diff options
authorYang Yu <>2017-09-06 17:49:46 +0800
committerYang Yu <>2017-09-07 11:03:06 +0800
commit1e67766fca7b8535cc84a19c7391dee1afd33d59 (patch)
parent6edf7710c416949a9c1ad3520b6febd3a41deb60 (diff)
Add local support for config preparation before testing
JIRA: BOTTLENECK-103 Lcoal support for finding openstack certs and pod yamls Change-Id: Ia0f0ee2fd841a4f88e82ac3f504613a6f431107e Signed-off-by: Yang Yu <>
2 files changed, 158 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 9901269b..065e725a 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ where:
--report push results to DB (false by default)
- $(basename "$0")
$(basename "$0") -s posca_factor_test"
# Define global variables
@@ -42,11 +41,11 @@ cleanup=false
# Define alias for log printing
info () {
- logger -s -t "" "$*"
+ logger -s -t "BOTTLENECKS INFO" "$*"
error () {
- logger -s -t "bottlenecks.error" "$*"
+ logger -s -t "BOTTLENECKS ERROR" "$*"
exit 1
diff --git a/utils/env_prepare/ b/utils/env_prepare/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..053c9da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/env_prepare/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# This file is to prepare the openstack certs and pod description that required
+# for Bottlenecks tests.
+usage="Script to prepare the configurations before testing.
+ bash $(basename "$0") [-h|--help] [-i <installer>] [--debug]
+ -h|--help show the help text
+ -i|--installer input the name of the installer
+ <installer> one of the following:
+ (compass, fuel, joid, apex)
+ --debug
+ debug option switch
+ $(basename "$0") -i compass"
+# Debug option
+# Process input variables
+while [[ $# > 0 ]]
+ do
+ key="$1"
+ case $key in
+ -h|--help)
+ echo "$usage"
+ exit 0
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -i|--installer)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --debug)
+ redirect="/dev/stdout"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Define alias for log printing
+info () {
+ logger -s -t "BOTTLENECKS INFO" "$*"
+error () {
+ logger -s -t "BOTTLENECKS ERROR" "$*"
+ exit 1
+# Define Variables
+echo "BOTTLENECKS INFO: Downloading Releng"
+[ -d ${RELENG_REPO} ] && rm -rf ${RELENG_REPO}
+git clone ${RELENG_REPO} >${redirect}
+echo "BOTTLENECKS INFO: Downloading Yardstick"
+[ -d ${YARDSTICK_REPO} ] && rm -rf ${YARDSTICK_REPO}
+git clone ${YARDSTICK_REPO} >${redirect}
+# Preparing configuration files for testing
+if [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} != "" ]]; then
+ # Preparing OpenStack RC and Cacert files
+ info "fetching os credentials from $INSTALLER_TYPE"
+ if [[ $INSTALLER_TYPE == 'compass' ]]; then
+ export BRANCH="master"
+ if [[ ${BRANCH} == 'master' ]]; then
+ ${RELENG_REPO}/utils/ -d ${OPENRC} -i ${INSTALLER_TYPE} -a ${INSTALLER_IP} -o ${OS_CACERT} >${redirect}
+ if [[ -f ${OS_CACERT} ]]; then
+ echo "BOTTLENECKS INFO: successfully fetching os_cacert for openstack: ${OS_CACERT}"
+ else
+ echo "BOTTLENECKS ERROR: couldn't find os_cacert file: ${OS_CACERT}, please check if the it's been properly provided."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ ${RELENG_REPO}/utils/ -d ${OPENRC} -i ${INSTALLER_TYPE} -a ${INSTALLER_IP} >${redirect}
+ fi
+ else
+ error "The isntaller is not specified"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -f ${OPENRC} ]]; then
+ echo "BOTTLENECKS INFO: openstack credentials path is ${OPENRC}"
+ if [[ $INSTALLER_TYPE == 'compass' && ${BRANCH} == 'master' ]]; then
+ echo "BOTTLENECKS INFO: writing ${OS_CACERT} to ${OPENRC}"
+ echo "export OS_CACERT=${OS_CACERT}" >> ${OPENRC}
+ fi
+ cat ${OPENRC}
+ else
+ echo "BOTTLENECKS ERROR: couldn't find openstack rc file: ${OPENRC}, please check if the it's been properly provided."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Finding and crearting POD description files from different deployments
+ ssh_options="-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
+ if [ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "fuel" ]; then
+ echo "Fetching id_rsa file from jump_server $INSTALLER_IP..."
+ sshpass -p r00tme sudo scp $ssh_options root@${INSTALLER_IP}:~/.ssh/id_rsa ${BOTTLENECKS_CONFIG}/id_rsa
+ fi
+ if [ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "apex" ]; then
+ echo "Fetching id_rsa file from jump_server $INSTALLER_IP..."
+ sudo scp $ssh_options stack@${INSTALLER_IP}:~/.ssh/id_rsa ${BOTTLENECKS_CONFIG}/id_rsa
+ fi
+ if [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == compass ]]; then
+ options="-u root -p root"
+ elif [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == fuel ]]; then
+ options="-u root -p r00tme"
+ elif [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == apex ]]; then
+ options="-u stack -k /root/.ssh/id_rsa"
+ else
+ echo "Don't support to generate pod.yaml on ${INSTALLER_TYPE} currently."
+ fi
+ if [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} != compass ]]; then
+ cmd="sudo python ${RELENG_REPO}/utils/ -t ${INSTALLER_TYPE} \
+ -i ${INSTALLER_IP} ${options} -f ${BOTTLENECKS_CONFIG}/pod.yaml \
+ -s ${BOTTLENECKS_CONFIG}/id_rsa"
+ echo ${cmd}
+ ${cmd}
+ else
+ cmd="sudo cp ${YARDSTICK_REPO}/etc/yardstick/nodes/compass_sclab_virtual/pod.yaml \
+ echo ${cmd}
+ ${cmd}
+ fi
+ if [ -f ${BOTTLENECKS_CONFIG}/pod.yaml ]; then
+ echo "FILE: ${BOTTLENECKS_CONFIG}/pod.yaml:"
+ cat ${BOTTLENECKS_CONFIG}/pod.yaml
+ else
+ echo "ERROR: cannot find file ${BOTTLENECKS_CONFIG}/pod.yaml. Please check if it is existing."
+ sudo ls -al ${BOTTLENECKS_CONFIG}
+ fi