#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # $Id: tomcat_trend.pl 466585 2006-10-21 22:16:34Z markt $ # Author: Glenn Nielsen # Script for analyzing mod_jk.log data when logging tomcat request data using # the JkRequestLogFormat Apache mod_jk configuration. # # Generates statistics for request latency and errors. Archives the generated # data to files for later use in long term trend graphs and reports. # # tomcat_trend.pl use FileHandle; use Statistics::Descriptive; use Time::Local; # Constants %MON = ('JAN' => 0, 'Jan' => 0, 'FEB' => 1, 'Feb' => 1, 'MAR' => 2, 'Mar' => 2, 'APR' => 3, 'Apr' => 3, 'MAY' => 4, 'May' => 4, 'JUN' => 5, 'Jun' => 5, 'JUL' => 6, 'Jul' => 6, 'AUG' => 7, 'Aug' => 7, 'SEP' => 8, 'Sep' => 8, 'OCT' => 9, 'Oct' => 9, 'NOV' => 10, 'Nov' => 10, 'DEC' => 11, 'Dec' => 11,); @Months = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); # Check the args $logdir= $ARGV[0]; $archivedir = $ARGV[1]; die "Usage: $0 logdir archivedir" unless( length($logdir) && length($archivedir) ); die "Log Directory $logdir doesn't exist" unless( -d $logdir); die "Archive Directory $archivedir doesn't exist" unless( -d $archivedir); # Get start date from global.data if it exists if( -e "$archivedir/global.data" ) { # Get the start date from the last entry in global.data @tail = `tail -1 $archivedir/global.data`; $startdate = (split /\s+/,$tail[0])[0]; ($day, $mon, $year) = (localtime($startdate))[3..5]; if ($day == 31) { $day=1; $month++; if ($month > 11) { $month=0; $year++; } } $startdate = timelocal(0,0,0,$day+1,$mon,$year); } ($day, $mon, $year) = (localtime(time))[3..5]; $curdate = timelocal(0,0,0,$day,$mon,$year); print "Today: " . scalar(localtime($curdate)) . "\n"; # Get the log files names and date they start @logs = `ls -1 $logdir/mod_jk.log*`; foreach( @logs ) { $logfile = $_; chomp($logfile); next if ( $logfile =~ /\.(bz2|gz|zip)$/ ); @head = `head -1 $logfile`; ($mon, $day, $time, $year) = (split /\s+/,$head[0])[1..4]; ($hour, $min, $sec) = split /:/,$time; $year =~ s/\]$//; $logtime = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$MON{$mon},$year-1900); $modjklog{$logtime} = $logfile; } # Set the startdate if this is the first time processing the logs # If we have a startdate, remove log files we con't need to process foreach $logtime ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %modjklog ) { # If logs haven't been processed before, set startdate to time of # first log entry if( $startdate !~ /^\d+$/ ) { $startdate = $logtime; ($day, $mon, $year) = (localtime($startdate))[3..5]; $startdate = timelocal(0,0,0,$day,$mon,$year); last; } if( $logtime > $startdate ) { last; } # Save the previous log file since start date may start here $prevlogfile = $modjklog{$logtime}; $prevlogtime = $logtime; # Remove log files we don't need to process delete $modjklog{$logtime}; } # Add back in the previous log file where we need to start processing if( defined $prevlogtime ) { $modjklog{$prevlogtime} = $prevlogfile; } print "StartDate: " . scalar(localtime($startdate)) . "\n"; $processdate = $startdate; foreach $key ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %modjklog ) { $logtime = $processdate; $logfile = $modjklog{$key}; print "Processing log: $logfile\n"; last if( $key >= $curdate ); $fh = new FileHandle "<$logfile"; die "Open of logfile $logfile failed: $!" unless defined $fh; while( $line = $fh->getline) { chomp($line); ($mon, $day, $time, $year) = (split /\s+/,$line)[1..4]; ($hour, $min, $sec) = split /:/,$time; $year =~ s/\]$//; if( $day !~ /^\d+/ || $hour !~ /^\d+/ || $min!