.. image:: ../etc/opnfv-logo.png
  :height: 40
  :width: 200
  :alt: OPNFV
  :align: left
Infra Setup Guide

This document gives the guide of how to set up the infrastructure for the use of bottlenecks test cases.

Create Instances for the Applications

Firstly, there is a need to set up several instances for the applications which will be installed.

The script create_instances.sh will set up several instances, the parameters used in this script can be obtained according to the following,

Parameter $OPENRC_PATH is the path of where your admin-openrc.sh located, which includes the username and password of your openstack. Other parameters can be obtained under your openstack CLI as listed below,

| parameter   | commond line commond |
| NET_ID      | neutron net-list     |
| FLAVOR_TYPE | nova flavor-list     |
| IMAGE_ID    | nova image-list      |
| SEC_GROUP   | nova secgroup-list   |

Add Floating IPs for the Instances

Check the available floating IPs

.. code-block:: bash

    nova floating-ip-list

Check the status of the instances created

.. code-block:: bash

    nova list

If there're no available floating IPs, to create one

.. code-block:: bash

    nova floating-ip-create <ext_net_name>

replace <ext_net_name> with the external network in your environment.

Associate the floating IP address with the instance

.. code-block:: bash

    nova add-floating-ip <instance name or ID> <allocated_floating_IP>

Revision: _sha1_

Build date:  |today|