# Scandoc template file.
# This is an example set of templates that is designed to create several 
# different kinds of index files. It generates a "master index" which intended 
# for use with a frames browser; A "package index" which is the root page of 
# the index, and then "package files" containing documentation for all of the 
# classes within a single package.


## For quick and superficial customization, 
## simply change these variables

$project_name     = '[Apache]';
$company_logo     = '<img src="../images/ScanDocBig.jpg">'; # change this to an image tag.
$copyright        = '&copy 2000 [Apache Software Foundation]';
$image_directory  = "../images/";
$bullet1_image    = $image_directory . "ball1.gif";
$bullet2_image    = $image_directory . "ball2.gif";
$bgcolor1         = "#FFFFFF";
$bgcolor2         = "#FFFFFF";


## Begin generating frame index file.

file "index.html";
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; iso-8859-1">
  <frameset cols="190,*">
    <frame src="master.html"  name="Master Index" noresize>
    <frame src="packages.html" name="Documentation">
      <body bgcolor="$bgcolor2" stylesrc="index.html">
        <p>Some Documentation</p>


## Begin generating master index file (left-hand frame).

file "master.html";
    <title>Master Index</title>
  <body bgcolor="$bgcolor1" text=#0000ff link=#0020ff vlink=#0020ff>
    <center><img src="${image_directory}ScanDocSmall.jpg" border="0" /></center>
    <a href="packages.html" target="Documentation">Master Index</a>
      <font size="2">

## For each package, generate an index entry.

foreach $p (packages()) {
  $_ = $p->url;
  >><a href="$_" target="Documentation"><b>$(p.name)</b></a><br>
  foreach $e ($p->classes()) {
    $_ = $e->url;
    >><li><a href="$_" target="Documentation">$(e.fullname)</a>
  foreach $e ($p->globals()) {
    $_ = $e->url;
    >><li><a href="$_" target="Documentation">$(e.fullname)</a>

          <a href="to-do.html" target="Documentation"><b>To-Do List</b></a><br>


## Begin generating package index file

file "packages.html";
    <title>$project_name -- Packages</title>
  <body bgcolor="$bgcolor2">

    <h1>Documentation for $project_name</h1>
    <h2>Package List</h2>

## For each package, generate an index entry.

foreach $p (packages()) {
  $_ = $p->url;
  >><a href = "$_">$(p.name)</a><br>

    <hr size=4>
    Generated by <a href="$scandocURL"><b>ScanDoc $majorVersion.$minorVersion</b></a><br>
    Last Updated: $date<br>



## Generate "To-do list"

file "to-do.html";
    <title>$project_name -- To-Do list</title>
  <body bgcolor="$bgcolor2">


    <h1>To-do list for $project_name</h1>

if (&todolistFiles()) {
  >><hr size=4><p>
  foreach $f (&todolistFiles()) {
    my @m = &todolistEntries( $f );
    if ($f =~ /([^\/]+)$/) { $f = $1; }
    foreach $text (@m) {
      if ($text) {
        print "<li>", &processDescription( $text ), "\n";

    <hr size=4>
    Generated by <a href="$scandocURL"><b>ScanDoc $majorVersion.$minorVersion</b></a><br>
    Last Updated: $date<br>


## Generate individual files for each package.

my $p;
foreach $p (packages()) {
  file $p->name() . ".html";
    <title>$project_name -- $(p.name)</title>
  <body bgcolor="$bgcolor2">
      <font size=6><b>$project_name</b></font>
      <hr size=4><p>

    <h2>Package Name: $(p.name)</h2>

## Generate class and member index at the top of the file.

foreach $c ($p->classes()) {
  >><h3><img src="$bullet1_image" width=18 height=17 align=texttop>
    <a href="$(c.url)">$(c.fullname)</h3></a>
  foreach $m ($c->members()) {
    >><li><a href="$(m.url)">$(m.longname)</a>


## Generate detailed class documentation
foreach $c ($p->classes()) {
 ## Output searchable keyword list
 if ($c->keywords()) {
   print "<!-- ", $c->keywords(), " -->\n";

 >><hr size="4">
   <a name="$(c.anchor)"></a>
   <table bgcolor="ffffff" border="0" cellspacing="4">
       <th align=center colspan=2>
  # Output author tag
  if ($c->author()) {
    >><tr><th width=20% align=right>Author:</th><<

  # Output package version
  if ($c->version()) {
    >><tr><th width=20% align=right>Version:</th><<

  # Output Source file
  if ($c->sourcefile()) {
    >><tr><th width=20% align=right>Source:</th><<

  # Output base class list
  if ($c->baseclasses()) {
    >><tr><th width=20% align=right>Base classes:</th>
    my @t = ();
    foreach $b ($c->baseclasses()) {
      my $name = $b->name();
      if ($url = $b->url()) {
        push @t, "<a href=\"$url\">$name</a>";
      else { push @t, $name; }
    print join( ', ', @t );

