# MIT License # # Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import collectd import json import sys import base64 try: # For Python 3.0 and later import urllib.request as url except ImportError: # Fall back to Python 2's urllib2 import urllib2 as url import socket import time from threading import Timer from threading import Lock class Event(object): """Event header""" def __init__(self): """Construct the common header""" self.version = 1.1 self.event_type = "Info" # use "Info" unless a notification is generated self.domain = "" self.event_id = "" self.source_id = "" self.source_name = "" self.functional_role = "" self.reporting_entity_id = "" self.reporting_entity_name = "" self.priority = "Normal" # will be derived from event if there is one self.start_epoch_microsec = 0 self.last_epoch_micro_sec = 0 self.sequence = 0 def get_json(self): """Get the object of the datatype""" obj = {} obj['version'] = self.version obj['eventType'] = self.event_type obj['domain'] = self.domain obj['eventId'] = self.event_id obj['sourceId'] = self.source_id obj['sourceName'] = self.source_name obj['functionalRole'] = self.functional_role obj['reportingEntityId'] = self.reporting_entity_id obj['reportingEntityName'] = self.reporting_entity_name obj['priority'] = self.priority obj['startEpochMicrosec'] = self.start_epoch_microsec obj['lastEpochMicrosec'] = self.last_epoch_micro_sec obj['sequence'] = self.sequence return json.dumps({ 'event' : { 'commonEventHeader' : obj, self.get_name() : self.get_obj() } }).encode() def get_name(): assert False, 'abstract method get_name() is not implemented' def get_obj(): assert False, 'abstract method get_obj() is not implemented' class MeasurementGroup(object): """MeasurementGroup datatype""" def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.measurement = [] pass def add_measurement(self, name, value): self.measurement.append({ 'name' : name, 'value' : value }) def get_obj(self): return { 'name' : self.name, 'measurements' : self.measurement } class MeasurementsForVfScaling(Event): """MeasurementsForVfScaling datatype""" def __init__(self, event_id): """Construct the header""" super(MeasurementsForVfScaling, self).__init__() # common attributes self.domain = "measurementsForVfScaling" self.event_id = event_id # measurement attributes self.additional_measurements = [] self.aggregate_cpu_usage = 0 self.codec_usage_array = [] self.concurrent_sessions = 0 self.configured_entities = 0 self.cpu_usage_array = [] self.errors = { "receiveDiscards" : 0, "receiveErrors" : 0, "transmitDiscards" : 0, "transmitErrors" : 0 } self.feature_usage_array = [] self.filesystem_usage_array = [] self.latency_distribution = [] self.mean_request_latency = 0 self.measurement_fields_version = 1.1 self.measurement_interval = 0 self.memory_configured = 0 self.memory_used = 0 self.number_of_media_ports_in_use = 0 self.request_rate = 0 self.vnfc_scaling_metric = 0 self.v_nic_usage_array = [] def add_measurement_group(self, group): self.additional_measurements.append(group.get_obj()) def add_cpu_usage(self, cpu_identifier, usage): self.cpu_usage_array.append({ 'cpuIdentifier' : cpu_identifier, 'percentUsage' : usage }) def add_v_nic_usage(self, if_name, if_pkts, if_bytes): self.v_nic_usage_array.append({ 'broadcastPacketsIn' : 0.0, 'broadcastPacketsOut' : 0.0, 'multicastPacketsIn' : 0.0, 'multicastPacketsOut' : 0.0, 'unicastPacketsIn' : 0.0, 'unicastPacketsOut' : 0.0, 'vNicIdentifier' : if_name, 'packetsIn' : if_pkts[0], 'packetsOut' : if_pkts[1], 'bytesIn' : if_bytes[0], 'bytesOut' : if_bytes[1] }) def get_obj(self): """Get the object of the datatype""" obj = {} obj['additionalMeasurements'] = self.additional_measurements obj['aggregateCpuUsage'] = self.aggregate_cpu_usage obj['codecUsageArray'] = self.codec_usage_array obj['concurrentSessions'] = self.concurrent_sessions obj['configuredEntities'] = self.configured_entities obj['cpuUsageArray'] = self.cpu_usage_array obj['errors'] = self.errors obj['featureUsageArray'] = self.feature_usage_array obj['filesystemUsageArray'] = self.filesystem_usage_array obj['latencyDistribution'] = self.latency_distribution obj['meanRequestLatency'] = self.mean_request_latency obj['measurementFieldsVersion'] = self.measurement_fields_version obj['measurementInterval'] = self.measurement_interval obj['memoryConfigured'] = self.memory_configured obj['memoryUsed'] = self.memory_used obj['numberOfMediaPortsInUse'] = self.number_of_media_ports_in_use obj['requestRate'] = self.request_rate obj['vnfcScalingMetric'] = self.vnfc_scaling_metric obj['vNicUsageArray'] = self.v_nic_usage_array return obj def get_name(self): """Name of datatype""" return "measurementsForVfScalingFields" class Fault(Event): """Fault datatype""" def __init__(self, event_id): """Construct the header""" super(Fault, self).__init__() # common attributes self.domain = "fault" self.event_id = event_id self.event_type = "Fault" # fault attributes self.fault_fields_version = 1.1 self.event_severity = 'NORMAL' self.event_source_type = 'other(0)' self.alarm_condition = '' self.specific_problem = '' self.vf_status = 'Active' self.alarm_interface_a = '' self.alarm_additional_information = [] def get_name(self): """Name of datatype""" return 'faultFields' def get_obj(self): """Get the object of the datatype""" obj = {} obj['faultFieldsVersion'] = self.fault_fields_version obj['eventSeverity'] = self.event_severity obj['eventSourceType'] = self.event_source_type obj['alarmCondition'] = self.alarm_condition obj['specificProblem'] = self.specific_problem obj['vfStatus'] = self.vf_status obj['alarmInterfaceA'] = self.alarm_interface_a obj['alarmAdditionalInformation'] = self.alarm_additional_information return obj class VESPlugin(object): """VES plugin with collectd callbacks""" def __init__(self): """Plugin initialization""" self.__plugin_data_cache = { 'cpu' : {'interval' : 0.0, 'vls' : []}, 'cpu-aggregation' : {'interval' : 0.0, 'vls' : []}, 'virt' : {'interval' : 0.0, 'vls' : []}, 'disk' : {'interval' : 0.0, 'vls' : []}, 'interface' : {'interval' : 0.0, 'vls' : []}, 'memory' : {'interval' : 0.0, 'vls' : []} } self.__plugin_config = { 'Domain' : '', 'Port' : 30000.0, 'Path' : '', 'Username' : '', 'Password' : '', 'Topic' : '', 'UseHttps' : False, 'SendEventInterval' : 20.0, 'FunctionalRole' : 'Collectd VES Agent', 'GuestRunning' : False, 'ApiVersion' : 5.1 } self.__host_name = None self.__ves_timer = None self.__lock = Lock() self.__event_id = 0 def get_event_id(self): """get event id""" self.__event_id += 1 return str(self.__event_id) def lock(self): """Lock the plugin""" self.__lock.acquire() def unlock(self): """Unlock the plugin""" self.__lock.release() def start_timer(self): """Start event timer""" self.__ves_timer = Timer(self.__plugin_config['SendEventInterval'], self.__on_time) self.__ves_timer.start() def stop_timer(self): """Stop event timer""" self.__ves_timer.cancel() def __on_time(self): """Timer thread""" self.event_timer() self.start_timer() def event_send(self, event): """Send event to VES""" server_url = "http{}://{}:{}{}/eventListener/v{}{}".format( 's' if self.__plugin_config['UseHttps'] else '', self.__plugin_config['Domain'], int(self.__plugin_config['Port']), '{}'.format( '/{}'.format(self.__plugin_config['Path']) if (len(self.__plugin_config['Path']) > 0) else ''), int(self.__plugin_config['ApiVersion']), '{}'.format( '/{}'.format(self.__plugin_config['Topic']) if (len(self.__plugin_config['Topic']) > 0) else '')) collectd.info('Vendor Event Listener is at: {}'.format(server_url)) credentials = base64.b64encode('{}:{}'.format( self.__plugin_config['Username'], self.__plugin_config['Password']).encode()).decode() collectd.info('Authentication credentials are: {}'.format(credentials)) try: request = url.Request(server_url) request.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic {}'.format(credentials)) request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') collectd.debug("Sending {} to {}".format(event.get_json(), server_url)) vel = url.urlopen(request, event.get_json(), timeout=1) collectd.debug("Sent data to {} successfully".format(server_url)) except url.HTTPError as e: collectd.error('Vendor Event Listener exception: {}'.format(e)) except url.URLError as e: collectd.error('Vendor Event Listener is is not reachable: {}'.format(e)) except: collectd.error('Vendor Event Listener unknown error') def bytes_to_gb(self, bytes): """Convert bytes to GB""" return round((bytes / 1073741824.0), 3) def get_hostname(self): if len(self.