This module providers a set of profile management solution File: Interface: Settings 1. it is a base class and supports two modes "Default" and "Single" if the mode is "Default", the program will load the 'json' file from 'default' and 'user' , merge the input, save only the 'json' file from 'user' if the mode is "Single", the program will only load and save the 'json' file 2. it saves a file two, one is only in memory and the other is in file 3. it provides two types of functions, one is like "set_" and "add_" and the other is like "mset" and "madd". the functions are automatically registered. 4. You can overload the function _register_func to achieve the functions what you desire by function "_setting_file","_adding_file","_setting_memory" and "_addting_memory" 5. it provides "settings" to show the result in memory 6. it provides "reset" to reload the file Example: 1. create your-settings file and paste the contents { "items1": "value1", "items2": "value2" } 2. create your_settings file and paste the codes import vstf.controller.settings.settings as sets class YourSettings(sets.Settings): def __init__(self, path="./", filename="your-settings", mode=sets.SETS_SINGLE): super(MailSettings, self).__init__(path, filename, mode) def unit_test(): setting = YourSettings() print setting.settings() value1 = "test_set_items1" setting.set_items1(value1) print setting.settings() value2 = "test_set_items2" setting.mset_items2(value2) print setting.settings() settings.reset() print setting.settings() if __name__ == '__main__': unit_test() Tree: