"""Classes used by client.py""" # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import paramiko import time import string import os.path ID_RSA_PATH = '/home/opnfv/.ssh/id_rsa' SSH_KEYS_SCRIPT = '/home/opnfv/barometer/baro_utils/get_ssh_keys.sh' DEF_PLUGIN_INTERVAL = 10 COLLECTD_CONF = '/etc/collectd/collectd.conf' COLLECTD_CONF_DIR = '/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d' class Node(object): """Node configuration class""" def __init__(self, attrs): self.__id = int(attrs[0]) self.__status = attrs[1] self.__name = attrs[2] self.__cluster = int(attrs[3]) if attrs[3] else None self.__ip = attrs[4] self.__mac = attrs[5] self.__roles = [x.strip(' ') for x in attrs[6].split(',')] self.__pending_roles = attrs[7] self.__online = int(attrs[8]) if attrs[3] and attrs[8]else None self.__group_id = int(attrs[9]) if attrs[3] else None def get_name(self): """Get node name""" return self.__name def get_id(self): """Get node ID""" return self.__id def get_ip(self): """Get node IP address""" return self.__ip def get_roles(self): """Get node roles""" return self.__roles class ConfigServer(object): """Class to get env configuration""" def __init__(self, host, user, logger, passwd=None): self.__host = host self.__user = user self.__passwd = passwd self.__priv_key = None self.__nodes = list() self.__logger = logger self.__private_key_file = ID_RSA_PATH if not os.path.isfile(self.__private_key_file): self.__logger.error( "Private key file '{}'".format(self.__private_key_file) + " not found. Please try to run {} script.".format(SSH_KEYS_SCRIPT)) raise IOError("Private key file '{}' not found.".format(self.__private_key_file)) # get list of available nodes ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(self.__host, self.__user, self.__passwd) attempt = 1 fuel_node_passed = False while (attempt <= 10) and not fuel_node_passed: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("fuel node") stderr_lines = stderr.readlines() if stderr_lines: self.__logger.warning("'fuel node' command failed (try {}):".format(attempt)) for line in stderr_lines: self.__logger.debug(line.strip()) else: fuel_node_passed = True if attempt > 1: self.__logger.info("'fuel node' command passed (try {})".format(attempt)) attempt += 1 if not fuel_node_passed: self.__logger.error("'fuel node' command failed. This was the last try.") raise OSError("'fuel node' command failed. This was the last try.") node_table = stdout.readlines()\ # skip table title and parse table values for entry in node_table[2:]: self.__nodes.append(Node([str(x.strip(' \n')) for x in entry.split('|')])) def get_controllers(self): """Get list of controllers""" return [node for node in self.__nodes if 'controller' in node.get_roles()] def get_computes(self): """Get list of computes""" return [node for node in self.__nodes if 'compute' in node.get_roles()] def get_nodes(self): """Get list of nodes""" return self.__nodes def __open_sftp_session(self, host, user, passwd=None): """Connect to given host. Keyword arguments: host -- host to connect user -- user to use passwd -- password to use Return tuple of SSH and SFTP client instances. """ # create SSH client ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # try a direct access using password or private key if not passwd and not self.__priv_key: # get private key self.__priv_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(self.__private_key_file) # connect to the server ssh.connect(host, username=user, password=passwd, pkey=self.__priv_key) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() # return SFTP client instance return ssh, sftp def get_plugin_interval(self, compute, plugin): """Find the plugin interval in collectd configuration. Keyword arguments: compute -- compute node instance plugin -- plug-in name If found, return interval value, otherwise the default value""" ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root') in_plugin = False plugin_name = '' default_interval = DEF_PLUGIN_INTERVAL config_files = [COLLECTD_CONF] \ + [COLLECTD_CONF_DIR + '/' + conf_file for conf_file in sftp.listdir(COLLECTD_CONF_DIR)] for config_file in config_files: try: with sftp.open(config_file) as config: for line in config.readlines(): words = line.split() if len(words) > 1 and words[0] == '') if words and words[0] == '': in_plugin = False if words and words[0] == 'Interval': if in_plugin and plugin_name == plugin: return int(words[1]) if not in_plugin: default_interval = int(words[1]) except IOError: self.__logger.error("Could not open collectd.conf file.") return default_interval def get_plugin_config_values(self, compute, plugin, parameter): """Get parameter values from collectd config file. Keyword arguments: compute -- compute node instance plugin -- plug-in name parameter -- plug-in parameter Return list of found values.""" ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root') # find the plugin value in_plugin = False plugin_name = '' default_values = [] config_files = [COLLECTD_CONF] \ + [COLLECTD_CONF_DIR + '/' + conf_file for conf_file in sftp.listdir(COLLECTD_CONF_DIR)] for config_file in config_files: try: with sftp.open(config_file) as config: for line in config.readlines(): words = line.split() if len(words) > 1 and words[0] == '') if len(words) > 0 and words[0] == '': in_plugin = False if len(words) > 0 and words[0] == parameter: if in_plugin and plugin_name == plugin: return [word.strip('"') for word in words[1:]] except IOError: self.__logger.error("Could not open collectd.conf file.") return default_values def execute_command(self, command, host_ip=None, ssh=None): """Execute command on node and return list of lines of standard output. Keyword arguments: command -- command host_ip -- IP of the node ssh -- existing open SSH session to use One of host_ip or ssh must not be None. If both are not None, existing ssh session is used. """ if host_ip is None and ssh is None: raise ValueError('One of host_ip or ssh must not be None.') if ssh is None: ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(host_ip, 'root') stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) return stdout.readlines() def get_ovs_interfaces(self, compute): """Get list of configured OVS interfaces Keyword arguments: compute -- compute node instance """ stdout = self.execute_command("ovs-vsctl list-br", compute.get_ip()) return [interface.strip() for interface in stdout] def is_ceilometer_running(self, controller): """Check whether Ceilometer is running on controller. Keyword arguments: controller -- controller node instance Return boolean value whether Ceilometer is running. """ lines = self.execute_command('service --status-all | grep ceilometer', controller.get_ip()) agent = False collector = False for line in lines: if '[ + ] ceilometer-agent-notification' in line: agent = True if '[ + ] ceilometer-collector' in line: collector = True return agent and collector def is_installed(self, compute, package): """Check whether package exists on compute node. Keyword arguments: compute -- compute node instance package -- Linux package to search for Return boolean value whether package is installed. """ stdout = self.execute_command('dpkg -l | grep {}'.format(package), compute.get_ip()) return len(stdout) > 0 def check_ceil_plugin_included(self, compute): """Check if ceilometer plugin is included in collectd.conf file If not, try to enable it. Keyword arguments: compute -- compute node instance Return boolean value whether ceilometer plugin is included or it's enabling was successful. """ ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root') try: config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF, mode='r') except IOError: self.__logger.error( 'Cannot open {} on node {}'.format(COLLECTD_CONF, compute.get_id())) return False in_lines = config.readlines() out_lines = in_lines[:] include_section_indexes = [ (start, end) for start in range(len(in_lines)) for end in range(len(in_lines)) if (start < end) and '' in in_lines[end] and '#' not in in_lines[end] and len([i for i in in_lines[start + 1: end] if 'Filter' in i and '*.conf' in i and '#' not in i]) > 0] if len(include_section_indexes) == 0: out_lines.append('\n'.format(COLLECTD_CONF_DIR)) out_lines.append(' Filter "*.conf"\n') out_lines.append('\n') config.close() config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF, mode='w') config.writelines(out_lines) config.close() self.__logger.info('Creating backup of collectd.conf...') config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF + '.backup', mode='w') config.writelines(in_lines) config.close() return True def enable_plugins(self, compute, plugins, error_plugins, create_backup=True): """Enable plugins on compute node Keyword arguments: compute -- compute node instance plugins -- list of plugins to be enabled error_plugins -- list of tuples with found errors, new entries may be added there (plugin, error_description, is_critical): plugin -- plug-in name error_decription -- description of the error is_critical -- boolean value indicating whether error is critical create_backup -- boolean value indicating whether backup shall be created Return boolean value indicating whether function was successful. """ plugins = sorted(plugins) ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root') plugins_to_enable = plugins[:] for plugin in plugins: plugin_file = '/usr/lib/collectd/{}.so'.format(plugin) try: sftp.stat(plugin_file) except IOError: self.__logger.debug( 'Plugin file {0} not found on node {1}, plugin {2} will not be enabled'.format( plugin_file, compute.get_id(), plugin)) error_plugins.append((plugin, 'plugin file {} not found'.format(plugin_file), True)) plugins_to_enable.remove(plugin) self.