__host_name): return self.__host_name return socket.gethostname() def event_timer(self): """Event timer thread""" self.lock() try: if (self.__plugin_config['GuestRunning']): # if we running on a guest only, send 'additionalMeasurements' only measurement = MeasurementsForVfScaling(self.get_event_id()) measurement.functional_role = self.__plugin_config['FunctionalRole'] # add host/guest values as additional measurements self.fill_additional_measurements(measurement, exclude_plugins=[ 'cpu', 'cpu-aggregation', 'memory', 'disk', 'interface', 'virt']) # fill out reporting & source entities reporting_entity = self.get_hostname() measurement.reporting_entity_id = reporting_entity measurement.reporting_entity_name = reporting_entity measurement.source_id = reporting_entity measurement.source_name = measurement.source_id measurement.start_epoch_microsec = (time.time() * 1000000) measurement.measurement_interval = self.__plugin_config['SendEventInterval'] # total CPU total_cpu_system = self.cache_get_value(plugin_name='cpu-aggregation', type_instance='system') total_cpu_user = self.cache_get_value(plugin_name='cpu-aggregation', type_instance='user') measurement.aggregate_cpu_usage = round(total_cpu_system[0]['values'][0] + total_cpu_user[0]['values'][0], 2) # CPU per each instance cpux_system = self.cache_get_value(plugin_name='cpu', type_instance='system', mark_as_read = False) for cpu_inst in [x['plugin_instance'] for x in cpux_system]: cpu_system = self.cache_get_value(plugin_name='cpu', plugin_instance=cpu_inst, type_instance='system') cpu_user = self.cache_get_value(plugin_name='cpu', plugin_instance=cpu_inst, type_instance='user') cpu_usage = round(cpu_system[0]['values'][0] + cpu_user[0]['values'][0], 2) measurement.add_cpu_usage(cpu_inst, cpu_usage) # fill memory used memory_used = self.cache_get_value(plugin_name='memory', type_name='memory', type_instance='used') if len(memory_used) > 0: measurement.memory_used = self.bytes_to_gb(memory_used[0]['values'][0]) # if_packets ifinfo = {} if_stats = self.cache_get_value(plugin_name='interface', type_name='if_packets') if len(if_stats) > 0: for if_stat in if_stats: ifinfo[if_stat['plugin_instance']] = { 'pkts' : (if_stat['values'][0], if_stat['values'][1]) } # go through all interfaces and get if_octets for if_name in ifinfo.keys(): if_stats = self.cache_get_value(plugin_instance=if_name, plugin_name='interface', type_name='if_octets') if len(if_stats) > 0: ifinfo[if_name]['bytes'] = (if_stats[0]['values'][0], if_stats[0]['values'][1]) # fill vNicUsageArray filed in the event for if_name in ifinfo.keys(): measurement.add_v_nic_usage(if_name, ifinfo[if_name]['pkts'], ifinfo[if_name]['bytes']) # send event to the VES self.event_send(measurement) return # get list of all VMs virt_vcpu_total = self.cache_get_value(plugin_name='virt', type_name='virt_cpu_total', mark_as_read=False) vm_names = [x['plugin_instance'] for x in virt_vcpu_total] for vm_name in vm_names: # make sure that 'virt' plugin cache is up-to-date vm_values = self.cache_get_value(plugin_name='virt', plugin_instance=vm_name, mark_as_read=False) us_up_to_date = True for vm_value in vm_values: if vm_value['updated'] == False: us_up_to_date = False break if not us_up_to_date: # one of the cache value is not up-to-date, break collectd.warning("virt collectD cache values are not up-to-date for {}".format(vm_name)) continue # if values are up-to-date, create an event message measurement = MeasurementsForVfScaling(self.get_event_id()) measurement.functional_role = self.__plugin_config['FunctionalRole'] # fill out reporting_entity reporting_entity = '{}-{}-{}'.format(self.get_hostname(), 'virt', vm_name) measurement.reporting_entity_id = reporting_entity measurement.reporting_entity_name = reporting_entity # virt_vcpu virt_vcpus = self.cache_get_value(plugin_instance=vm_name, plugin_name='virt', type_name='virt_vcpu') if len(virt_vcpus) > 0: for virt_vcpu in virt_vcpus: cpu_usage = self.cpu_ns_to_percentage(virt_vcpu) measurement.add_cpu_usage(virt_vcpu['type_instance'], cpu_usage) # virt_cpu_total virt_vcpu_total = self.cache_get_value(plugin_instance=vm_name, plugin_name='virt', type_name='virt_cpu_total') if len(virt_vcpu_total) > 0: average_cpu_usage = self.cpu_ns_to_percentage(virt_vcpu_total[0]) / len(virt_vcpus) measurement.aggregate_cpu_usage = average_cpu_usage # set source as a host for virt_vcpu_total value measurement.source_id = virt_vcpu_total[0]['host'] measurement.source_name = measurement.source_id # fill out EpochMicrosec (convert to us) measurement.start_epoch_microsec = (virt_vcpu_total[0]['time'] * 1000000) # plugin interval measurement.measurement_interval = self.