#!/bin/sh # test script for vpn subscribing L3VPN = 3 AUTH = 'admin:admin' URLTENANT = '' URLCPE = '' URLSTATUS = '' URLINTERFACE = '' URLSERVICE = '' tenantid = 'opnfv' tenantname = 'opnfv' esn1 = '21500102003GH5000971' interface1 = 'GigabitEthernet0/0/3' vlan1 = 3006 subnet1 = '' mask2 = 24 gateway1 = '' esn2 = '2102114469P0H3000011' interface2 = '10GE6/0/16' vlan2 = 3000 subnet2 = '' mask2 = 24 gateway2 = '' function createtenant { result = curl -I -H 'Content-type:application/json' -X POST -d '{ "tenant_id": $1, "tenant_name":$2, "cert_type": "A", "cert_num": "000000000000000000001"}' -u $AUTH $URLTENANT echo 'tenant $1 is being created!' return result } function enablecpe { cpe_model = "4096" if [ $3 -eq "IMG"]; then cpe_model = "4098" fi if [ $3 -eq "UCPE"]; then cpe_model = "4096" fi result = curl -I -H 'Content-type:application/json' -X POST -d ' { "cpe_vendor": "HUAWEI", "tenant_id": $2, "ctrler_id": "HW_AC_CAMPUS_CQ1", "access_type": 0, "cpe_model": $cpe_moel, "cpe_esn": $1 }' -u $URLCPE echo 'cpe $1 is being activated!' return result } function checkstatus { URL = {$URLSTATUS}{$1} result = curl -I -H "Content-type: application/json" -X GET -u $AUTH $URL status = jq '.status' $result return status } function cfglaninterface { result = curl -I -H 'Content-type:application/json' -X POST -d '{ "cpe_esn": $1, "interfaces": [ { "if_name": $2, "if_vlan": $3, "if_ip":$4, "if_mask":"24"}] }' -u $URLINTERFACE echo 'cpe $1 interface $2 vlan $3 is being configured!' return result } function enablesite2site { result = curl -I -H 'Content-type:application/json' -X POST -d '{ "tenant_id": $1, "bandwidth": 51200, "order_id": "20180116-16", "operation": 0, "order_name": "20180116-16", "internet_cfg": null, "vas_cfg": null, "vpn_config": [ { "tenant_id": $1, "vpn_id": 1, "vpn_type": $L3VPN, "local_device": $2, "dl_bw": 1000, "ul_bw": 1000, "route_policy": false, "qos_grade": null, "local_type": 0, "local_access": { "web_enable": 1, "dhcp_server": 1, "portvlan_list": [ { "port": $3, "vlan": $4 } ], "subnet_list": [ { "ipv4": $5, "mask_bit": "24", "gateway": "$6 } ] }, "remote_device": $7, "remote_type": 0, "remote_access": { "dhcp_server": 1, "web_enable": 1, "portvlan_list": [ { "port": $8, "vlan": $9 } ], "subnet_list": [ { "ipv4": $10, "mask_bit": 24, "gateway": $11 } ] } } ] }' -u $URLSERVICE echo 'site2site between cpe $2 and cpe $3 is being activated for tenant $1!' return result } tenantresult = createtenant $tenantid $tenantname if [ $tenantresult -eq 201 ]; then echo 'tenant opnfv has been successfully created!' ucperesult = enablecpe $esn1 $tenantid "UCPE" if [ $ucperesult -eq 201 ]; then echo 'cpe $esn1 has been successfully enabled!' elif [ $cpe1result -eq 404 ]; then echo 'tenant $tenantid not exits!' elif [ $cpe1result -eq 409 ]; then echo 'cpe $esn1 already exists!' else echo 'illegal result!' imgresult = enablecpe $esn2 $tenantid "IMG" if [ $imgresult -eq 201 ]; then echo 'cpe $esn2 has been successfully enabled!' elif [ $cpe2result -eq 404 ]; then echo 'tenant $tenantid not exits!' elif [ $cpe2result -eq 409 ]; then echo 'cpe $esn2 already exists!' else echo 'illegal result!' while true do sleep 30 ucpestatus = checkstatus $esn1 imgstatus = checkstatus $esn2 if [ $ucpestatus -eq "Active" ] && [ $imgstatus -eq "Active"]; then echo 'ucpe and img are both ready for service!' break fi done ucpeinterfaceresult = cfglaninterface $esn1 $interface1 $vlan1 $ip1 if [ $ucpeinterfaceresult -eq 200 ]; then echo 'cpe $esn1 interface $interface1 has been successfully configured!' elif [ $ucpeinterfaceresult -eq 404 ]; then echo 'cpe $esn1 not exits!' else echo 'illegal result!' imginterfaceresult = cfglaninterface $esn2 $interface2 $vlan2 $ip2 if [ $imginterfaceresult -eq 200 ]; then echo 'cpe $esn2 interface $interface2 has been successfully configured!' elif [ $imginterfaceresult -eq 404 ]; then echo 'cpe $esn1 not exits!' else echo 'illegal result!' serviceresult = enablesite2site $tenantid $esn1 $interface1 $vlan1 $subnet1 $gateway1 $esn2 $interface2 $vlan2 $subnet2 $gateway2 if [ $serviceresult -eq 201 ]; then echo 'l3vpn has been successfully enabled between cpe $esn1 and cpe $esn2!' elif [ $serviceresult -eq 404 ]; then echo 'tenant or cpe not exits!' elif [ $serviceresult -eq 409 ]; then echo 'l3vpn already enabled!' elif [ $serviceresult -eq 500 ]; then echo $serviceresult else echo 'illegal result!' elif [ $result -eq 409 ]; then echo 'tenant already exists!' else echo 'illegal result!' fi