#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## '''This file is to do data-plane baseline test for VM pair life-cycle events using netperf. Testing steps are summarized below: 1. run_test load testcase configuration 2. Bottlenecks eliminates the environments limits/constraints 3. Bottlenecks tells Yardstick to prepare environment 4. Bottlenecks tells Yardstick to run test 3.1 to create stack 3.2 to install netperf 3.3 to send/forward packets for t2 seconds 3.4 record results and detroy stack 3.4 after every t1 seconds goto 3.1 and repeat the workflow 5. Bottlenecks collects testing results from Yardstick 6. Bottlenecks tells Yardstick to stop when time ends or system fails the test 7. Bottlenecks sends testing data to bottlenecks-elk''' import utils.logger as log import uuid import json import os import time import threading import datetime import Queue from utils.parser import Parser as conf_parser import utils.env_prepare.quota_prepare as quota_prepare import utils.env_prepare.stack_prepare as stack_prepare import utils.infra_setup.runner.yardstick as runner_yardstick import utils.infra_setup.runner.docker_env as docker_env import math # -------------------------------------------------- # logging configuration # -------------------------------------------------- LOG = log.Logger(__name__).getLogger() test_dict = { "action": "runTestCase", "args": { "opts": { "task-args": {} }, "testcase": "netperf_bottlenecks" } } testfile = os.path.basename(__file__) testcase, file_format = os.path.splitext(testfile) cidr = "/home/opnfv/repos/yardstick/samples/netperf_soak.yaml" runner_DEBUG = True q = Queue.Queue() def env_pre(test_config): test_yardstick = False if "yardstick" in test_config["contexts"].keys(): test_yardstick = True stack_prepare._prepare_env_daemon(test_yardstick) quota_prepare.quota_env_prepare() LOG.info("yardstick environment prepare!") if(test_config["contexts"]['yardstick_envpre']): stdout = runner_yardstick.yardstick_image_prepare() LOG.debug(stdout) def do_test(con_dic): out_file = ("/tmp/yardstick_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".out") parameter_info = dict(test_time=con_dic["scenarios"]["vim_pair_ttl"]) yardstick_container = docker_env.yardstick_info['container'] cmd = runner_yardstick.yardstick_command_parser(debug=runner_DEBUG, cidr=cidr, outfile=out_file, parameter=parameter_info) stdout = docker_env.docker_exec_cmd(yardstick_container, cmd) LOG.info(stdout) out_value = 0 loop_value = 0 while loop_value < 60: time.sleep(2) loop_value = loop_value + 1 with open(out_file) as f: data = json.load(f) if data["result"]["criteria"] == "PASS": LOG.info("Success run yardstick netperf_soak test!") out_value = 1 break elif data["result"]["criteria"] == "FAIL": LOG.error("Failed run yardstick netperf_soak test!") out_value = 0 break q.put((out_value, data["result"]["testcases"])) return out_value def config_to_result( test_duration, added_duration, vim_pair_ttl, vim_pair_lazy_cre_delay, vim_pair_num, vim_pair_success_num, result): testdata = {} test_result = {} test_result["test_duration"] = test_duration test_result["sum_duration"] = added_duration test_result["vim_pair_ttl"] = vim_pair_ttl test_result["vim_pair_cre_interval"] = vim_pair_lazy_cre_delay test_result["vim_pair_num"] = vim_pair_num test_result["vim_pair_success_num"] = vim_pair_success_num test_result["result"] = result testdata["data_body"] = test_result testdata["testcase"] = testcase return testdata def func_run(con_dic): test_date = do_test(con_dic) return test_date def run(test_config): con_dic = test_config["load_manager"] env_pre(test_config) LOG.info("yardstick environment prepare done!") test_duration = float( con_dic["scenarios"]["test_duration_hours"]) * 3600 vim_pair_ttl = float( con_dic["scenarios"]["vim_pair_ttl"]) vim_pair_lazy_cre_delay = float( con_dic["scenarios"]["vim_pair_lazy_cre_delay"]) vim_pair_num = int(math.ceil( (test_duration - vim_pair_ttl) / vim_pair_lazy_cre_delay ) + 1) threadings = [] result = [] vim_pair_success_num = 0 start_time = datetime.datetime.now() LOG.info("Data-path test duration are %i seconds", test_duration) LOG.info("TTL of each VM pair are %i seconds", vim_pair_ttl) LOG.info("Creation delay between VM pairs are %i seconds", vim_pair_lazy_cre_delay) LOG.info("Number of VM pairs to be created are %i", vim_pair_num) for vim_pair_index in xrange(0, vim_pair_num): index_thread = threading.Thread(target=func_run, args=(con_dic,)) threadings.append(index_thread) index_thread.start() vim_pair_error = False for wait_time in xrange(0, int(vim_pair_lazy_cre_delay)): time.sleep(1) while not q.empty(): result.append(q.get()) for one_result in result: if '0' == one_result[0]: vim_pair_error = True break if vim_pair_error: break for one_thread in threadings: one_thread.join() while not q.empty(): result.append(q.get()) for item in result: vim_pair_success_num += int(item[0]) end_time = datetime.datetime.now() added_duration = (end_time - start_time).seconds LOG.info("Number of success VM pairs/threads are %s out %s ", vim_pair_success_num, vim_pair_num) return_result = config_to_result( test_duration, added_duration, vim_pair_ttl, vim_pair_lazy_cre_delay, vim_pair_num, vim_pair_success_num, result ) conf_parser.result_to_file(return_result, test_config["out_file"]) return vim_pair_error