path: root/ui/imports/ui/components/vedge-info-window/vedge-info-window.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/imports/ui/components/vedge-info-window/vedge-info-window.js')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/imports/ui/components/vedge-info-window/vedge-info-window.js b/ui/imports/ui/components/vedge-info-window/vedge-info-window.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a278f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/imports/ui/components/vedge-info-window/vedge-info-window.js
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) and others /
+// /
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials /
+// are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 /
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at /
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 /
+ * Template Component: VedgeInfoWindow
+ */
+//import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
+import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
+import { ReactiveDict } from 'meteor/reactive-dict';
+import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema';
+//import { VedgeFlows } from '/imports/api/vedge_flows/vedge_flows';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+//import * as moment from 'moment';
+import '/imports/ui/components/flow-graph/flow-graph';
+import '/imports/ui/components/time-selection-widget/time-selection-widget';
+import './vedge-info-window.html';
+ * Lifecycles
+ */
+Template.VedgeInfoWindow.onCreated(function() {
+ let instance = this;
+ instance.state = new ReactiveDict();
+ instance.state.setDefault({
+ showMessage: false,
+ messageType: null,
+ message: null,
+ environment: null,
+ object_id: null,
+ flowTypes: [],
+ name: null,
+ srcMacAddresses: [],
+ dstMacAddresses: [],
+ srcIPv4Addresses: [],
+ dstIPv4Addresses: [],
+ selectedFlowType: null,
+ selectedSrcMacAddress: null,
+ selectedDstMacAddress: null,
+ selectedSrcIPv4Address: null,
+ selectedDstIPv4Address: null,
+ simulateGraph: false,
+ show: false,
+ yScale: 5000000,
+ startDateTime: null
+ });
+ instance.autorun(() => {
+ new SimpleSchema({
+ environment: { type: String },
+ object_id: { type: String },
+ name: { type: String },
+ left: { type: Number },
+ top: { type: Number },
+ show: { type: Boolean },
+ onCloseRequested: { type: Function }
+ }).validate(Template.currentData());
+ instance.state.set('show', Template.currentData().show);
+ instance.state.set('environment', Template.currentData().environment);
+ instance.state.set('object_id', Template.currentData().object_id);
+ });
+ instance.autorun(() => {
+ let environment = instance.state.get('environment');
+ let object_id = instance.state.get('object_id');
+ let flowType = instance.state.get('selectedFlowType');
+ Meteor.call('statistics.flowTypes?env&object_id&type', {
+ env: environment,
+ object_id: object_id,
+ type: 'vedge_flows'
+ }, (err, res) => {
+ if (! R.isNil(err)) {
+ showMessage(instance, 'danger',
+ 'error in query for: flowTypes' + '\n' + err);
+ return;
+ }
+ let flowTypes = R.pipe(
+ R.map(R.prop('flowType')),
+ R.map((name) => { return { name: name }; })
+ )(res);
+ instance.state.set('flowTypes', flowTypes);
+ });
+ switch (flowType) {
+ case 'L2':
+ fetchL2Addressess(
+ environment,
+ object_id,
+ flowType,
+ instance
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'L3':
+ fetchL3Addressess(
+ environment,
+ object_id,
+ flowType,
+ instance
+ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+Template.VedgeInfoWindow.rendered = function() {
+ this.$('.sm-start-datetime-group').datetimepicker({
+ format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm'
+ });
+ * Events
+ */
+ 'click .sm-close-button': function (event, instance) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ instance.data.onCloseRequested();
+ },
+ 'change .sm-flow-type-select': function (event, instance) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ let selections = R.map(function (optionEl) {
+ return optionEl.value;
+ }, event.target.selectedOptions);
+ instance.state.set('selectedFlowType', selections[0]);
+ },
+ 'change .sm-source-mac-address-select': function (event, instance) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ let selections = R.map(function (optionEl) {
+ return optionEl.value;
+ }, event.target.selectedOptions);
+ instance.state.set('selectedSrcMacAddress', selections[0]);
+ },
+ 'change .sm-destination-mac-address-select': function (event, instance) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ let selections = R.map(function (optionEl) {
+ return optionEl.value;
+ }, event.target.selectedOptions);
+ instance.state.set('selectedDstMacAddress', selections[0]);
+ },
+ 'click .sm-simulate-graph': function (event, instance) {
+ let element = instance.$('.sm-simulate-graph')[0];
+ instance.state.set('simulateGraph', element.checked);
+ },
+ 'input .sm-y-scale-input': function (event, instance) {
+ let element = instance.$('.sm-y-scale-input')[0];
+ let val = R.ifElse(isNaN, R.always(5000000), Number)(element.value);
