#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ===============LICENSE_START======================================================= # Apache-2.0 # =================================================================================== # Copyright (C) 2018 Wipro. All rights reserved. # =================================================================================== # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ===============LICENSE_END========================================================= # OPNFV Auto project # https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12389095 #docstring """This script configures an OpenStack instance to make it ready to interface with an ONAP instance, for example to host VM-based VNFs deployed by ONAP. Auto project: https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12389095 """ ###################################################################### # This script configures an OpenStack instance (e.g. from an OPNFV installer like FUEL/MCP) to make it # ready to interface with an ONAP instance, for example to host VM-based VNFs deployed by ONAP. # After running this script, the created OpenStack object names/IDs can be used for example to populate # YAML&ENV files used by ONAP (installation of ONAP itself, VNF descriptor files, etc.). ###################################################################### # Overview of the steps: # # 1) create an ONAP project/tenant (a tenant is a project; project is a more generic term than tenant) # (optional, probably not needed: create a new group, which can be associated to a project, and contains users) # 2) create an ONAP user within the ONAP project, so as not to use the "admin" user for ONAP # (associate user to group if applicable; credentials: name/pwd or name/APIkey, or token) # 3) create an ONAP security group, to allow ICMP traffic (for pings) and TCP port 22 (for SSH), rather than changing default security group(s) # (optional, probably not needed: create new region) # 4a) create a public network for ONAP VNFs, with ports, subnet, and CIDR block # (or maybe not necessary? floating_net serves as public/external network and provides pool of floating IP@) # 4b) create an OAM network for ONAP VNFs, with ports, subnet, and CIDR block # (ONAP VNFs will be deployed in this OMA/private network, which will be connected by router to an external network) # 5) create an OpenStack router, with an interface to the OAM/private network (and one to the public network?) # and a reference to an external network (gateway) # 6) create VM flavors as needed: m1.medium, etc. # 7) download images, as needed for ONAP-deployed VNFs: e.g. Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, ... ###################################################################### # Assumptions: # - python3 is installed # - OpenStack SDK is installed for python3 # - there is a clouds.yaml file (describing the OpenStack instance, especially the Auth URL and admin credentials) # - the script connects to OpenStack as a user with admin rights # typical commands to install OpenStack SDK Python client: # apt install python3-pip # pip3 install --upgrade pip # pip3 list # pip3 install openstacksdk # pip3 install --upgrade openstacksdk # pip3 show openstacksdk # pip3 check ###################################################################### # useful URLs # Identity API: https://docs.openstack.org/openstacksdk/latest/user/proxies/identity_v3.html # (User, Project, Group, region, Role, ...) # Network API: https://docs.openstack.org/openstacksdk/latest/user/proxies/network.html # (Network, Subnet, Port, Router, Floating IP, AZ, Flavor, ...) ###################################################################### # script parameters ONAP_USER_NAME = 'onap_user' ONAP_USER_PASSWORD = 'auto_topsecret' ONAP_USER_DESC = 'OpenStack User created for ONAP' ONAP_TENANT_NAME = 'onap_tenant' # "project" is a more generic concept than "tenant"; a tenant is type of project ONAP_TENANT_DESC = 'OpenStack Project/Tenant created for ONAP' ONAP_SECU_GRP_NAME = 'ONAP security group' ONAP_SECU_GRP_DESC = 'Security Group for ONAP' ONAP_PUBLIC_NET_NAME = 'onap_public_net' ONAP_PUBLIC_SUBNET_NAME = 'onap_public_subnet' ONAP_PUBLIC_SUBNET_CIDR = '' ONAP_PUBLIC_NET_DESC = 'Public network created for