__plugin_data_cache['virt']['interval'] # memory-total memory_total = self.cache_get_value(plugin_instance=vm_name, plugin_name='virt', type_name='memory', type_instance='total') if len(memory_total) > 0: measurement.memory_configured = self.bytes_to_gb(memory_total[0]['values'][0]) # memory-rss memory_rss = self.cache_get_value(plugin_instance=vm_name, plugin_name='virt', type_name='memory', type_instance='rss') if len(memory_rss) > 0: measurement.memory_used = self.bytes_to_gb(memory_rss[0]['values'][0]) # if_packets ifinfo = {} if_stats = self.cache_get_value(plugin_instance=vm_name, plugin_name='virt', type_name='if_packets') if len(if_stats) > 0: for if_stat in if_stats: ifinfo[if_stat['type_instance']] = { 'pkts' : (if_stat['values'][0], if_stat['values'][1]) } # go through all interfaces and get if_octets for if_name in ifinfo.keys(): if_stats = self.cache_get_value(plugin_instance=vm_name, plugin_name='virt', type_name='if_octets', type_instance=if_name) if len(if_stats) > 0: ifinfo[if_name]['bytes'] = (if_stats[0]['values'][0], if_stats[0]['values'][1]) # fill vNicUsageArray filed in the event for if_name in ifinfo.keys(): measurement.add_v_nic_usage(if_name, ifinfo[if_name]['pkts'], ifinfo[if_name]['bytes']) # add host/guest values as additional measurements self.fill_additional_measurements(measurement, ['virt']) # send event to the VES self.event_send(measurement) finally: self.unlock() def fill_additional_measurements(self, measurement, exclude_plugins=None): """Fill out addition measurement filed with host/guets values""" # add host/guest values as additional measurements for plugin_name in self.__plugin_data_cache.keys(): if (exclude_plugins != None and plugin_name in exclude_plugins): # skip host-only values continue; for val in self.__plugin_data_cache[plugin_name]['vls']: if val['updated']: mgroup_name = '{}{}{}'.format(plugin_name, '-{}'.format(val['plugin_instance']) if len(val['plugin_instance']) else '', '-{}'.format(val['type_instance']) if len(val['type_instance']) else '') mgroup = MeasurementGroup(mgroup_name) ds = collectd.get_dataset(val['type']) for index in range(len(ds)): mname = '{}-{}'.format(val['type'], ds[index][0]) mgroup.add_measurement(mname, str(val['values'][index])) measurement.add_measurement_group(mgroup); val['updated'] = False def cpu_ns_to_percentage(self, vl): """Convert CPU usage ns to CPU %""" total = vl['values'][0] total_time = vl['time'] pre_total = vl['pre_values'][0] pre_total_time = vl['pre_time'] if (total_time - pre_total_time) == 0: # return zero usage if time diff is zero return 0.0 percent = (100.0 * (total - pre_total))/((total_time - pre_total_time) * 1000000000.0) collectd.debug("pre_time={}, pre_value={}, time={}, value={}, cpu={}%".format( pre_total_time, pre_total, total_time, total, round(percent, 2))) return round(percent, 2) def make_dash_string(self, *args): """Join non empty strings with dash symbol""" return '-'.join(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, args)) def config(self, config): """Collectd config callback""" for child in config.children: # check the config entry name if child.key not in self.__plugin_config: collectd.error("Key '{}' name is invalid".format(child.key)) raise RuntimeError('Configuration key name error') # check the config entry value type if len(child.values) == 0 or type(child.values[0]) != type(self.__plugin_config[child.key]): collectd.error("Key '{}' value type '{}' should be {}".format( child.key, str(type(child.values[0])), str(type(self.__plugin_config[child.key])))) raise RuntimeError('Configuration key value error') # store the value in configuration self.