# # Config file for collectd(1). # Please read collectd.conf(5) for a list of options. # http://collectd.org/ # ############################################################################## # Global # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Global settings for the daemon. # ############################################################################## #Hostname "localhost" #FQDNLookup true #BaseDir "${prefix}/var/lib/collectd" #PIDFile "${prefix}/var/run/collectd.pid" #PluginDir "${exec_prefix}/lib/collectd" #TypesDB "/usr/share/collectd/types.db" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # When enabled, plugins are loaded automatically with the default options # # when an appropriate <Plugin ...> block is encountered. # # Disabled by default. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #AutoLoadPlugin false #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # When enabled, internal statistics are collected, using "collectd" as the # # plugin name. # # Disabled by default. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #CollectInternalStats false #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Interval at which to query values. This may be overwritten on a per-plugin # # base by using the 'Interval' option of the LoadPlugin block: # # <LoadPlugin foo> # # Interval 60 # # </LoadPlugin> # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #Interval 10 #MaxReadInterval 86400 #Timeout 2 #ReadThreads 5 #WriteThreads 5 # Limit the size of the write queue. Default is no limit. Setting up a limit is # recommended for servers handling a high volume of traffic. #WriteQueueLimitHigh 1000000 #WriteQueueLimitLow 800000 ############################################################################## # Logging # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Plugins which provide logging functions should be loaded first, so log # # messages generated when loading or configuring other plugins can be # # accessed. # ############################################################################## LoadPlugin syslog #LoadPlugin logfile #LoadPlugin log_logstash #<Plugin logfile> # LogLevel info # File STDOUT # Timestamp true # PrintSeverity false #</Plugin> #<Plugin log_logstash> # LogLevel info # File "${prefix}/var/log/collectd.json.log" #</Plugin> #<Plugin syslog> # LogLevel info #</Plugin> ############################################################################## # LoadPlugin section # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Lines beginning with a single `#' belong to plugins which have been built # # but are disabled by default. # # # # Lines begnning with `##' belong to plugins which have not been built due # # to missing dependencies or because they have been deactivated explicitly. # ############################################################################## #LoadPlugin aggregation #LoadPlugin amqp #LoadPlugin apache #LoadPlugin apcups ##LoadPlugin apple_sensors ##LoadPlugin aquaero #LoadPlugin ascent ##LoadPlugin barometer #LoadPlugin battery #LoadPlugin bind #LoadPlugin ceph #LoadPlugin conntrack #LoadPlugin contextswitch #LoadPlugin cgroups LoadPlugin cpu #LoadPlugin cpufreq #LoadPlugin csv #LoadPlugin curl #LoadPlugin curl_json #LoadPlugin curl_xml #LoadPlugin dbi #LoadPlugin df #LoadPlugin disk #LoadPlugin dns #LoadPlugin drbd #LoadPlugin email #LoadPlugin entropy #LoadPlugin ethstat #LoadPlugin exec #LoadPlugin fhcount #LoadPlugin filecount #LoadPlugin fscache #LoadPlugin gmond #LoadPlugin hddtemp LoadPlugin interface #LoadPlugin ipc #LoadPlugin iptables #LoadPlugin ipmi #LoadPlugin ipvs #LoadPlugin irq ##LoadPlugin java LoadPlugin load ##LoadPlugin lpar #LoadPlugin lvm #LoadPlugin madwifi #LoadPlugin mbmon #LoadPlugin md #LoadPlugin memcachec #LoadPlugin memcached LoadPlugin memory #LoadPlugin modbus #LoadPlugin multimeter #LoadPlugin mysql ##LoadPlugin netapp #LoadPlugin