__logger.debug('Following plugins will be enabled on node {}: {}'.format( compute.get_id(), ', '.join(plugins_to_enable))) try: config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF, mode='r') except IOError: self.__logger.warning( 'Cannot open {} on node {}'.format(COLLECTD_CONF, compute.get_id())) return False in_lines = config.readlines() out_lines = [] enabled_plugins = [] enabled_sections = [] in_section = 0 comment_section = False uncomment_section = False for line in in_lines: if 'LoadPlugin' in line: for plugin in plugins_to_enable: if plugin in line: commented = '#' in line #list of uncommented lines which contain LoadPlugin for this plugin loadlines = [ ll for ll in in_lines if 'LoadPlugin' in ll and plugin in ll and '#' not in ll] if len(loadlines) == 0: if plugin not in enabled_plugins: line = line.lstrip(string.whitespace + '#') enabled_plugins.append(plugin) error_plugins.append(( plugin, 'plugin not enabled in ' + '{}, trying to enable it'.format(COLLECTD_CONF), False)) elif not commented: if plugin not in enabled_plugins: enabled_plugins.append(plugin) else: line = '#' + line error_plugins.append(( plugin, 'plugin enabled more than once ' + '(additional occurrence of LoadPlugin found in ' + '{}), trying to comment it out.'.format( COLLECTD_CONF), False)) elif line.lstrip(string.whitespace + '#').find(' 0: if comment_section and '#' not in line: line = '#' + line if uncomment_section and '#' in line: line = line[line.rfind('#') + 1:] if '' in line: in_section -= 1 if in_section == 0: comment_section = False uncomment_section = False elif '' in line: self.__logger.error( 'Unexpected closure os plugin section on line' + ' {} in collectd.conf, matching section start not found.'.format( len(out_lines) + 1)) return False out_lines.append(line) if in_section > 0: self.__logger.error( 'Unexpected end of file collectd.conf, ' + 'closure of last plugin section not found.') return False out_lines = [ 'LoadPlugin {}\n'.format(plugin) for plugin in plugins_to_enable if plugin not in enabled_plugins] + out_lines for plugin in plugins_to_enable: if plugin not in enabled_plugins: error_plugins.append(( plugin, 'plugin not enabled in {}, trying to enable it.'.format(COLLECTD_CONF), False)) unenabled_sections = [ plugin for plugin in plugins_to_enable if plugin not in enabled_sections] if unenabled_sections: self.__logger.error('Plugin sections for following plugins not found: {}'.format( ', '.join(unenabled_sections))) return False config.close() if create_backup: self.__logger.info('Creating backup of collectd.conf...') config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF + '.backup', mode='w') config.writelines(in_lines) config.close() self.__logger.info('Updating collectd.conf...') config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF, mode='w') config.writelines(out_lines) config.close() diff_command = "diff {} {}.backup".format(COLLECTD_CONF, COLLECTD_CONF) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(diff_command) self.__logger.debug(diff_command) for line in stdout.readlines(): self.__logger.debug(line.strip()) return True def restore_config(self, compute): """Restore collectd config file from backup on compute node. Keyword arguments: compute -- compute node instance """ ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root') self.__logger.info('Restoring config file from backup...') ssh.exec_command("cp {0} {0}.used".format(COLLECTD_CONF)) ssh.exec_command("cp {0}.backup {0}".format(COLLECTD_CONF)) def restart_collectd(self, compute): """Restart collectd on compute node. Keyword arguments: compute -- compute node instance Retrun tuple with boolean indicating success and list of warnings received during collectd start. """ def get_collectd_processes(ssh_session): """Get number of running collectd processes. Keyword arguments: ssh_session -- instance of SSH session in which to check for processes """ stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_session.exec_command("pgrep collectd") return len(stdout.readlines()) ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root') self.__logger.info('Stopping collectd service...') stdout = self.execute_command("service collectd stop", ssh=ssh) time.sleep(10) if get_collectd_processes(ssh): self.__logger.error('Collectd is still running...') return False, [] self.__logger.info('Starting collectd service...') stdout = self.execute_command("service collectd start", ssh=ssh) time.sleep(10) warning = [output.strip() for output in stdout if 'WARN: ' in output] if get_collectd_processes(ssh) == 0: self.__logger.error('Collectd is still not running...') return False, warning return True, warning