__plugin_config[child.key] = child.values[0] def init(self): """Collectd init callback""" # start the VES timer self.start_timer() ## # Please note, the cache should be locked before using this function # def update_cache_value(self, vl): """Update value internal collectD cache values or create new one""" found = False if vl.plugin not in self.__plugin_data_cache: self.__plugin_data_cache[vl.plugin] = {'vls': []} plugin_vl = self.__plugin_data_cache[vl.plugin]['vls'] for index in range(len(plugin_vl)): # record found, so just update time the values if (plugin_vl[index]['plugin_instance'] == vl.plugin_instance) and (plugin_vl[index]['type_instance'] == vl.type_instance) and (plugin_vl[index]['type'] == vl.type): plugin_vl[index]['pre_time'] = plugin_vl[index]['time'] plugin_vl[index]['time'] = vl.time plugin_vl[index]['pre_values'] = plugin_vl[index]['values'] plugin_vl[index]['values'] = vl.values plugin_vl[index]['updated'] = True found = True break if not found: value = {} # create new cache record value['plugin_instance'] = vl.plugin_instance value['type_instance'] = vl.type_instance value['values'] = vl.values value['pre_values'] = vl.values value['type'] = vl.type value['time'] = vl.time value['pre_time'] = vl.time value['host'] = vl.host value['updated'] = True self.__plugin_data_cache[vl.plugin]['vls'].append(value) # update plugin interval based on one received in the value self.__plugin_data_cache[vl.plugin]['interval'] = vl.interval def cache_get_value(self, plugin_name=None, plugin_instance=None, type_name=None, type_instance=None, type_names=None, mark_as_read=True): """Get cache value by given criteria""" ret_list = [] if plugin_name in self.__plugin_data_cache: for val in self.__plugin_data_cache[plugin_name]['vls']: #collectd.info("plugin={}, type={}, type_instance={}".format( # plugin_name, val['type'], val['type_instance'])) if (type_name == None or type_name == val['type']) and (plugin_instance == None or plugin_instance == val['plugin_instance']) and (type_instance == None or type_instance == val['type_instance']) and (type_names == None or val['type'] in type_names): if mark_as_read: val['updated'] = False ret_list.append(val) return ret_list def write(self, vl, data=None): """Collectd write callback""" self.lock() try: # Example of collectD Value format # collectd.Values(type='cpu',type_instance='interrupt', # plugin='cpu',plugin_instance='25',host='localhost', # time=1476694097.022873,interval=10.0,values=[0]) if vl.plugin == 'ves_plugin': # store the host name and unregister callback self.__host_name = vl.host collectd.unregister_read(self.read) return # update the cache values self.update_cache_value(vl) finally: self.unlock() def read(self, data=None): """Collectd read callback. Use this callback to get host name""" vl = collectd.Values(type='gauge') vl.plugin='ves_plugin' vl.dispatch(values=[0]) def notify(self, n): """Collectd notification callback""" collectd_event_severity_map = { collectd.NOTIF_FAILURE : 'CRITICAL', collectd.NOTIF_WARNING : 'WARNING', collectd.NOTIF_OKAY : 'NORMAL' } fault = Fault(self.get_event_id()) # fill out common header fault.event_type = "Notification" fault.functional_role = self.__plugin_config['FunctionalRole'] fault.reporting_entity_id = self.get_hostname() fault.reporting_entity_name = self.get_hostname() fault.source_id = self.get_hostname() fault.source_name = self.get_hostname() fault.start_epoch_microsec = (n.time * 1000000) fault.last_epoch_micro_sec = fault.start_epoch_microsec # fill out fault header fault.event_severity = collectd_event_severity_map[n.severity] fault.specific_problem = self.make_dash_string(n.plugin_instance, n.type_instance) fault.alarm_interface_a = self.make_dash_string(n.plugin, n.plugin_instance) fault.event_source_type = 'virtualMachine(8)' if self.__plugin_config['GuestRunning'] else 'host(3)' fault.alarm_condition = n.message self.event_send(fault) def shutdown(self): """Collectd shutdown callback""" # stop the timer self.stop_timer() # The collectd plugin instance plugin_instance = VESPlugin() # Register plugin callbacks collectd.register_config(plugin_instance.config) collectd.register_init(plugin_instance.init) collectd.register_read(plugin_instance.read) collectd.register_write(plugin_instance.write) collectd.register_notification(plugin_instance.notify) collectd.register_shutdown(plugin_instance.shutdown)