netlink LoadPlugin network #LoadPlugin nfs #LoadPlugin nginx ##LoadPlugin notify_desktop #LoadPlugin notify_email #LoadPlugin ntpd #LoadPlugin numa #LoadPlugin nut #LoadPlugin olsrd #LoadPlugin onewire ##LoadPlugin openldap #LoadPlugin openvpn ##LoadPlugin oracle #LoadPlugin perl #LoadPlugin pinba #LoadPlugin ping #LoadPlugin postgresql #LoadPlugin powerdns #LoadPlugin processes #LoadPlugin protocols #LoadPlugin python #LoadPlugin redis ##LoadPlugin routeros #LoadPlugin rrdcached LoadPlugin rrdtool #LoadPlugin sensors #LoadPlugin serial ##LoadPlugin sigrok ##LoadPlugin smart #LoadPlugin snmp #LoadPlugin statsd #LoadPlugin swap #LoadPlugin table #LoadPlugin tail #LoadPlugin tail_csv ##LoadPlugin tape #LoadPlugin tcpconns #LoadPlugin teamspeak2 #LoadPlugin ted #LoadPlugin thermal #LoadPlugin tokyotyrant #LoadPlugin turbostat #LoadPlugin unixsock #LoadPlugin uptime #LoadPlugin users #LoadPlugin uuid ##LoadPlugin varnish ##LoadPlugin mic #LoadPlugin virt #LoadPlugin vmem #LoadPlugin vserver #LoadPlugin wireless #LoadPlugin write_graphite LoadPlugin write_http ##LoadPlugin write_kafka #LoadPlugin write_log ##LoadPlugin write_mongodb #LoadPlugin write_redis #LoadPlugin write_riemann #LoadPlugin write_sensu #LoadPlugin write_tsdb ##LoadPlugin xmms #LoadPlugin zfs_arc #LoadPlugin zookeeper ############################################################################## # Plugin configuration # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # In this section configuration stubs for each plugin are provided. A desc- # # ription of those options is available in the collectd.conf(5) manual page. # ############################################################################## #<Plugin aggregation> # <Aggregation> # #Host "unspecified" # Plugin "cpu" # #PluginInstance "unspecified" # Type "cpu" # #TypeInstance "unspecified" # # GroupBy "Host" # GroupBy "TypeInstance" # # CalculateNum false # CalculateSum false # CalculateAverage true # CalculateMinimum false # CalculateMaximum false # CalculateStddev false # </Aggregation> #</Plugin> #<Plugin amqp> # <Publish "name"> # Host "localhost" # Port "5672" # VHost "/" # User "guest" # Password "guest" # Exchange "amq.fanout" # RoutingKey "collectd" # Persistent false # StoreRates false # ConnectionRetryDelay 0 # </Publish> #</Plugin> #<Plugin apache> # <Instance "local"> # URL "http://localhost/status?auto" # User "www-user" # Password "secret" # CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt" # </Instance> #</Plugin> #<Plugin apcups> # Host "localhost" # Port "3551" # ReportSeconds true #</Plugin> #<Plugin aquaero> # Device "" #</Plugin> #<Plugin ascent> # URL "http://localhost/ascent/status/" # User "www-user" # Password "secret" # CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt" #</Plugin> #<Plugin "barometer"> # Device "/dev/i2c-0"; # Oversampling 512 # PressureOffset 0.0 # TemperatureOffset 0.0 # Normalization 2 # Altitude 238.0 # TemperatureSensor "myserver/onewire-F10FCA000800/temperature" #</Plugin> #<Plugin "battery"> # ValuesPercentage false # ReportDegraded #</Plugin> #<Plugin "bind"> # URL "http://localhost:8053/" # ParseTime false # OpCodes true # QTypes true # # ServerStats true # ZoneMaintStats true # ResolverStats false # MemoryStats true # # <View "_default"> # QTypes true # ResolverStats true # CacheRRSets true # # Zone "127.in-addr.arpa/IN" # </View> #</Plugin> #<Plugin ceph> # LongRunAvgLatency false # ConvertSpecialMetricTypes true # <Daemon "osd.0"> # SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.0.asok" # </Daemon> # <Daemon "osd.1"> # SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.1.asok" # </Daemon> # <Daemon "mon.a"> # SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.ceph1.asok" # </Daemon> # <Daemon "mds.a"> # SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mds.ceph1.asok" # </Daemon> #</Plugin> #<Plugin cgroups> # CGroup "libvirt" # IgnoreSelected false #</Plugin> #<Plugin cpu> # ReportByCpu true # ReportByState true # ValuesPercentage false #</Plugin> # #<Plugin csv> # DataDir "${prefix}/var/lib/collectd/csv" # StoreRates false #</Plugin> #<Plugin curl> # <Page "stock_quotes"> # URL "http://finance.google.com/finance?q=NYSE%3AAMD" # User "foo" # Password "bar" # Digest false # VerifyPeer true # VerifyHost true # CACert "/path/to/ca.crt" # Header "X-Custom-Header: foobar" # Post "foo=bar" # # MeasureResponseTime false # MeasureResponseCode false # <Match> # Regex "<span +class=\"pr\"[^>]*> *([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+) *</span>" # DSType "GaugeAverage" # Type "stock_value" # Instance "AMD" # </Match> # </Page> #</Plugin> #<Plugin curl_json> # <URL "http://localhost:80/test.json"> # Instance "test_http_json" # <Key "testArray/0"> # Type "gauge" # # Expect: 1 # </Key> # <Key "testArray/1"> # Type "gauge" # # Expect: 2 # </Key> # <Key "testArrayInbetween/0/blarg"> # Type "gauge" # # Expect: 3 # </Key> # <Key "testArrayInbetween/1/blub"> # Type "gauge" # # Expect: 4 # </Key> # <Key "testDirectHit"> # Type "gauge" # # Expect: 5 # </Key> # <Key "testSubLevelHit/oneMoreLevel"> # Type "gauge" # # Expect: 6 # </Key> # </URL> # put this as test.json on your webserver, the above config demonstraces # how to match them. # { # "testArray":[1,2], # "testArrayInbetween":[{"blarg":3},{"blub":4}], # "testDirectHit":5, # "testSubLevelHit":{"oneMoreLevel":6} # } ## See: http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Runtime_Statistics # <URL "http://localhost:5984/_stats"> # Instance "httpd" # <Key "httpd/requests/count"> # Type "http_requests" # </Key> # # <Key "httpd_request_methods/*/count"> # Type "http_request_methods" # </Key> # # <Key "httpd_status_codes/*/count"> # Type "http_response_codes" # </Key> # </URL> ## Database status metrics: # <URL "http://localhost:5984/_all_dbs"> # Instance "dbs" # <Key "*/doc_count"> # Type "gauge" # </Key> # <Key "*/doc_del_count"> # Type "counter" # </Key> # <Key "*/disk_size"> # Type "bytes" # </Key> # </URL> #</Plugin> #<Plugin curl_xml> # <URL "http://localhost/stats.xml"> # Host "my_host" # Instance "some_instance" # User "collectd" # Password "thaiNg0I" # Digest false # VerifyPeer true # VerifyHost true # CACert "/path/to/ca.crt" # Header "X-Custom-Header: foobar" # Post "foo=bar" # # <XPath "table[@id=\"magic_level\"]/tr"> # Type "magic_level" # #InstancePrefix "prefix-" # InstanceFrom "td[1]" # ValuesFrom "td[2]/span[@class=\"level\"]" # </XPath> # </URL> #</Plugin> #<Plugin dbi> # <Query "num_of_customers"> # Statement "SELECT 'customers' AS c_key, COUNT(*) AS c_value FROM customers_tbl" # <Result> # Type "gauge" # InstancesFrom "c_key" # ValuesFrom "c_value" # </Result> # </Query> # <Database "customers_db"> # Driver "mysql" # DriverOption "host" "localhost" # DriverOption "username" "collectd" # DriverOption "password" "AeXohy0O" # DriverOption "dbname" "custdb0" # #SelectDB "custdb0" # Query "num_of_customers" # #Query "..." # #Host "..." # </Database> #</Plugin> #<Plugin df> # Device "/dev/hda1" # Device "" # MountPoint "/home" # FSType "ext3" # IgnoreSelected false # ReportByDevice false # ReportReserved false # ReportInodes false # ValuesAbsolute true # ValuesPercentage false #</Plugin> #<Plugin disk> # Disk "/^[hs]d[a-f][0-9]?