path: root/app/connection_test/connection_test.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/connection_test/connection_test.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/app/connection_test/connection_test.py b/app/connection_test/connection_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d9d6af7..0000000
--- a/app/connection_test/connection_test.py
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-# Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) #
-# and others #
-# #
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials #
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 #
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at #
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
-import argparse
-import datetime
-from kombu import Connection
-import time
-import pymongo
-from functools import partial
-from discover.fetchers.api.api_access import ApiAccess
-from discover.fetchers.db.db_access import DbAccess
-from discover.manager import Manager
-from utils.constants import ConnectionTestStatus, ConnectionTestType
-from utils.logging.file_logger import FileLogger
-from utils.mongo_access import MongoAccess
-from utils.ssh_connection import *
-def test_openstack(config, test_request):
- try:
- api = ApiAccess(config)
- ConnectionTest.report_success(test_request,
- ConnectionTestType.OPENSTACK.value)
- if api:
- pass
- except ValueError:
- pass
-def test_mysql(config, test_request):
- db_access = DbAccess(config)
- ConnectionTest.report_success(test_request, ConnectionTestType.MYSQL.value)
- if db_access:
- pass
-def test_ssh_connect(config) -> bool:
- ssh = SshConnection(config.get('host', ''),
- config.get('user', ''),
- _pwd=config.get('pwd'),
- _key=config.get('key'),
- _port=int(config.get('port',
- SshConnection.DEFAULT_PORT)))
- ret = ssh.connect()
- return ret
-def test_cli(config, test_request):
- ret = test_ssh_connect(config)
- ConnectionTest.set_test_result(test_request,
- ConnectionTestType.CLI.value,
- ret)
-def test_amqp_connect(config):
- connect_url = 'amqp://{user}:{pwd}@{host}:{port}//' \
- .format(user=config.get("user", ''),
- pwd=config.get('pwd', ''),
- host=config.get('host', ''),
- port=int(config.get('port', 5671)))
- conn = Connection(connect_url)
- conn.connect()
-def test_amqp(config, test_request):
- test_amqp_connect(config)
- ConnectionTest.report_success(test_request, ConnectionTestType.AMQP.value)
-def test_monitoring(config, test_request):
- # for monitoring configuration test, need to test:
- # 1. SSH access
- # 2. RabbitMQ access
- ssh_config = {
- 'host': config.get('server_ip'),
- 'user': config.get('ssh_user'),
- 'pwd': config.get('ssh_password'),
- 'port': int(config.get('ssh_port', 0))
- }
- if not test_ssh_connect(ssh_config):
- return
- amqp_connect_config = {
- 'user': config.get('rabbitmq_user', ''),
- 'pwd': config.get('rabbitmq_pass', ''),
- 'host': config.get('server_ip'),
- 'port': int(config.get('rabbitmq_port', 5672)),
- }
- test_amqp_connect(amqp_connect_config)
- ConnectionTest.report_success(test_request, ConnectionTestType.AMQP.value)
-def test_aci(config, test_request):
- pass
- ConnectionTestType.OPENSTACK.value: test_openstack,
- ConnectionTestType.MYSQL.value: test_mysql,
- ConnectionTestType.CLI.value: test_cli,
- ConnectionTestType.AMQP.value: test_amqp,
- ConnectionTestType.ACI.value: test_aci,
- ConnectionTestType.MONITORING.value: test_monitoring
-class ConnectionTest(Manager):
- 'mongo_config': '',
- 'connection_tests': 'connection_tests',
- 'environments': 'environments_config',
- 'interval': 1,
- 'loglevel': 'WARNING'
- }
- def __init__(self):
- self.args = self.get_args()
- super().__init__(log_directory=self.args.log_directory,
- mongo_config_file=self.args.mongo_config)
- self.db_client = None
- self.connection_tests_collection = None
- self.environments_collection = None
- @staticmethod
- def get_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-m', '--mongo_config', nargs='?', type=str,
- default=ConnectionTest.DEFAULTS['mongo_config'],
- help='Name of config file ' +
- 'with MongoDB server access details')
- parser.add_argument('-c', '--connection_tests_collection', nargs='?',
- type=str,
- default=ConnectionTest.DEFAULTS['connection_tests'],
- help='connection_tests collection to read from')
- parser.add_argument('-e', '--environments_collection', nargs='?',
- type=str,
- default=ConnectionTest.DEFAULTS['environments'],
- help='Environments collection to update '
- 'after tests')
- parser.add_argument('-i', '--interval', nargs='?', type=float,
- default=ConnectionTest.DEFAULTS['interval'],
