Tomcat Connectors has a special type of worker, the so-called status worker.
The status worker does not forward requests to Tomcat instances. Instead it allows
to retrieve status and configuration information at runtime,
and furthermore to change many configuration items dynamically. This can be done
via a simple embedded web interface.
The status worker is especially powerful, when used together with load balancing workers.
This document does not explain the HTML user interface of the status worker.
Until now it is very simple, so just go ahead and use it. This doc instead
tries to explain the less obvious features of the status worker. We also will give a
complete coverage of the various request parameters and their meaning, so that you can
include the status worker in your automation scripts.
The documentation of the status worker starts with jk 1.2.20
The status worker knows about six actions.
For most actions you can choose between 4 output formats.
In the HTML view, there is an automatic refresh feature, implemented via the meta refresh option of HTML. Once you start the automatic refresh, the UI will will respect it for all actions except edit, update and maintain. Even if you navigate through one of those, the automatic refresh will start again as soon as you come back to one of the other actions.
Many parts of the HTML page can be minimised, if they are not interesting for you. There are a couple of "Hide" links, which will collapse parts of the information. The feature exists for the following blocks of information:
Note: The following restriction has been removed starting with version 1.2.26.
The Apache module mod_jk makes use of the internal Apache httpd infrastructure concerning virtual hosts. The downside of this is, that the status worker can only show URL maps, for the virtual host it is defined in. It is not able to reach the configuration objects for other virtual hosts. Of course you can define a status worker in any virtual host you are using. All information presented apart from the URL maps will be the same, independent of the virtual host the status worker has been called in.
The status worker will log changes made to the configuration with log level "info" to the usual JK log file. Invalid requests will be logged with log level "warn". If you want to report some broken behaviour, log file content of level "debug" or even "trace" will be useful.
The basic configuration of a status worker is very similar to that of a usual ajp worker.
You need to specify a name for the worker, and the URLs you want to map to it. The first
part of the configuration happens in the workers.properties file. We define a worker named
mystatus of type status:
As you will learn in the following sections, the status worker is very powerful. You should use the usual authentication and authorisation methods of your web server to secure this URL.
You can also define multiple instances of the status worker, by using different names and URL mappings. For instance you might want to configure them individually and then allow special groups of people to use them
There are a couple of attributes for the workers.properties entries, which allow to customise various aspects of the output of the status worker.
The attribute css can be set to the URL of a stylesheet:
The properties output format can be customised via the attribute prefix. The names of all properties the status worker does output, will begin with this prefix. The default is "worker".
Several attributes influence the format when writing XML output. The attribute ns allows to set a namespace prefix, that will be used for every status worker+element. The default is "jk:". Setting it to "-" disables the namespace prefix.
With the attribute xmlns you can map the prefix to a namespace URL. The default value is xmlns:jk="http://tomcat.apache.org". Setting it to "-" disables the output of the URL.
Finally you can specify an XML document type via the attribute doctype. The specified string will be inserted at the beginning of the document, directly after the xml header. The default is empty.
We urge you to use the builtin access control features of your web server to control access to the status worker URLs you have chosen. Nevertheless two configuration attributes of status workers are helpful. The attribute "read_only" disables all features of the status worker, that can be used to change configurations or runtime status of the other workers. A read_only status worker will not allow access to the edit, update, reset or recover actions. The default value is "False", ie. read/write. To enable read_only you need to set it to "True".
You could configure two status workers, one has read_only and will be made available to a larger
admin group, the other one will be used fully featured, but only by fewer people:
The other attribute you can use is user. By default this list is empty, which means no limit on the users. You can set "user" to a comma separated list of user names. If your web server is configured such that it sends the user names with the request, the status worker will check, if the name attached with the request is contained in it's "user" list.
The user list can be split over multiple occurrences of the "user" attribute.
By default, the user names are matched case sensitively. Starting with version 1.2.21 you can set the attribute user_case_insensitive to "True". Then the comparison will be made case insensitive.
For load balancing workers the status worker shows some interesting overview information. It categorises the members of the load balancer into the classes "good", "bad" and degraded". This feature can be combined with external escalation procedures. Depending on your global system design and your operating practises your preferred categorisation might vary.
The categorisation is based on the activation state of the workers (active, disabled or stopped), which is a pure configuration state, and the runtime state (OK or ERR with possible substates idle, busy, recovering, probing, and forced recovery) which only depends on the runtime situation.
The runtime substates have the following meaning:
By default the status worker groups into "good" all members, that have activation "active" and runtime state not equal to "error" with empty substate. The "bad" group consists of the members, that have either activation "stopped", or are in runtime state "error" with empty substate.
Workers that fit neither of the two groups, are considered to be "degraded".
You can define other rules for the grouping into good, bad and degraded. The two attributes "good" and "bad" can be populated by a comma-separated list ob single characters or dot-separated pairs. Each character stands for the first character of one of the possible states "active", "disabled", "stopped", "ok", "idle", "busy", "recovering" and "error". The additional states "probing" and "forced recovery" are always rated equivalent to "recovering". Comma-separated entries will be combined with logical "or", if you combine a configuration and a runtime state with a dot. the are combined with logical "and". So the default value for "good" is "a.o,a.i,a.b,a.r", for "bad" it is "e,s".
The status worker first tries to match against the "bad" definitions, if this doesn't succeed it tries to match against "good", and finally it chooses "degraded", if no "bad" or "good" match can be found.
This section should help you building automation scripts based on the jk status management interface. This interface is stable in the sense, that we only expect to add further parameters in the future. Existing parameters from previous versions will keep their original semantics. We also expect the output formats XML, Properties and Text to be kept stable. So please use those, if you want to parse status worker output in your automation scripts.
The action is determined by the parameter cmd. It can have the values "list", "show", "edit", "update", "reset", "recover", "version" and "dump". If you omit the cmd parameter, the default "list" will be used. All actions except for "list", "refresh", "version" and "dump" need additional parameters.
The action "dump" has been added in version 1.2.27.
The format is determined by the parameter mime. It can have the values "html", "xml", "txt" and "prop". If you omit the mime parameter, the default "html" will be used. The action "edit" (the edit form) does only make sense for "mime=html".
Actions that operate on a single worker need one or two additional parameters to select this worker. The parameter w contains the name of the worker from the worker list. If an action operates on a member (sub worker) of a load balancer, the parameter w contains the name of the load balancer worker, and the additional parameter sw contains the name of the sub worker.
During automatic refresh, the parameter re contain the refresh interval in seconds. If you omit this parameter, automatic refresh will be off.
The parameter opt contains a bit mask of activated options. The default is 0, so by default no options are activated. The following options exist:
You can use the edit action with a final click to the update button, to change settings of workers. But you can also make direct calls to the update action. The following request parameters contain the configuration information, you want to change. First the list for load balancer workers:
The leading character "v" has been added to the parameters in version 1.2.27. Changing settings for ajp workers has also been introduced in version 1.2.27.
For the details of all parameters, we refer to the workers.properties Reference.
You can use the edit action to edit all settings for a load balancer or for a member of a load balancer respectively on one page. If you want to edit one configuration aspect for all members of a load balancer simultaneously, this will be triggered by the parameter att. The value of the parameter indicates, which aspect you want to edit. The list is the same as in the previous section, except for "vahst" and "vaprt": "vwa", "vwf", "vwn", "vwr", "vwc", "vwd", "vacpt", "vact", "vapt", "vart", "var", "varo" and "vamps". But here you need to put the name into the parameter att, instead of using it as a request parameter name.
The values of the common aspect for all the load balancer members will be given in parameters named "val0", "val1", ....