$/" # IgnoreSelected false # UseBSDName false # UdevNameAttr "DEVNAME" #</Plugin> #<Plugin dns> # Interface "eth0" # IgnoreSource "" # SelectNumericQueryTypes true #</Plugin> #<Plugin email> # SocketFile "${prefix}/var/run/collectd-email" # SocketGroup "collectd" # SocketPerms "0770" # MaxConns 5 #</Plugin> #<Plugin ethstat> # Interface "eth0" # Map "rx_csum_offload_errors" "if_rx_errors" "checksum_offload" # Map "multicast" "if_multicast" # MappedOnly false #</Plugin> #<Plugin exec> # Exec "user:group" "/path/to/exec" # NotificationExec "user:group" "/path/to/exec" #</Plugin> #<Plugin fhcount> # ValuesAbsolute true # ValuesPercentage false #</Plugin> #<Plugin filecount> # <Directory "/path/to/dir"> # Instance "foodir" # Name "*.conf" # MTime "-5m" # Size "+10k" # Recursive true # IncludeHidden false # </Directory> #</Plugin> #<Plugin gmond> # MCReceiveFrom "" "8649" # <Metric "swap_total"> # Type "swap" # TypeInstance "total" # DataSource "value" # </Metric> # <Metric "swap_free"> # Type "swap" # TypeInstance "free" # DataSource "value" # </Metric> #</Plugin> #<Plugin hddtemp> # Host "" # Port "7634" #</Plugin> #<Plugin interface> # Interface "eth0" # IgnoreSelected false #</Plugin> #<Plugin ipmi> # Sensor "some_sensor" # Sensor "another_one" # IgnoreSelected false # NotifySensorAdd false # NotifySensorRemove true # NotifySensorNotPresent false #</Plugin> #<Plugin iptables> # Chain table chain #</Plugin> #<Plugin irq> # Irq 7 # Irq 8 # Irq 9 # IgnoreSelected true #</Plugin> #<Plugin java> # JVMArg "-verbose:jni" # JVMArg "-Djava.class.path=/usr/share/collectd/java/collectd-api.jar" # # LoadPlugin "org.collectd.java.Foobar" # <Plugin "org.collectd.java.Foobar"> # # To be parsed by the plugin # </Plugin> #</Plugin> #<Plugin load> # ReportRelative true #</Plugin> #<Plugin lpar> # CpuPoolStats false # ReportBySerial false #</Plugin> #<Plugin madwifi> # Interface "wlan0" # IgnoreSelected false # Source "SysFS" # WatchSet "None" # WatchAdd "node_octets" # WatchAdd "node_rssi" # WatchAdd "is_rx_acl" # WatchAdd "is_scan_active" #</Plugin> #<Plugin mbmon> # Host "" # Port "411" #</Plugin> #<Plugin md> # Device "/dev/md0" # IgnoreSelected false #</Plugin> #<Plugin memcachec> # <Page "plugin_instance"> # Server "localhost" # Key "page_key" # <Match> # Regex "(\\d+) bytes sent" # ExcludeRegex "<lines to be excluded>" # DSType CounterAdd # Type "ipt_octets" # Instance "type_instance" # </Match> # </Page> #</Plugin> #<Plugin memcached> # <Instance "local"> # Host "" # Port "11211" # </Instance> #</Plugin> #<Plugin memory> # ValuesAbsolute true # ValuesPercentage false #</Plugin> #<Plugin modbus> # <Data "data_name"> # RegisterBase 1234 # RegisterCmd ReadHolding # RegisterType float # Type gauge # Instance "..." # </Data> # # <Host "name"> # Address "addr" # Port "1234" # Interval 60 # # <Slave 1> # Instance "foobar" # optional # Collect "data_name" # </Slave> # </Host> #</Plugin> #<Plugin mysql> # <Database db_name> # Host "database.serv.er" # User "db_user" # Password "secret" # Database "db_name" # MasterStats true # ConnectTimeout 10 # InnodbStats true # </Database> # # <Database db_name2> # Alias "squeeze" # Host "localhost" # Socket "/var/run/mysql/mysqld.sock" # SlaveStats true # SlaveNotifications true # </Database> #</Plugin> #<Plugin netapp> # <Host "netapp1.example.com"> # Protocol "https" # Address "" # Port 443 # User "username" # Password "aef4Aebe" # Interval 30 # # <WAFL> # Interval 30 # GetNameCache true # GetDirCache true # GetBufferCache true # GetInodeCache true # </WAFL> # # <Disks> # Interval 30 # GetBusy true # </Disks> # # <VolumePerf> # Interval 30 # GetIO "volume0" # IgnoreSelectedIO false # GetOps "volume0" # IgnoreSelectedOps false # GetLatency "volume0" # IgnoreSelectedLatency false # </VolumePerf> # # <VolumeUsage> # Interval 30 # GetCapacity "vol0" # GetCapacity "vol1" # IgnoreSelectedCapacity false # GetSnapshot "vol1" # GetSnapshot "vol3" # IgnoreSelectedSnapshot false # </VolumeUsage> # # <System> # Interval 30 # GetCPULoad true # GetInterfaces true # GetDiskOps true # GetDiskIO true # </System> # </Host> #</Plugin> #<Plugin netlink> # Interface "All" # VerboseInterface "All" # QDisc "eth0" "pfifo_fast-1:0" # Class "ppp0" "htb-1:10" # Filter "ppp0" "u32-1:0" # IgnoreSelected false #</Plugin> <Plugin network> Listen "" "25826" </Plugin> #<Plugin network> # # client setup: # Server "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826" # <Server "" "25826"> # SecurityLevel Encrypt # Username "user" # Password "secret" # Interface "eth0" # ResolveInterval 14400 # </Server> # TimeToLive 128 # # # server setup: # Listen "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826" # <Listen "" "25826"> # SecurityLevel Sign # AuthFile "/etc/collectd/passwd" # Interface "eth0" # </Listen> # MaxPacketSize 1452 # # # proxy setup (client and server as above): # Forward true # # # statistics about the network plugin itself # ReportStats false # # # "garbage collection" # CacheFlush 1800 #</Plugin> #<Plugin nginx> # URL "http://localhost/status?auto" # User "www-user" # Password "secret" # CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt" #</Plugin> #<Plugin notify_desktop> # OkayTimeout 1000 # WarningTimeout 5000 # FailureTimeout 0 #</Plugin> #<Plugin notify_email> # SMTPServer "localhost" # SMTPPort 25 # SMTPUser "my-username" # SMTPPassword "my-password" # From "collectd@main0server.com" # # <WARNING/FAILURE/OK> on <hostname>. beware! do not use not more than two %s in this string!!! # Subject "Aaaaaa!! %s on %s!!!!!" # Recipient "email1@domain1.net" # Recipient "email2@domain2.com" #</Plugin> #<Plugin ntpd> # Host "localhost" # Port 123 # ReverseLookups false # IncludeUnitID true #</Plugin> #<Plugin nut> # UPS "upsname@hostname:port" #</Plugin> #<Plugin olsrd> # Host "" # Port "2006" # CollectLinks "Summary" # CollectRoutes "Summary" # CollectTopology "Summary" #</Plugin> #<Plugin onewire> # Device "-s localhost:4304" # Sensor "F10FCA000800" # IgnoreSelected false #</Plugin> #<Plugin openldap> # <Instance "localhost"> # URL "ldap://localhost:389" # StartTLS false # VerifyHost true # CACert "/path/to/ca.crt" # Timeout -1 # Version 3 # </Instance> #</Plugin> #<Plugin openvpn> # StatusFile "/etc/openvpn/openvpn-status.log" # ImprovedNamingSchema false # CollectCompression true # CollectIndividualUsers true # CollectUserCount false #</Plugin> #<Plugin oracle> # <Query "out_of_stock"> # Statement "SELECT category, COUNT(*) AS value FROM products WHERE in_stock = 0 GROUP BY category" # <Result> # Type "gauge" # InstancesFrom "category" # ValuesFrom "value" # </Result> # </Query> # <Database "product_information"> # ConnectID "db01" # Username "oracle" # Password "secret" # Query "out_of_stock" # </Database> #</Plugin> #<Plugin perl> # IncludeDir "/my/include/path" # BaseName "Collectd::Plugins" # EnableDebugger "" # LoadPlugin Monitorus # LoadPlugin OpenVZ # # <Plugin foo> # Foo "Bar" # Qux "Baz" # </Plugin> #</Plugin> #<Plugin pinba> # Address "::0" # Port "30002" # <View "name"> # Host "host name" # Server "server name" # Script "script name" # </View> #</Plugin> #<Plugin ping> # Host "host.foo.bar" # Interval 1.0 # Timeout 0.9 # TTL 255 # SourceAddress "" # Device "eth0" # MaxMissed -1 #</Plugin> #<Plugin postgresql> # <Query magic> # Statement "SELECT magic FROM wizard WHERE host = $1;" # Param hostname # <Result> # Type gauge # InstancePrefix "magic" # ValuesFrom magic # </Result> # </Query> # <Query rt36_tickets> # Statement "SELECT COUNT(type) AS count, type \ # FROM (SELECT CASE \ # WHEN resolved = 'epoch' THEN 'open' \ # ELSE 'resolved' END AS type \ # FROM tickets) type \ # GROUP BY type;" # <Result> # Type counter # InstancePrefix "rt36_tickets" # InstancesFrom "type" # ValuesFrom "count" # </Result> # </Query> # <Writer sqlstore> # # See contrib/postgresql/collectd_insert.sql for details # Statement "SELECT collectd_insert($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);" # StoreRates true # </Writer> # <Database foo> # Host "hostname" # Port "5432" # User "username" # Password "secret" # SSLMode "prefer" # KRBSrvName "kerberos_service_name" # Query magic # </Database> # <Database bar> # Interval 60 # Service "service_name" # Query backend # predefined # Query rt36_tickets # </Database> # <Database qux> # Service "collectd_store" # Writer sqlstore # # see