- help='Interval between collection polls'
- '(must be more than {} seconds)'
- .format(ConnectionTest.MIN_INTERVAL))
- parser.add_argument('-l', '--loglevel', nargs='?', type=str,
- default=ConnectionTest.DEFAULTS['loglevel'],
- help='Logging level \n(default: {})'
- .format(ConnectionTest.DEFAULTS['loglevel']))
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--log_directory', nargs='?', type=str,
- default=FileLogger.LOG_DIRECTORY,
- help='File logger directory \n(default: {})'
- .format(FileLogger.LOG_DIRECTORY))
- args = parser.parse_args()
- return args
- def configure(self):
- self.db_client = MongoAccess()
- self.connection_tests_collection = \
- self.db_client.db[self.args.connection_tests_collection]
- self.environments_collection = \
- self.db_client.db[self.args.environments_collection]
- self._update_document = \
- partial(MongoAccess.update_document,
- self.connection_tests_collection)
- self.interval = max(self.MIN_INTERVAL, self.args.interval)
- self.log.set_loglevel(self.args.loglevel)
- self.log.info('Started ConnectionTest with following configuration:\n'
- 'Mongo config file path: {0.args.mongo_config}\n'
- 'connection_tests collection: '
- '{0.connection_tests_collection.name}\n'
- 'Polling interval: {0.interval} second(s)'
- .format(self))
- def _build_test_args(self, test_request: dict):
- args = {
- 'mongo_config': self.args.mongo_config
- }
- def set_arg(name_from: str, name_to: str = None):
- if name_to is None:
- name_to = name_from
- val = test_request.get(name_from)
- if val:
- args[name_to] = val
- set_arg('object_id', 'id')
- set_arg('log_level', 'loglevel')
- set_arg('environment', 'env')
- set_arg('scan_only_inventory', 'inventory_only')
- set_arg('scan_only_links', 'links_only')
- set_arg('scan_only_cliques', 'cliques_only')
- set_arg('inventory')
- set_arg('clear')
- set_arg('clear_all')
- return args
- def _finalize_test(self, test_request: dict):
- # update the status and timestamps.
- self.log.info('Request {} has been tested.'
- .format(test_request['_id']))
- start_time = test_request['submit_timestamp']
- end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- test_request['response_timestamp'] = end_time
- test_request['response_time'] = \
- str(end_time - start_time.replace(tzinfo=None))
- test_request['status'] = ConnectionTestStatus.RESPONSE.value
- self._update_document(test_request)
- @staticmethod
- def set_test_result(test_request, target, result):
- test_request.get('test_results', {})[target] = result
- @staticmethod
- def report_success(test_request, target):
- ConnectionTest.set_test_result(test_request, target, True)
- @staticmethod
- def handle_test_target(target, test_request):
- targets_config = test_request.get('targets_configuration', [])
- try:
- config = next(t for t in targets_config if t['name'] == target)
- except StopIteration:
- raise ValueError('failed to find {} in targets_configuration'
- .format(target))
- handler = TEST_HANDLERS.get(target)
- if not handler:
- raise ValueError('unknown test target: {}'.format(target))
- handler(config, test_request)
- def do_test(self, test_request):
- targets = [t for t in test_request.get('test_targets', [])]
- test_request['test_results'] = {t: False for t in targets}
- for test_target in test_request.get('test_targets', []):
- self.log.info('testing connection to: {}'.format(test_target))
- try:
- self.handle_test_target(test_target, test_request)
- except Exception as e:
- self.log.exception(e)
- if 'errors' not in test_request:
- test_request['errors'] = {}
- test_request['errors'][test_target] = str(e)
- self.log.error('Test of target {} failed (id: {}):\n{}'
- .format(test_target,
- test_request['_id'],
- str(e)))
- self._finalize_test(test_request)
- self._set_env_operational(test_request['environment'])
- # if environment_config document for this specific environment exists,
- # update the value of the 'operational' field to 'running'
- def _set_env_operational(self, env):
- self.environments_collection. \
- update_one({'name': env}, {'$set': {'operational': 'running'}})
- def do_action(self):
- while True:
- # Find a pending request that is waiting the longest time
- results = self.connection_tests_collection \
- .find({'status': ConnectionTestStatus.REQUEST.value,
- 'submit_timestamp': {'$ne': None}}) \
- .sort('submit_timestamp', pymongo.ASCENDING) \
- .limit(1)
- # If no connection tests are pending, sleep for some time
- if results.count() == 0:
- time.sleep(self.interval)
- else:
- self.do_test(results[0])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- ConnectionTest().run()