############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. and others # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import subprocess as subp def exec_shell(cmd): out, err = subp.Popen(cmd, stdout=subp.PIPE, shell=True).communicate() return out.strip() def get_onetime_data(dir_name): cmd = "grep -in 'remote client nodes' %s/index.html|awk '{print $5}'|awk -F '<' '{print $1}'" % dir_name client_node_num = int(exec_shell(cmd)) cmd = "grep -n 'Number of clients' %s/index.html|awk '{print $5}'|awk -F '<' '{print $1}'" % dir_name each_client_num = int(exec_shell(cmd)) total_client = (client_node_num + 1) * each_client_num cmd = 'grep -n "throughput" %s/stat_client*.html |awk -F "<B>" \'{if (FNR%%2==0 && FNR%%4!=0) {printf "%%s\\n", $3}}\'|awk \'BEGIN{sum=0;}{sum=sum+$1;}END{print sum}\'' % dir_name throughput = int(exec_shell(cmd)) cmd = 'grep -n "Total" %s/stat_client*.html |awk -F "<B>" \'{if (FNR==4) {printf "%%s\\n", $4}}\'|awk -F "</B>" \'BEGIN{sum=0;}{sum=sum+$1;}END{print sum}\'' % dir_name request = int(exec_shell(cmd)) cmd = 'grep -n "Total" %s/stat_client*.html |awk -F "<B>" \'{if (FNR==4) {printf "%%s\\n", $5}}\'|awk -F "</B>" \'BEGIN{sum=0;}{sum=sum+$1;}END{print sum}\'' % dir_name error_request = int(exec_shell(cmd)) return total_client, throughput, request, error_request class RubbosCollector(object): def __init__(self): pass def collect_data(self, data_home): cmd = 'ls -l %s |grep ^d|awk \'{print $9}\'' % data_home result = [] for subdir in exec_shell(cmd).split('\n'): total_client, throughput, request, error_request = get_onetime_data( data_home + '/' + subdir) result.append({'client': total_client, 'throughput': throughput, 'request': request, 'error_request': error_request}) result.sort(key=lambda x: x['client']) return result