collectd.conf(5) for details # CommitInterval 30 # </Database> #</Plugin> #<Plugin powerdns> # <Server "server_name"> # Collect "latency" # Collect "udp-answers" "udp-queries" # Socket "/var/run/pdns.controlsocket" # </Server> # <Recursor "recursor_name"> # Collect "questions" # Collect "cache-hits" "cache-misses" # Socket "/var/run/pdns_recursor.controlsocket" # </Recursor> # LocalSocket "/opt/collectd/var/run/collectd-powerdns" #</Plugin> #<Plugin processes> # Process "name" #</Plugin> #<Plugin protocols> # Value "/^Tcp:/" # IgnoreSelected false #</Plugin> #<Plugin python> # ModulePath "/path/to/your/python/modules" # LogTraces true # Interactive true # Import "spam" # # <Module spam> # spam "wonderful" "lovely" # </Module> #</Plugin> #<Plugin redis> # <Node example> # Host "redis.example.com" # Port "6379" # Timeout 2000 # </Node> #</Plugin> #<Plugin routeros> # <Router> # Host "router.example.com" # Port "8728" # User "admin" # Password "dozaiTh4" # CollectInterface true # CollectRegistrationTable true # CollectCPULoad true # CollectMemory true # CollectDF true # CollectDisk true # </Router> #</Plugin> #<Plugin rrdcached> # DaemonAddress "unix:/tmp/rrdcached.sock" # DataDir "${prefix}/var/lib/collectd/rrd" # CreateFiles true # CreateFilesAsync false # CollectStatistics true #</Plugin> <Plugin rrdtool> DataDir "/var/lib/collectd/rrd" CreateFilesAsync false CacheTimeout 120 CacheFlush 900 WritesPerSecond 50 </Plugin> #<Plugin sensors> # SensorConfigFile "/etc/sensors.conf" # Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/temperature-temp1" # Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/fanspeed-fan3" # Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/voltage-in8" # IgnoreSelected false #</Plugin> #<Plugin sigrok> # LogLevel 3 # <Device "AC Voltage"> # Driver "fluke-dmm" # MinimumInterval 10 # Conn "/dev/ttyUSB2" # </Device> # <Device "Sound Level"> # Driver "cem-dt-885x" # Conn "/dev/ttyUSB1" # </Device> #</Plugin> #<Plugin smart> # Disk "/^[hs]d[a-f][0-9]?$/" # IgnoreSelected false #</Plugin> #<Plugin snmp> # <Data "powerplus_voltge_input"> # Type "voltage" # Table false # Instance "input_line1" # Values "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.6050." # </Data> # <Data "hr_users"> # Type "users" # Table false # Instance "" # Values "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemNumUsers.0" # </Data> # <Data "std_traffic"> # Type "if_octets" # Table true # Instance "IF-MIB::ifDescr" # Values "IF-MIB::ifInOctets" "IF-MIB::ifOutOctets" # </Data> # # <Host "some.switch.mydomain.org"> # Address "" # Version 1 # Community "community_string" # Collect "std_traffic" # Interval 120 # </Host> # <Host "some.server.mydomain.org"> # Address "" # Version 2 # Community "another_string" # Collect "std_traffic" "hr_users" # </Host> # <Host "some.ups.mydomain.org"> # Address "" # Version 1 # Community "more_communities" # Collect "powerplus_voltge_input" # Interval 300 # </Host> #</Plugin> #<Plugin statsd> # Host "::" # Port "8125" # DeleteCounters false # DeleteTimers false # DeleteGauges false # DeleteSets false # TimerPercentile 90.0 # TimerPercentile 95.0 # TimerPercentile 99.0 # TimerLower false # TimerUpper false # TimerSum false # TimerCount false #</Plugin> #<Plugin swap> # ReportByDevice false # ReportBytes true # ValuesAbsolute true # ValuesPercentage false #</Plugin> #<Plugin table> # <Table "/proc/slabinfo"> # Instance "slabinfo" # Separator " " # <Result> # Type gauge # InstancePrefix "active_objs" # InstancesFrom 0 # ValuesFrom 1 # </Result> # <Result> # Type gauge # InstancePrefix "objperslab" # InstancesFrom 0 # ValuesFrom 4 # </Result> # </Table> #</Plugin> #<Plugin tail> # <File "/var/log/exim4/mainlog"> # Instance "exim" # Interval 60 # <Match> # Regex "S=([1-9][0-9]*)" # DSType "CounterAdd" # Type "ipt_bytes" # Instance "total" # </Match> # <Match> # Regex "\\<R=local_user\\>" # ExcludeRegex "\\<R=local_user\\>.