~ /^\d+/ || $sec !~ /^\d+/ ) { print "Unknown log entry: $origline\n" unless $origline =~ /\.c /; next; } $logtime = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$MON{$mon},$year-1900); if( $logtime > $processdate ) { $origline = $line; # Strip off the leading date and time $line =~ s/^\[.*\] //; # See if this is a new 5 minute period $interval = int($logtime/300); if( $interval != $previnterval ) { if( defined $previnterval ) { &IntervalStats(\%Global,\%Interval,$previnterval*300); } undef %Interval; undef @IntervalLatency; undef %IntervalWorkers; $Interval{tomcat_full} = 0; $Interval{client_gone} = 0; $Interval{latency} = \@IntervalLatency; $Interval{workers} = \%IntervalWorkers; $previnterval = $interval; } # See if this is a new day if( $day != $prevday ) { if( defined $prevday ) { &DailyStats($processdate,\%Global); } undef %Global; undef %GlobalWorkers; undef @GlobalLatency; $Global{tomcat_full} = 0; $Global{client_gone} = 0; $Global{interval} = ""; $Global{latency} = \@GlobalLatency; $Global{workers} = \%GlobalWorkers; $Global{errors} = ""; $prevday = $day; $processdate = $logtime; } # Stop processing if logtime is today last if( $logtime >= $curdate ); if( $line =~ /\d\)\]{0,1}: / ) { # Handle a mod_jk error if( $line =~ /(jk_tcp_socket_recvfull failed|ERROR: Receiving from tomcat failed)/ ) { $Global{tomcat_full}++; $Interval{tomcat_full}++; } elsif( $line =~ /(ajp_process_callback - write failed|ERROR sending data to client. Connection aborted or network problems|Client connection aborted or network problems)/ ) { $Global{client_gone}++; $Interval{client_gone}++; } next; } else { # Handle a mod_jk request log entry $line =~ s/^\[.*\] //; $line =~ s/\"(GET|POST|OPTIONS|HEAD)[^\"]*\" //; $line =~ s/[\?\;].*\"//; $line =~ s/\"//g; ($work, $host, $page, $status, $latency) = split /\s+/,$line; $page =~ s/\/\//\//g; $page =~ s/\.\//\//g; if( length($work) <= 0 || length($host) <= 0 || length($page) <= 0 || $status !~ /^\d+$/ || $latency !~ /^\d+\.\d+$/ ) { print "Unknown log entry: $origline\n" unless $origline =~ /\.c /; next; } # Throw out abnormally long requests and log them as an error if( $latency >= 1800 ) { $Global{errors} .= "Error: $page has an HTTP status of $status and an "; $Global{errors} .= "abnormally long request latency of $latency seconds\n"; next; } # Save the data by day for Global, Worker, and Host push @{$Global{latency}},$latency; $workers = $Global{workers}; if( !defined $$workers{$work} ) { undef @{"$work"}; undef %{"$work"}; undef %{"$work-hosts"}; ${"$work"}{latency} = \@{"$work"}; ${"$work"}{hosts} = \%{"$work-hosts"}; ${"$work"}{interval} = ""; $$workers{$work} = \%{"$work"}; } $worker = $$workers{$work}; push @{$$worker{latency}},$latency; if( !defined $$worker{hosts}{$host} ) { undef @{"$work-$host"}; undef %{"$work-$host"}; undef %{"$work-$host-pages"}; ${"$work-$host"}{latency} = \@{"$work-$host"}; ${"$work-$host"}{pages} = \%{"$work-$host-pages"}; ${"$work-$host"}{interval} = ""; $$worker{hosts}{$host} = \%{"$work-$host"}; } $hoster = $$worker{hosts}{$host}; push @{$$hoster{latency}},$latency; if( !defined $$hoster{pages}{$page} ) { undef @{"$work-$host-$page"}; $$hoster{pages}{$page} = \@{"$work-$host-$page"}; } push @{$$hoster{pages}{$page}},$latency; # Save the data by 5 minute interval for Global, Worker, and Host push @{$Interval{latency}},$latency; $workers = $Interval{workers}; if( !defined $$workers{"$work"} ) { undef @{"int-$work"}; undef %{"int-$work"}; undef %{"int-$work-hosts"}; ${"int-$work"}{latency} = \@{"int-$work"}; ${"int-$work"}{hosts} = \%{"int-$work-hosts"}; $$workers{$work} = \%{"int-$work"}; } $worker = $$workers{$work}; push @{$$worker{latency}},$latency; if( !defined $$worker{hosts}{$host} ) { undef @{"int-$work-$host"}; undef %{"int-$work-$host"}; ${"int-$work-$host"}{latency} = \@{"int-$work-$host"}; $$worker{hosts}{$host} = \%{"int-$work-$host"}; } $hoster = $$worker{hosts}{$host}; push @{$$hoster{latency}},$latency; } } } undef $fh; } # If the last log file ends before switch to the current day, # output the last days data if( $logtime < $curdate ) { &IntervalStats(\%Global,\%Interval,$previnterval*300); &DailyStats($processdate,\%Global); } exit; sub IntervalStats($$$) { my $global = $_[0]; my $data = $_[1]; my $interval = $_[2]; ($count,$median,$mean,$stddev,$min,$max) = &CalcStats($$data{latency}); $$global{interval} .= "$interval $count $median $mean $stddev $min $max $$data{client_gone} $$data{tomcat_full}\n"; foreach $work ( keys %{$$data{workers}} ) { $worker = $$data{workers}{$work}; $gworker = $$global{workers}{$work}; ($count,$median,$mean,$stddev,$min,$max) = &CalcStats($$worker{latency}); $$gworker{interval} .= "$interval $count $median $mean $stddev $min $max\n"; foreach $host ( keys %{$$worker{hosts}} ) { $hoster = $$worker{hosts}{$host}; $ghoster = $$gworker{hosts}{$host}; ($count,$median,$mean,$stddev,$min,$max) = &CalcStats($$hoster{latency}); $$ghoster{interval} .= "$interval $count $median $mean $stddev $min $max\n"; } } } sub DailyStats($$) { my $date = $_[0]; my $data = $_[1]; &SaveStats($data,$date,"","global"); &SaveFile($$data{interval},$date,"","daily"); foreach $work ( keys %{$$data{workers}} ) { $worker = $$data{workers}{$work}; &SaveStats($worker,$date,$work,"global"); &SaveFile($$worker{interval},$date,$work,"daily"); foreach $host ( keys %{$$worker{hosts}} ) { $hoster = $$worker{hosts}{$host}; &SaveStats($hoster,$date,"$work/$host","global"); &SaveFile($$hoster{interval},$date,"$work/$host","daily"); $pagedata = ""; foreach $page ( sort keys %{$$hoster{pages}} ) { $pager = $$hoster{pages}{$page}; ($count,$median,$mean,$stddev,$min,$max) = &CalcStats($pager); $pagedata .= "$page $count $median $mean $stddev $min $max\n"; } $pagedata .= $$data{errors}; &SaveFile($pagedata,$date,"$work/$host","request"); } } } sub CalcStats($) { my $data = $_[0]; $stats = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new(); $stats->add_data(@{$data}); $median = $stats->median(); $mean = $stats->mean(); $stddev = $stats->standard_deviation(); $max = $stats->max(); $min = $stats->min(); $count = $stats->count(); return ($count,$median,$mean,$stddev,$min,$max); } sub SaveStats($$$$) { my $data = $_[0]; my $date = $_[1]; my $dir = $_[2]; my $file = $_[3]; if( length($dir) > 0 ) { $dir = "$archivedir/$dir"; } else { $dir = $archivedir; } mkdir "$dir",0755; $outfile = "$dir/${file}.data"; ($count,$median,$mean,$stddev,$min,$max) = &CalcStats($$data{latency}); open DATA, ">>$outfile" or die $!; print DATA "$date $count $median $mean $stddev $min $max"; print DATA " $$data{client_gone} $$data{tomcat_full}" if defined $$data{tomcat_full}; print DATA "\n"; close DATA; } sub SaveFile($$$$) { my $data = $_[0]; my $date = $_[1]; my $dir = $_[2]; my $file = $_[3]; my ($day, $mon, $year); ($day, $mon, $year) = (localtime($date))[3..5]; $year += 1900; $mon++; $mon = "0$mon" if $mon < 10; $day = "0$day" if $day < 10; $file = "$year-$mon-$day-$file"; if( length($dir) > 0 ) { $dir = "$archivedir/$dir"; } else { $dir = $archivedir; } mkdir "$dir",0755; $outfile = "$dir/${file}.data"; open DATA, ">>$outfile" or die $!; print DATA $data; close DATA; }