############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from vstf.agent.env.vswitch_plugins import model from vstf.common.utils import check_call, get_eth_by_bdf, check_output class BridgePlugin(model.VswitchPlugin): def __init__(self): pass def clean(self): """clean brs created before. """ out = check_output(r"brctl show | grep -v '^\s' | awk '{print $1}'|sed '1,1d'", shell=True) print out for br in out.split(): if br != 'br0': self._del_br(br) return True def init(self): pass def _del_br(self, name): check_call('ip link set dev %s down' % name, shell=True) check_call('brctl delbr %s' % name, shell=True) def create_br(self, br_cfg): """Create a bridge(virtual switch). Return True for success, return False for failure. :param dict br_cfg: configuration for bridge creation like { "name": "br1", "uplinks": [ { "bdf": "04:00.0", }, { "bdf": "04:00.1", } ] } """ name, uplinks = br_cfg['name'], br_cfg['uplinks'] check_call("brctl addbr %s" % name, shell=True) for uplink in uplinks: device = get_eth_by_bdf(uplink['bdf']) check_call("ip link set dev %s up" % device, shell=True) check_call("brctl addif %s %s" % (name, device), shell=True) check_call("ip link set dev %s up" % name, shell=True) return True def set_tap_vid(self, tap_cfg): """linux bridge doesn't support vlan id setting. """ return True def set_fastlink(self, br_cfg): """linux bridge doesn't support openflow protocol. """ return True