*mail_spool defer" # DSType "CounterInc" # Type "counter" # Instance "local_user" # </Match> # </File> #</Plugin> #<Plugin tail_csv> # <Metric "dropped"> # Type "percent" # Instance "dropped" # ValueFrom 1 # </Metric> # <Metric "mbps"> # Type "bytes" # Instance "wire-realtime" # ValueFrom 2 # </Metric> # <Metric "alerts"> # Type "alerts_per_second" # ValueFrom 3 # </Metric> # <Metric "kpps"> # Type "kpackets_wire_per_sec.realtime" # ValueFrom 4 # </Metric> # <File "/var/log/snort/snort.stats"> # Instance "snort-eth0" # Interval 600 # Collect "dropped" "mbps" "alerts" "kpps" # TimeFrom 0 # </File> #</Plugin> #<Plugin tcpconns> # ListeningPorts false # AllPortsSummary false # LocalPort "25" # RemotePort "25" #</Plugin> #<Plugin teamspeak2> # Host "" # Port "51234" # Server "8767" #</Plugin> #<Plugin ted> # Device "/dev/ttyUSB0" # Retries 0 #</Plugin> #<Plugin thermal> # ForceUseProcfs false # Device "THRM" # IgnoreSelected false #</Plugin> #<Plugin tokyotyrant> # Host "localhost" # Port "1978" #</Plugin> #<Plugin turbostat> ## None of the following option should be set manually ## This plugin automatically detect most optimal options ## Only set values here if: ## - The module ask you to ## - You want to disable the collection of some data ## - Your (intel) CPU is not supported (yet) by the module ## - The module generate a lot of errors 'MSR offset 0x... read failed' ## In the last two cases, please open a bug request # # TCCActivationTemp "100" # CoreCstates "392" # PackageCstates "396" # SystemManagementInterrupt true # DigitalTemperatureSensor true # PackageThermalManagement true # RunningAveragePowerLimit "7" #</Plugin> #<Plugin unixsock> # SocketFile "/usr/var/run/collectd-unixsock" # SocketGroup "collectd" # SocketPerms "0660" # DeleteSocket false #</Plugin> #<Plugin uuid> # UUIDFile "/etc/uuid" #</Plugin> #<Plugin mic> # ShowCPU true # ShowCPUCores true # ShowMemory true # ShowTemperatures true ## Temperature Sensors can be ignored/shown by repeated #Temperature lines, and ## then inverted with a IgnoreSelectedTemperature. ## Known Temperature sensors: die, devmem, fin, fout, vccp, vddg, vddq # Temperature vddg # IgnoreSelectedTemperature true # ShowPower true ## Power Sensors can be ignored/shown by repeated #Power lines, and ## then inverted with a IgnoreSelectedTemperature. ## Known Temperature sensors: total0, total1, inst, imax, pci3, c2x3, c2x4, vccp, vddg, vddq # Power total1 # IgnoreSelectedPower true #</Plugin> #<Plugin varnish> # This tag support an argument if you want to # monitor the local instance just use </Instance> # If you prefer defining another instance you can do # so by using <Instance "myinstance"> # <Instance> # CollectBackend true # CollectBan false # Varnish 3 and above # CollectCache true # CollectConnections true # CollectDirectorDNS false # Varnish 3 only # CollectESI false # CollectFetch false # CollectHCB false # CollectObjects false # CollectPurge false # Varnish 2 only # CollectSession false # CollectSHM true # CollectSMA false # Varnish 2 only # CollectSMS false # CollectSM false # Varnish 2 only # CollectStruct false # CollectTotals false # CollectUptime false # Varnish 3 and above # CollectVCL false # CollectVSM false # Varnish 4 only # CollectWorkers false # </Instance> #</Plugin> #<Plugin virt> # Connection "xen:///" # RefreshInterval 60 # Domain "name" # BlockDevice "name:device" # InterfaceDevice "name:device" # IgnoreSelected false # HostnameFormat name # InterfaceFormat name # PluginInstanceFormat name #</Plugin> #<Plugin vmem> # Verbose false #</Plugin> #<Plugin write_graphite> # <Node "example"> # Host "localhost" # Port "2003" # Protocol "tcp" # LogSendErrors true # Prefix "collectd" # Postfix "collectd" # StoreRates true # AlwaysAppendDS false # EscapeCharacter "_" # </Node> #</Plugin> <Plugin write_http> <Node "collectd_exporter"> URL "" Format "JSON" StoreRates