ONAP' ONAP_OAM_NET_NAME = 'onap_oam_net' ONAP_OAM_SUBNET_NAME = 'onap_oam_subnet' ONAP_OAM_SUBNET_CIDR = '' ONAP_OAM_NET_DESC = 'OAM network created for ONAP' ONAP_ROUTER_NAME = 'onap_router' ONAP_ROUTER_DESC = 'Router created for ONAP' EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME = 'floating_net' # external network (gateway) name to be used in OpenStack instance # OpenStack cloud name and region name, which should be the same as in the clouds.yaml file used by this script OPENSTACK_CLOUD_NAME = 'hpe16openstackFraser' OPENSTACK_REGION_NAME = 'RegionOne' # OpenStack domain is: Default ###################################################################### # constants which could be parameters DNS_SERVER_IP = '' # IP addresses of free public DNS service from Google: # - IPv4: and # - IPv6: 2001:4860:4860::8888 and 2001:4860:4860::8844 ###################################################################### # import statements import openstack import argparse ###################################################################### def delete_all_ONAP(): """Delete all ONAP-specific OpenStack objects (normally not needed, but may be useful during tests).""" print("\nOPNFV Auto, script to delete ONAP objects in an OpenStack instance") try: # connect to OpenStack instance using Connection object from OpenStack SDK conn = openstack.connect(cloud=OPENSTACK_CLOUD_NAME, region_name=OPENSTACK_REGION_NAME) # delete router; must delete router before networks. onap_router = conn.network.find_router(ONAP_ROUTER_NAME) print('DEBUG onap_router:\n',onap_router,'\n\n') if onap_router != None: print('Deleting ONAP router...') conn.network.delete_router(onap_router.id) else: print('No ONAP router found...') # delete OAM network (which should also delete associated subnet and ports if any) oam_network = conn.network.find_network(ONAP_OAM_NET_NAME) print('DEBUG oam_network:\n',oam_network,'\n\n') if oam_network != None: print('Deleting ONAP OAM network...') conn.network.delete_network(oam_network.id) else: print('No ONAP OAM network found...') # delete public network (which should also delete associated subnet and ports if any) public_network = conn.network.find_network(ONAP_PUBLIC_NET_NAME) print('DEBUG public_network:\n',public_network,'\n\n') if public_network != None: print('Deleting ONAP public network...') conn.network.delete_network(public_network.id) else: print('No ONAP public network found...') # delete security group onap_security_group = conn.network.find_security_group(ONAP_SECU_GRP_NAME) print('DEBUG onap_security_group:\n',onap_security_group,'\n\n') if onap_security_group != None: print('Deleting ONAP security group...') conn.network.delete_security_group(onap_security_group.id) else: print('No ONAP security group found...') # # delete user # onap_user = conn.identity.find_user(ONAP_USER_NAME) # if onap_user != None: # print('Deleting ONAP user...') # conn.identity.delete_user(onap_user.id) # else: # print('No ONAP user found...') # # delete project/tenant # onap_project = conn.identity.find_project(ONAP_TENANT_NAME) # if onap_project != None: # print('Deleting ONAP project...') # conn.identity.delete_project(onap_project.id) # else: # print('No ONAP project found...') except Exception as e: print("Exception:",type(e), e) print("[Script terminated]\n") print("OPNFV Auto, end of deletion script\n") ###################################################################### def configure_all_ONAP(): """Configure all ONAP-specific OpenStack objects.""" print("\nOPNFV Auto, script to configure an OpenStack instance for ONAP") try: # connect to OpenStack instance using Connection object from OpenStack SDK print('Opening connection...') conn = openstack.connect(cloud=OPENSTACK_CLOUD_NAME, region_name=OPENSTACK_REGION_NAME) # TESTS: IGNORE/DELETE (BEGIN) # gdserver_ID = '8bc274a2-8c0d-4795-9b4d-faa0a21e1d88' # gdserver = conn.compute.get_server(gdserver_ID) # print('\ngdserver.name=',gdserver.name) # print('gdserver.status=',gdserver.status) # # print("\nList Users:") # # i=1 # # for user in conn.identity.users(): # # print('User',str(i),'\n',user,'\n') # # i+=1 # # print("\nList Projects:") # # i=1 # # for project in conn.identity.projects(): # # print('Project',str(i),'\n',project,'\n') # # i+=1 # print("\nList Networks:") # i=1 # for network in