import smtplib import logging import os from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) SRV = 'localhost' USER = None PASSWD = None class Mail(object): def __init__(self, srv=SRV, user=USER, passwd=PASSWD): self.srv = srv self.user = USER self.passwd = PASSWD self._msg = MIMEMultipart('mixed') # addr type self.TO = "To" self.FROM = "From" self.CC = "Cc" self.BCC = "Bcc" self.__addr_choice = [self.TO, self.FROM, self.CC, self.BCC] # text mode self.HTML = "html" self.PLAIN = "plain" self.__mode = [self.HTML, self.PLAIN] # self._charset = 'gb2312' # timeout self.timeout = 10 def attach_addr(self, addr, addr_type): """ :param addr: a list of email address. :param addr_type: must be one of [to, from, cc, bcc] """ if not addr or not isinstance(addr, list): LOG.error("The addr must be a list") return False if addr_type not in self.__addr_choice: LOG.error("Not support addr type") return False if not self._msg[addr_type]: self._msg[addr_type] = ','.join(addr) self._msg[addr_type].join(addr) def attach_title(self, title): """Notice: each time attach title, the old title will be covered. """ if title: self._msg["Subject"] = str(title) def attach_text(self, text, mode): if mode not in self.__mode: LOG.error("The text mode not support.") return False msg_alternative = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg_text = MIMEText(text, mode) msg_alternative.attach(msg_text) return self._msg.attach(msg_alternative) def attach_files(self, files): for _file in files: part = MIMEApplication(open(_file, "rb").read()) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(_file)) self._msg.attach(part) def send(self): server = smtplib.SMTP(self.srv, timeout=self.timeout) if self.user: server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login(self.user, self.passwd) maillist = [] if self._msg[self.TO]: maillist += self._msg[self.TO].split(',') if self._msg[self.CC]: maillist += self._msg[self.CC].split(',') if self._msg[self.BCC]: maillist += self._msg[self.BCC].split(',') ret = server.sendmail(self._msg[self.FROM].split(','), maillist, self._msg.as_string())"send mail ret:%s", ret) server.close() if __name__ == "__main__": m = Mail() m.attach_addr([""], m.FROM) m.attach_addr([""], m.TO) context = """ vstf hello vstf """ m.attach_text(context, m.HTML) m.attach_title("Email from xeson Check") m.send()