'IPv6 Address', 're': '^\s*inet6 addr:\s*(\S+)(\s.*)?$',
-             'description': 'IPv6 Address with "inet6 addr"'},
-            {'name': 'IPv6 Address', 're': '^\s*inet6 \s*(\S+)(\s.*)?$',
-             'description': 'IPv6 Address with "inet6"'}
+            {'name': 'mac_address', 're': '^.*\slink/ether\s(\S+)\s',
+             'description': 'MAC address'},
+            {'name': 'IP Address', 're': '^\s*inet ([0-9.]+)/',
+             'description': 'IP Address v4'},
+            {'name': 'IPv6 Address', 're': '^\s*inet6 (\S+) .* global ',
+             'description': 'IPv6 Address'}
     def get(self, id):
@@ -52,7 +46,7 @@ class CliFetchHostPnics(CliAccess):
         for line in interface_lines:
             interface_name = line[line.rindex('/')+1:]
             interface_name = interface_name.strip()
-            # run ifconfig with specific interface name,
+            # run 'ip address show' with specific interface name,
             # since running it with no name yields a list without inactive pNICs
             interface = self.find_interface_details(host_id, interface_name)
             if interface:
@@ -60,15 +54,15 @@ class CliFetchHostPnics(CliAccess):
         return interfaces
     def find_interface_details(self, host_id, interface_name):
-        lines = self.run_fetch_lines("ifconfig " + interface_name, host_id)
+        cmd = "ip address show {}".format(interface_name)
+        lines = self.run_fetch_lines(cmd, host_id)
         interface = None
         status_up = None
         for line in [l for l in lines if l != '']:
             tokens = None
             if interface is None:
                 tokens = line.split()
-                line_remainder = line.strip('-')[len(interface_name)+2:]
-                line_remainder = line_remainder.strip(' :')
+                line_remainder = line.split(":")[2].strip()
                 interface = {
                     "host": host_id,
                     "name": interface_name,
diff --git a/app/discover/fetchers/cli/ b/app/discover/fetchers/cli/
index 239ecd7..2e074f8 100644
--- a/app/discover/fetchers/cli/
+++ b/app/discover/fetchers/cli/
@@ -17,18 +17,13 @@ class CliFetchVserviceVnics(CliAccess):
     def __init__(self):
         self.inv = InventoryMgr()
-        self.if_header = re.compile('^[-]?(\S+)\s+(.*)$')
+        self.if_header = re.compile('^\d+: ([^:]+): (.+)')
         self.regexps = [
-            {'name': 'mac_address', 're': '^.*\sHWaddr\s(\S+)(\s.*)?$'},
-            {'name': 'mac_address', 're': '^.*\sether\s(\S+)(\s.*)?$'},
-            {'name': 'IP Address', 're': '^\s*inet addr:(\S+)\s.*$'},
-            {'name': 'IP Address', 're': '^\s*inet ([0-9.]+)\s.*$'},
-            {'name': 'netmask', 're': '^.*\sMask:\s?([0-9.]+)(\s.*)?$'},
-            {'name': 'netmask', 're': '^.*\snetmask\s([0-9.]+)(\s.*)?$'},
+            {'name': 'mac_address', 're': '^.*\slink/ether\s(\S+)\s'},
+            {'name': 'IP Address', 're': '^\s*inet ([0-9.]+)/'},
+            {'name': 'netmask', 're': '^.*\slink/ether\s[^/]+/(\S+)'},
             {'name': 'IPv6 Address',
-             're': '^\s*inet6 addr: ?\s*([0-9a-f:/]+)(\s.*)?$'},
-            {'name': 'IPv6 Address',
-             're': '^\s*inet6 \s*([0-9a-f:/]+)(\s.*)?$'}
+             're': '^\s*inet6 ([^/]+)/.* global '}
     def get(self, host_id):
@@ -53,7 +48,7 @@ class CliFetchVserviceVnics(CliAccess):
         return ret
     def handle_service(self, host, service, enable_cache=True):
-        cmd = "ip netns exec " + service + " ifconfig"
+        cmd = "ip netns exec " + service + " ip address show"
         lines = self.run_fetch_lines(cmd, host, enable_cache)
         interfaces = []
         current = None
@@ -122,6 +117,7 @@ class CliFetchVserviceVnics(CliAccess):
             vnic["IP Address"] = "No IP Address"
             return "No IP Address"
         ipaddr = vnic["IP Address"].split('.')
+        vnic['netmask'] = self.convert_netmask(vnic['netmask'])
         netmask = vnic["netmask"].split('.')
         # calculate network start
@@ -138,3 +134,26 @@ class CliFetchVserviceVnics(CliAccess):
         for octet in netmask:
             binary_str += bin(int(octet))[2:].zfill(8)
         return str(len(binary_str.rstrip('0')))
+    @staticmethod
+    def convert_netmask(cidr):
+        netmask_conversion = {
+            '30': '',
+            '29': '',
+            '28': '',
+            '27': '',
+            '26': '',
+            '25': '',
+            '24': '',
+            '23': '',
+            '22': '',
+            '21': '',
+            '20': '',
+            '19': '',
+            '18': '',
+            '17': '',
+            '16': ''
+        }
+        if cidr not in netmask_conversion:
+            raise ValueError('can''t convert to netmask: {}'.format(cidr))
+        return netmask_conversion.get(cidr)
diff --git a/app/discover/fetchers/db/ b/app/discover/fetchers/db/
index f7eb8bd..85376ed 100644
--- a/app/discover/fetchers/db/
+++ b/app/discover/fetchers/db/
@@ -63,21 +63,23 @@ class DbFetchOteps(DbAccess, CliAccess, metaclass=Singleton):
         return results
     # find matching vConnector by tunneling_ip of vEdge
-    # look for that IP address in ifconfig for the host
+    # look for that IP address in 'ip address show' output for the host
     def get_vconnector(self, doc, host_id, vedge):
         tunneling_ip = vedge["configurations"]["tunneling_ip"]
-        ifconfig_lines = self.run_fetch_lines("ifconfig", host_id)
+        output_lines = self.run_fetch_lines("ip address show", host_id)
         interface = None
-        ip_string = " " * 10 + "inet addr:" + tunneling_ip + " "
+        ip_string = "    inet {}/".format(tunneling_ip)
         vconnector = None
-        for l in ifconfig_lines:
+        for l in output_lines:
             if l.startswith(" "):
                 if interface and l.startswith(ip_string):
                     vconnector = interface
                 if " " in l:
-                    interface = l[:l.index(" ")]
+                    # line format is like this:
+                    # <interface number>: <interface name>: ....
+                    interface = l.split(":")[1].strip()
         if vconnector:
             doc["vconnector"] = vconnector