#! /bin/bash #this script is copied from https://github.com/guioconnor/Passwordless-SSH. #the Bottlenecks project needs to set the machines login each other passwordless, this script is appropriate. filename="id_rsa" path="$HOME/.ssh" if [ $1 ] then hostname=$1 if [ $2 ] then username=$2 else username="$USER" fi else # Read the host and username to store public key (the host/username accepting passwordless ssh from this computer) echo "What host you want to grant passwordless SSH from this computer?" read hostname echo "What is your username on $hostname? ($USER?)" read username if [ ! $username ] then username="$USER" fi fi # Generate rsa files if [ -f $path/$filename ] then echo "RSA key exists on $path/$filename, using existing file" else ssh-keygen -t rsa -f "$path/$filename" echo RSA key pair generated fi echo "We need to log into $hostname as $username to set up your public key (hopefully last time you'll use password from this computer)" cat "$path/$filename.pub" | ssh "$hostname" -l "$username" '[ -d .ssh ] || mkdir .ssh; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys; chmod 700 ~/.ssh; chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' status=$? if [ $status -eq 0 ] then echo "Set up complete, try to ssh to $host now" exit 0 else echo "an error has occured" exit 255 fi