#!/bin/sh GOFMT_FILES=$(gofmt -l .) if [ -n "${GOFMT_FILES}" ]; then printf >&2 'gofmt failed for the following files:\n%s\n\nplease run "gofmt -w ." on your changes before committing.\n' "${GOFMT_FILES}" exit 1 fi GOLINT_ERRORS=$(golint ./... | grep -v "Id should be") if [ -n "${GOLINT_ERRORS}" ]; then printf >&2 'golint failed for the following reasons:\n%s\n\nplease run 'golint ./...' on your changes before committing.\n' "${GOLINT_ERRORS}" exit 1 fi GOVET_ERRORS=$(go tool vet *.go 2>&1) if [ -n "${GOVET_ERRORS}" ]; then printf >&2 'go vet failed for the following reasons:\n%s\n\nplease run "go tool vet *.go" on your changes before committing.\n' "${GOVET_ERRORS}" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${NOTEST}" ]; then printf >&2 'Running short tests...\n' env AMQP_URL= go test -short -v | egrep 'PASS|ok' if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then printf >&2 'go test failed, please fix before committing.\n' exit 1 fi fi