+ instance.state.set('yScale', val);
+ },
+ 'dp.change .sm-start-datetime-group': function (event, instance) {
+ let element = instance.$('.sm-start-datetime')[0];
+ //let startDateTime = moment(element.value);
+ instance.state.set('startDateTime', element.value);
+ }
+ * Helpers
+ */
+ flowTypes: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('flowTypes');
+ },
+ srcMacAddresses: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('srcMacAddresses');
+ },
+ dstMacAddresses: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('dstMacAddresses');
+ },
+ srcIPv4Addresses: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('srcIPv4Addresses');
+ },
+ dstIPv4Addresses: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('dstIPv4Addresses');
+ },
+ selectedFlowType: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('selectedFlowType');
+ },
+ is: function (src, trg) {
+ return src === trg;
+ },
+ isShow: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('show');
+ },
+ isShowGraph: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ let show = instance.state.get('show');
+ if (! show) { return false; }
+ let info = {
+ env: instance.state.get('environment'),
+ object_id: instance.state.get('object_id'),
+ flowType: instance.state.get('selectedFlowType'),
+ sourceMacAddress: instance.state.get('selectedSrcMacAddress'),
+ destinationMacAddress: instance.state.get('selectedDstMacAddress'),
+ sourceIPv4Address: instance.state.get('selectedSrcIPv4Address'),
+ destinationIPv4Address: instance.state.get('selectedDstIPv4Address')
+ };
+ if (R.any(R.either(R.isNil, R.isEmpty))([info.env, info.object_id, info.flowType])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let sourceDestVals = R.cond([
+ [R.equals('L2'), R.always([info.sourceMacAddress, info.destinationMacAddress])],
+ [R.equals('L3'), R.always([info.sourceIPv4Address, info.destinationIPv4Address])]
+ ])(info.flowType);
+ if (R.any(R.either(R.isNil, R.isEmpty))(sourceDestVals)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ argsFlowGraph: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return {
+ env: instance.state.get('environment'),
+ object_id: instance.state.get('object_id'),
+ type: 'vedge_flows',
+ flowType: instance.state.get('selectedFlowType'),
+ sourceMacAddress: instance.state.get('selectedSrcMacAddress'),
+ destinationMacAddress: instance.state.get('selectedDstMacAddress'),
+ sourceIPv4Address: instance.state.get('selectedSrcIPv4Address'),
+ destinationIPv4Address: instance.state.get('selectedDstIPv4Address'),
+ simulateGraph: instance.state.get('simulateGraph'),
+ yScale: instance.state.get('yScale'),
+ startDateTime: instance.state.get('startDateTime')
+ };
+ },
+ showMessage: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('showMessage');
+ },
+ message: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('message');
+ },
+ messageType: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('messageType');
+ },
+function showMessage(instance, type, message) {
+ instance.state.set('showMessage', true);
+ instance.state.set('messageType', type);
+ instance.state.set('message', message);
+function fetchL2Addressess(
+ environment,
+ id,
+ flowType,
+ instance) {
+ Meteor.call('statistics.srcMacAddresses?env&object_id&type&flowType', {
+ env: environment,
+ object_id: id,
+ type: 'vedge_flows',
+ flowType: flowType
+ }, (err, res) => {
+ if (!R.isNil(err)) {
+ showMessage(instance, 'danger', 'error in query for: srcMacAddresses');
+ return;
+ }
+ let addresses = R.map((address) => { return address.sourceMacAddress; } )(res);
+ instance.state.set('srcMacAddresses', addresses);
+ });
+ Meteor.call('statistics.dstMacAddresses?env&object_id&type&flowType', {
+ env: environment,
+ object_id: id,
+ type: 'vedge_flows',
+ flowType: flowType
+ }, (err, res) => {
+ if (!R.isNil(err)) {
+ showMessage(instance, 'danger',
+ `error in query for: dstMacAddresses
+ message: ${err.message}` );
+ return;
+ }
+ let addresses = R.map((address) => {
+ return address.destinationMacAddress;
+ })(res);
+ instance.state.set('dstMacAddresses', addresses);
+ });
+function fetchL3Addressess(
+ environment,
+ id,
+ flowType,
+ instance) {
+ Meteor.call('statistics.srcIPv4Addresses?env&object_id&type&flowType', {
+ env: environment,
+ object_id: id,
+ type: 'vedge_flows',
+ flowType: flowType
+ }, (err, res) => {
+ if (!R.isNil(err)) {
+ showMessage(instance, 'danger', 'error in query for: src ip addresses');
+ return;
+ }
+ let addresses = R.map((address) => { return address.sourceIPv4Address; } )(res);
+ instance.state.set('srcIPv4Addresses', addresses);
+ });
+ Meteor.call('statistics.dstIPv4Addresses?env&object_id&type&flowType', {
+ env: environment,
+ object_id: id,
+ type: 'vedge_flows',
+ flowType: flowType
+ }, (err, res) => {
+ if (!R.isNil(err)) {
+ showMessage(instance, 'danger', 'error in query for: dst ip addresses');
+ return;
+ }
+ let addresses = R.map((address) => { return address.destinationIPv4Address; } )(res);
+ instance.state.set('dstIPv4Addresses', addresses);
+ });