// Generated on 2017-05-31 using generator-angular 0.15.1 'use strict'; // # Globbing // for performance reasons we're only matching one level down: // 'test/spec/{,*/}*.js' // use this if you want to recursively match all subfolders: // 'test/spec/**/*.js' module.exports = function(grunt) { // Time how long tasks take. Can help when optimizing build times require('time-grunt')(grunt); // Automatically load required Grunt tasks require('jit-grunt')(grunt, { useminPrepare: 'grunt-usemin', ngtemplates: 'grunt-angular-templates', cdnify: 'grunt-google-cdn' }); // Configurable paths for the application var appConfig = { app: require('./bower.json').appPath || 'app', dist: 'dist' }; // Define the configuration for all the tasks grunt.initConfig({ // Project settings yeoman: appConfig, // Watches files for changes and runs tasks based on the changed files watch: { bower: { files: ['bower.json'], tasks: ['wiredep'] }, js: { files: ['<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js'], tasks: ['newer:jshint:all', 'newer:jscs:all'], options: { livereload: '<%= connect.options.livereload %>' } }, jsTest: { files: ['test/spec/{,*/}*.js'], tasks: ['newer:jshint:test', 'newer:jscs:test', 'karma'] }, styles: { files: ['<%= yeoman.app %>/styles/{,*/}*.css'], tasks: ['newer:copy:styles', 'postcss'] }, gruntfile: { files: ['Gruntfile.js'] }, livereload: { options: { livereload: '<%= connect.options.livereload %>' }, files: [ '<%= yeoman.app %>/{,*/}*.html', '.tmp/styles/{,*/}*.css', '<%= yeoman.app %>/images/{,*/}*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif,webp,svg}' ] } }, // The actual grunt server settings connect: { options: { port: 9099, // Change this to '' to access the server from outside. hostname: 'localhost', livereload: 35745 }, livereload: { options: { open: true, middleware: function(connect) { return [ connect.static('.tmp'), connect().use( '/bower_components', connect.static('./bower_components') ), connect().use( '/app/styles', connect.static('./app/styles') ), connect.static(appConfig.app) ]; } } }, test: { options: { port: 9001, middleware: function(connect) { return [ connect.static('.tmp'), connect.static('test'), connect().use( '/bower_components', connect.static('./bower_components') ), connect.static(appConfig.app) ]; } } }, dist: { options: { open: true, base: '<%= yeoman.dist %>' } } }, // Make sure there are no obvious mistakes jshint: { options: { jshintrc: '.jshintrc', reporter: require('jshint-stylish') }, all: { src: [ 'Gruntfile.js', '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js' ] }, test: { options: { jshintrc: 'test/.jshintrc' }, src: ['test/spec/{,*/}*.js'] } }, // Make sure code styles are up to par jscs: { options: { config: '.jscsrc', verbose: true }, all: { src: [ 'Gruntfile.js', '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js' ] }, test: { src: ['test/spec/{,*/}*.js'] } }, // Empties folders to star
LoadPlugin interface
LoadPlugin memory
LoadPlugin disk
LoadPlugin cpu
<Plugin cpu>
ReportByCpu true
ReportByState true
ValuesPercentage true
LoadPlugin write_kafka
<Plugin write_kafka>
Property "metadata.broker.list" "localhost:9092"
<Topic "collectd">
Format JSON