#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # $Id: tomcat_reports.pl 466585 2006-10-21 22:16:34Z markt $ # Author: Glenn Nielsen # Script for generating reports and graphs using statistical data generated # by the tomcat_trend.pl script. # # The following graphs are created: # # tomcat_request.png # Long term trend graph of total number of tomcat requests handled # # tomcat_median.png # Long term overall trend graph of tomcat request latency median # # tomcat_deviation.png # Long term overall trend graph of tomcat request mean and standard deviation # # tomcat_error.png # Long term trend graph of requests rejected by tomcat. Shows requests rejected # when tomcat has no request processors available. Can be an indicator that tomcat # is overloaded or having other scaling problems. # # tomcat_client.png # Long term trend graph of requests forward to tomcat which were aborted by the remote # client (browser). You will normally see some aborted requests. High numbers of these # can be an indicator that tomcat is overloaded or there are requests which have very high # latency. # # tomcat_reports.pl use GD; use GD::Graph; use GD::Graph::Data; use GD::Graph::lines; use GD::Graph::linespoints; use Statistics::Descriptive; use Time::Local; # Constants %MON = ('JAN' => 0, 'Jan' => 0, 'FEB' => 1, 'Feb' => 1, 'MAR' => 2, 'Mar' => 2, 'APR' => 3, 'Apr' => 3, 'MAY' => 4, 'May' => 4, 'JUN' => 5, 'Jun' => 5, 'JUL' => 6, 'Jul' => 6, 'AUG' => 7, 'Aug' => 7, 'SEP' => 8, 'Sep' => 8, 'OCT' => 9, 'Oct' => 9, 'NOV' => 10, 'Nov' => 10, 'DEC' => 11, 'Dec' => 11,); @Months = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); # Check the args $archivedir = $ARGV[0]; $reportdir = $ARGV[1]; die "Usage: $0 archivedir reportdir" unless( length($archivedir) && ($reportdir) ); die "Archive Directory $archivedir doesn't exist" unless( -d $archivedir); die "Report Directory $reportdir doesn't exist" unless( -d $reportdir); # Read in data from file die "Archive Directory $archivedir has no global.data file" unless( -e "$archivedir/global.data" ); @Data = `tail -365 $archivedir/global.data`; $numdays = $#Data; $daycounter = $numdays; foreach( @Data ) { $line = $_; chomp($line); ($date,$count,$median,$mean,$stddev,$min,$max,$client_gone,$tomcat_full) = split /\s+/,$line; # print "$daycounter $date $count $median $mean $stdev $min $max $client_gone $tomcat_full\n"; $start_time = $date unless $start_time>0; $end_time = $date; push @days,int($daycounter/7); push @count,$count; push @median,$median; push @mean,$mean; push @stddev,$mean+$stddev; push @min,$min; push @max,$max; push @client_gone,$client_gone; push @tomcat_full,$tomcat_full; $daycounter--; } ($day,$mon,$year) = (localtime($start_time))[3..5]; $year += 1900; $startdate = "$Months[$mon] $day, $year"; ($day,$mon,$year) = (localtime($end_time))[3..5]; $year += 1900; $enddate = "$Months[$mon] $day, $year"; # Output request trend graph $outfile = "$reportdir/tomcat_request.png"; unlink $outfile; $stats = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new(); $stats->add_data(@count); $max = $stats->max(); $min = $stats->min(); &RequestGraph(); # Output median latency trend graph $outfile = "$reportdir/tomcat_median.png"; unlink $outfile; $stats = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new(); $stats->add_data(@median); $max = $stats->max(); $min = $stats->min(); &MedianGraph(); # Output latency deviation trend graph $outfile = "$reportdir/tomcat_deviation.png"; unlink $outfile; $stats = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new(); $stats->add_data(@stddev); $stats->add_data(@mean); $max = $stats->max(); $min = $stats->min(); &DeviationGraph(); # Output request error trend graph $outfile = "$reportdir/tomcat_error.png"; unlink $outfile; $stats = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new(); $stats->add_data(@tomcat_full); $max = $stats->max(); $min = $stats->min(); &ErrorGraph(); # Output request error trend graph $outfile = "$reportdir/tomcat_client.png"; unlink $outfile; $stats = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new(); $stats->add_data(@client_gone); $max = $stats->max(); $min = $stats->min(); &ClientGraph(); exit; sub RequestGraph { $graph = GD::Graph::lines->new(800,600); @data = (\@days,\@count); $div = 100; $div = 500 if $max >= 2000; $div = 1000 if $max >= 5000; $div = 5000 if $max >= 20000; $div = 10000 if $max >= 50000; $div = 50000 if $max >= 200000; $div = 100000 if $max >= 500000; $div = 500000 if $max >= 2000000; $div = 1000000 if $max >= 5000000; $ymax = (int($max/$div) + 1)*$div; $ymin = int($min/$div)*$div; $ytick = ($ymax - $ymin)/$div; $graph->set( y_label => 'Requests', title => "Tomcat Requests by Day from $startdate to $enddate", y_min_value => $ymin, y_max_value => $ymax, y_tick_number => $ytick, y_number_format => \&val_format, x_label => 'Weeks Ago', x_label_skip => 7, x_tick_offset => $numdays%7, dclrs => [ qw(green) ], legend_placement => 'BC' ) or warn $graph->error; $graph->set_legend( 'Requests' ); $graph->set_title_font(GD::gdGiantFont); $graph->set_x_axis_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $graph->set_y_axis_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $graph->set_legend_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $gd = $graph->plot(\@data); die "Graph Plot Failed: " . $graph->error unless defined $gd; open IMG, ">$outfile" or die $!; print IMG $gd->png or die $gd->error; close IMG; } sub MedianGraph { $graph = GD::Graph::lines->new(800,600); @data = (\@days,\@median); $div = .05; $div = .1 if $max >= .5; $div = .5 if $max >= 2; $div = 1 if $max >= 5; $div = 5 if $max >= 20; $div = 10 if $max >= 50; $div = 50 if $max >= 200; $div = 100 if $max >= 500; $ymax = (int($max/$div) + 1)*$div; $ytick = $ymax/$div; $graph->set( y_label => 'Latency (Seconds)', title => "Tomcat Request Median Latency by Day from $startdate to $enddate", y_min_value => 0, y_max_value => $ymax, y_tick_number => $ytick, y_number_format => \&val_format, x_label => 'Weeks Ago', x_label_skip => 7, x_tick_offset => $numdays%7, dclrs => [ qw(green) ], legend_placement => 'BC' ) or warn $graph->error; $graph->set_legend( 'Median' ); $graph->set_title_font(GD::gdGiantFont); $graph->set_x_axis_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $graph->set_y_axis_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $graph->set_legend_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $gd = $graph->plot(\@data); die "Graph Plot Failed: " . $graph->error unless defined $gd; open IMG, ">$outfile" or die $!; print IMG $gd->png or die $gd->error; close IMG; } sub DeviationGraph { $graph = GD::Graph::lines->new(800,600); @data = (\@days,\@mean,\@stddev); $div = .1; $div = .5 if $max >= 2; $div = 1 if $max >= 5; $div = 5 if $max >= 20; $div = 10 if $max >= 50; $div = 50 if $max >= 200; $div = 100 if $max >= 500; $ymax = (int($max/$div) + 1)*$div; $ytick = $ymax/$div; $graph->set( y_label => 'Latency (Seconds)', title => "Tomcat Request Latency Mean and Deviation by Day from $startdate to $enddate", y_max_value => $ymax, y_tick_number => $ytick, x_label => 'Weeks Ago', x_label_skip => 7, x_tick_offset => $numdays%7, dclrs => [ qw(green yellow) ], legend_placement => 'BC' ) or warn $graph->error; $graph->set_legend( 'Mean', 'Mean plus Standard Deviation' ); $graph->set_title_font(GD::gdGiantFont); $graph->set_x_axis_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $graph->set_y_axis_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $graph->set_legend_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $gd = $graph->plot(\@data); die "Graph Plot Failed: " . $graph->error unless defined $gd; open IMG, ">$outfile" or die $!; print IMG $gd->png or die $gd->error; close IMG; } sub ErrorGraph { $graph = GD::Graph::lines->new(800,600); @data = (\@days,\@tomcat_full); $div = 5; $div = 10 if $max >=100; $div = 50 if $max >= 200; $div = 100 if $max >= 1000; $div = 500 if $max >= 2000; $div = 1000 if $max >= 5000; $div = 5000 if $max >= 20000; $div = 10000 if $max >= 50000; $div = 50000 if $max >= 200000; $div = 100000 if $max >= 500000; $div = 500000 if $max >= 2000000; $div = 1000000 if $max >= 5000000; $ymax = (int($max/$div) + 1)*$div; $ymin = int($min/$div)*$div; $ytick = ($ymax - $ymin)/$div; $graph->set( y_label => 'Requests', title => "Tomcat Rejected Request by Day from $startdate to $enddate", y_min_value => $ymin, y_max_value => $ymax, y_tick_number => $ytick, y_number_format => \&val_format, x_label => 'Weeks Ago', x_label_skip => 7, x_tick_offset => $numdays%7, dclrs => [ qw(green) ], legend_placement => 'BC' ) or warn $graph->error; $graph->set_legend( 'Tomcat Rejected Requests' ); $graph->set_title_font(GD::gdGiantFont); $graph->set_x_axis_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $graph->set_y_axis_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $graph->set_legend_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $gd = $graph->plot(\@data); die "Graph Plot Failed: " . $graph->error unless defined $gd; open IMG, ">$outfile" or die $!; print IMG $gd->png or die $gd->error; close IMG; } sub ClientGraph { $graph = GD::Graph::lines->new(800,600); @data = (\@days,\@client_gone); $div = 5; $div = 10 if $max >=100; $div = 50 if $max >= 200; $div = 100 if $max >= 1000; $div = 500 if $max >= 2000; $div = 1000 if $max >= 5000; $div = 5000 if $max >= 20000; $div = 10000 if $max >= 50000; $div = 50000 if $max >= 200000; $div = 100000 if $max >= 500000; $div = 500000 if $max >= 2000000; $div = 1000000 if $max >= 5000000; $ymax = (int($max/$div) + 1)*$div; $ymin = int($min/$div)*$div; $ytick = ($ymax - $ymin)/$div; $graph->set( y_label => 'Requests', title => "Tomcat Client Aborted Requests by Day from $startdate to $enddate", y_min_value => $ymin, y_max_value => $ymax, y_tick_number => $ytick, y_number_format => \&val_format, x_label => 'Weeks Ago', x_label_skip => 7, x_tick_offset => $numdays%7, dclrs => [ qw(green) ], legend_placement => 'BC' ) or warn $graph->error; $graph->set_legend( 'Tomcat Client Aborted Requests' ); $graph->set_title_font(GD::gdGiantFont); $graph->set_x_axis_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $graph->set_y_axis_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $graph->set_legend_font(GD::gdSmallFont); $gd = $graph->plot(\@data); die "Graph Plot Failed: " . $graph->error unless defined $gd; open IMG, ">$outfile" or die $!; print IMG $gd->png or die $gd->error; close IMG; } sub val_format { my $value = shift; my $ret; $ret = $value; if( $ret =~ /\./ ) { $ret =~ s/\.(\d\d\d).*/\.$1/; } else { $ret =~ s/(\d+)(\d\d\d)$/$1,$2/; $ret =~ s/(\d+)(\d\d\d),(\d\d\d)$/$1,$2,$3/; } return $ret; } sub size_format { my $value = shift; my $ret; if( $max >= 5000 ) { $value = int(($value/1024)+.5); } $ret = $value; $ret =~ s/(\d+)(\d\d\d)$/$1,$2/; $ret =~ s/(\d+)(\d\d\d),(\d\d\d)$/$1,$2,$3/; return $ret; }