path: root/app/monitoring/handlers
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-09-29release 1.0 calipso for opnfv apexKoren Lev1-2/+1
Change-Id: I3e63cd27c5f4d3756e67a07c749863a68e84dde2 Signed-off-by: Koren Lev <korenlev@gmail.com>
2017-09-07fix sensu check handling for link checksyayogev2-28/+47
Change-Id: I481d68d90708af194e58f213f1f4c070da76ebc1 Signed-off-by: yayogev <yaronyogev@gmail.com>
2017-09-07change status laber from critical to 'error'Koren Lev1-1/+1
Change-Id: I3f9c02d4c2320e0a4846acabb7563e067519bcfb Signed-off-by: Koren Lev <korenlev@gmail.com>
2017-09-06US2925 add monitoring of host pNIC in OVSyayogev2-86/+136
- check_interface.py: renamed to check_pnic_ovs.py - check_interface.py: check changed to use 'ip link show' command - monitor.py: handle check name where object type contains underscore, specifically 'host_pnic' - monitor.py: refactored to work as class - monitoring_pnic.py: changed to handle either OVS or VPP - monitoring_check_handler.py: change to allow defining hard-coded check_type string for file_type naming - monitoring config templates: removed default handler Change-Id: Iad38fa108e9ceae18a7c94b3570a8d9b836a8632 Signed-off-by: yayogev <yaronyogev@gmail.com>
2017-07-27Calipso initial release for OPNFVYaron Yogev9-0/+390
Change-Id: I7210c244b0c10fa80bfa8c77cb86c9d6ddf8bc88 Signed-off-by: Yaron Yogev <yaronyogev@gmail.com>