false </Node> </Plugin> #<Plugin write_http> # <Node "example"> # URL "http://example.com/collectd-post" # User "collectd" # Password "weCh3ik0" # VerifyPeer true # VerifyHost true # CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt" # CAPath "/etc/ssl/certs/" # ClientKey "/etc/ssl/client.pem" # ClientCert "/etc/ssl/client.crt" # ClientKeyPass "secret" # SSLVersion "TLSv1" # Format "Command" # StoreRates false # BufferSize 4096 # LowSpeedLimit 0 # Timeout 0 # </Node> #</Plugin> #<Plugin write_kafka> # Property "metadata.broker.list" "localhost:9092" # <Topic "collectd"> # Format JSON # </Topic> #</Plugin> #<Plugin write_mongodb> # <Node "example"> # Host "localhost" # Port "27017" # Timeout 1000 # StoreRates false # Database "auth_db" # User "auth_user" # Password "auth_passwd" # </Node> #</Plugin> #<Plugin write_redis> # <Node "example"> # Host "localhost" # Port "6379" # Timeout 1000 # </Node> #</Plugin> #<Plugin write_riemann> # <Node "example"> # Host "localhost" # Port 5555 # Protocol TCP # Batch true # BatchMaxSize 8192 # StoreRates true # AlwaysAppendDS false # TTLFactor 2.0 # Notifications true # CheckThresholds false # EventServicePrefix "" # </Node> # Tag "foobar" # Attribute "foo" "bar" #</Plugin> #<Plugin write_sensu> # <Node "example"> # Host "localhost" # Port 3030 # StoreRates true # AlwaysAppendDS false # Notifications true # Metrics true # EventServicePrefix "" # MetricHandler "influx" # MetricHandler "default" # NotificationHandler "flapjack" # NotificationHandler "howling_monkey" # </Node> # Tag "foobar" # Attribute "foo" "bar" #</Plugin> #<Plugin write_tsdb> # <Node> # Host "localhost" # Port "4242" # HostTags "status=production" # StoreRates false # AlwaysAppendDS false # </Node> #</Plugin> #<Plugin zookeeper> # Host "localhost" # Port "2181" #</Plugin> ############################################################################## # Filter configuration # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The following configures collectd's filtering mechanism. Before changing # # anything in this section, please read the `FILTER CONFIGURATION' section # # in the collectd.conf(5) manual page. # ############################################################################## # Load required matches: #LoadPlugin match_empty_counter #LoadPlugin match_hashed #LoadPlugin match_regex #LoadPlugin match_value #LoadPlugin match_timediff # Load required targets: #LoadPlugin target_notification #LoadPlugin target_replace #LoadPlugin target_scale #LoadPlugin target_set #LoadPlugin target_v5upgrade #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The following block demonstrates the default behavior if no filtering is # # configured at all: All values will be sent to all available write plugins. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #<Chain "PostCache"> # Target "write" #</Chain> ############################################################################## # Threshold configuration # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The following outlines how to configure collectd's threshold checking # # plugin. The plugin and possible configuration options are documented in # # the collectd-threshold(5) manual page. # ############################################################################## #LoadPlugin "threshold" #<Plugin threshold> # <Type "foo"> # WarningMin 0.00 # WarningMax 1000.00 # FailureMin 0.00 # FailureMax 1200.00 # Invert false # Instance "bar" # </Type> # # <Plugin "interface"> # Instance "eth0" # <Type "if_octets"> # FailureMax 10000000 # DataSource "rx" # </Type> # </Plugin> # # <Host "hostname"> # <Type "cpu"> # Instance "idle" # FailureMin 10 # </Type> # # <Plugin "memory"> # <Type "memory"> # Instance "cached" # WarningMin 100000000 # </Type> # </Plugin> # # <Type "load"> # DataSource "midterm" # FailureMax 4 # Hits 3 # Hysteresis 3 # </Type> # </Host> #</Plugin>