  # Output subclasses list
  if ($c->subclasses()) {
    >><tr><th width=20% align=right>Subclasses:</th>
    my @t = ();
    foreach $s ($c->subclasses()) {
      my $name = $s->name();
      if ($url = $s->url()) {
        push @t, "<a href=\"$url\">$name</a>";
      else { push @t, $name; }
    print join( ', ', @t );

  # Output main class description
  print &processDescription( $c->description() );
  # Output "see also" information
  if ($c->seealso()) {
    >><p><dt><b>See Also</b><dd>
    my @r = ();
    foreach $a ($c->seealso()) {
      my $name = $a->name();
      if ($url = $a->url()) {
        push @r, "<a href=\"$url\">$name</a>";
      else { push @r, $name; }
    print join( ',', @r );

  # Output class member index
  if ($c->members()) {
    print "<h2>Member Index</h2>\n";
    print "<ul>";
    foreach $m ($c->members()) {
      >><li><a href="$(m.url)">$(m.fullname)</a>
  # Output class member variable documentation
  if ($c->membervars()) {
    print "<h2>Class Variables</h2>\n";
    print "<blockquote>\n";
    foreach $m ($c->membervars()) { &variable( $m ); }
    print "</blockquote>\n";

  # Output class member function documentation
  if ($c->memberfuncs()) {
    print "<h2>Class Methods</h2>\n";
    print "<blockquote>\n";
    foreach $m ($c->memberfuncs()) { &function( $m ); }
    print "</blockquote>\n";

# Output global variables
if ($p->globalvars()) {
  >><h2>Global Variables</h2>
  foreach $m ($p->globalvars()) { &variable( $m ); }
  print "</blockquote>\n";

# Output global functions
if ($p->globalfuncs()) {
  >><h2>Global Functions</h2>
  foreach $m ($p->globalfuncs()) { &function( $m ); }
  print "</blockquote>\n";

    <hr size=4>
    Generated by <a href="$scandocURL"><b>ScanDoc $majorVersion.$minorVersion</b></a><br>
    Last Updated: $date<br>
} # end of foreach (packages) loop


## Subroutine to generate documentation for a member function or global function

sub function {
  local ($f) = @_;
  if ($f->keywords()) {
    >><!-- $(f.keywords) -->
  <a name="$(f.anchor)"></a>
     <b><img src="$bullet2_image" width=19 height=17 align=texttop>$(f.fullname);</b>
  print &processDescription( $f->description() );
  if ($f->params()) {
	<table width="85%">
    foreach $a ($f->params()) {
      >><tr valign=top><th align=right>
      print &processDescription( $a->description() );
  if ($f->returnValue()) {
    >><dt><b>Return Value</b>
    print &processDescription( $f->returnValue() );
  if ($f->exceptions()) {
      <table width=85%><tr><td colspan=2><hr size=3></td></tr>
    foreach $a ($f->exceptions()) {
      >><tr valign=top><th align=right>
	  print &processDescription( $a->description() );
    >><tr><td colspan=2><hr size=3></td></tr></table>
  if ($f->seealso()) {
    >><dt><b>See Also</b><dd>
    my @r = ();
    foreach $a ($f->seealso()) {
      my $name = $a->name();
      if ($url = $a->url()) {
	push @r, "<a href=\"$url\">$name</a>";
      else { push @r, $name; }
    print join( ',', @r );


## Subroutine to generate documentation for a member variable or global variable.

sub variable {
  local ($v) = @_;
  if ($v->keywords()) {
    print "<!-- $(v.keywords) -->";

    <a name="$(v.name)"></a>
	<b><img src="$bullet2_image" width=19 height=17 align=texttop>$(v.fullname);</b>
  <<print &processDescription( $v->description() );>>
  if ($v->seealso()) {
    >><dt><b>See Also</b><dd>
	$comma = 0;
    foreach $a ($v->seealso()) {
      if ($comma) { print ","; }
      $comma = 1;
      >><a href="$(a.url)">$(a.name)</a>


sub processDescription {
  local ($_) = @_;
  s/^\s+//;				# Remove whitespace from beginning
  s/\s+$/\n/;				# Remove whitespace from end
  s/\n\n/<p>\n/g;			# Replace multiple CR's with paragraph markers
  s:\@heading(.*)\n:<p><h2>$1</h2>:;	# Handle heading text
  # Handle embedded image tags
  s:\@caution:<p><img src=\"${image_directory}/caution.gif\" align=left>:;
  s:\@warning:<p><img src=\"${image_directory}/warning.gif\" align=left>:;
  s:\@bug:<p><img src=\"${image_directory}/bug.gif\">:;
  s:\@tip:<p><img src=\"${image_directory}/tip.gif\">:;

  return $_;