conn.network.networks(): # print('Network',str(i),'\n',network,'\n') # i+=1 # print("\nList Flavors:") # i=1 # for flvr in conn.compute.flavors(): # print('Flavor',str(i),'\n',flvr,'\n') # i+=1 # print("\nList Images:") # i=1 # for img in conn.compute.images(): # print('Image',str(i),'\n',img,'\n') # i+=1 # router = conn.network.find_router('gd_test_router') # print('gd router\n',router,'\n\n') # router = conn.network.find_router('e4e59f63-8063-4774-a97a-c110c6969e4a') # print('gd router\n',router,'\n\n') # TESTS: IGNORE/DELETE (END) # TODO: find out why conn.identity does not exist @@@ # onap_project = conn.identity.find_project(ONAP_TENANT_NAME) # if onap_project != None: # print('ONAP project/tenant already exists') # else: # print('Creating ONAP project/tenant...') # onap_project = conn.identity.create_project( # name = ONAP_TENANT_NAME, # description = ONAP_TENANT_DESC, # is_enabled = True) # # domain: leave default # # project quotas (max #vCPUs, #instances, etc.): as conn.network.<*quota*>, using project id for quota id # # https://docs.openstack.org/openstacksdk/latest/user/proxies/network.html#quota-operations # # https://docs.openstack.org/openstacksdk/latest/user/resources/network/v2/quota.html#openstack.network.v2.quota.Quota # # conn.network.update_quota(project_id = onap_project.id) # # SDK for quotas supports floating_ips, networks, ports, etc. but not vCPUs or instances # print('DEBUG onap_project:\n',onap_project,'\n\n') # onap_user= conn.identity.find_user(ONAP_USER_NAME) # if onap_user != None: # print('ONAP user already exists') # else: # print('Creating ONAP user...') # onap_user = conn.identity.create_user( # name = ONAP_USER_NAME, # description = ONAP_USER_DESC, # default_project_id = onap_project.id, # password = ONAP_USER_PASSWORD, # is_enabled = True) # # domain: leave default # # default_project_id: primary project # print('DEBUG onap_user:\n',onap_user,'\n\n') # make sure security group allows ICMP (for ping) and SSH (TCP port 22) traffic; also IPv4/v6 traffic ingress and egress # create new onap_security_group (or maybe just "default" security group ? tests returned multiple "default" security groups) # security group examples: check http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstacksdk/tree/examples/network/security_group_rules.py # if rule already exists, OpenStack returns an error, so just try (no harm); try each separately onap_security_group = conn.network.find_security_group(ONAP_SECU_GRP_NAME) if onap_security_group == None: onap_security_group = conn.network.create_security_group( # project_id = onap_project.id, description = ONAP_SECU_GRP_DESC, name = ONAP_SECU_GRP_NAME) else: print('ONAP security group already exists') print('DEBUG onap_security_group:\n',onap_security_group,'\n\n') try: description_text = 'enable ICMP ingress IPv4' print('Creating rule:',description_text,'...') conn.network.create_security_group_rule( security_group_id = onap_security_group.id, description = description_text, protocol = 'ICMP', direction = 'ingress', ethertype = 'IPv4', remote_ip_prefix = '', port_range_min = None, port_range_max = None) except Exception as e: print(description_text, ' Exception:', type(e), e) try: description_text = 'enable ICMP egress IPv4' print('Creating rule:',description_text,'...') conn.network.create_security_group_rule( security_group_id = onap_security_group.id, description = description_text, protocol = 'ICMP', direction = 'egress', ethertype = 'IPv4', remote_ip_prefix = '', port_range_min = None, port_range_max = None) except Exception as e: print(description_text, ' Exception:', type(e), e) try: description_text = 'enable SSH (TCP port 22) ingress IPv4' print('Creating rule:',description_text,'...') conn.network.create_security_group_rule( security_group_id = onap_security_group.id, description = description_text, protocol = 'TCP', direction = 'ingress', ethertype = 'IPv4', remote_ip_prefix = '', port_range_min = '22', port_range_max = '22') except Exception as e: print(description_text, ' Exception:', type(e), e) try: description_text = 'enable SSH (TCP port 22) egress IPv4' print('Creating rule:',description_text,'...') conn.network.create_security_group_rule( security_group_id = onap_security_group.id, description = description_text, protocol = 'TCP', direction = 'egress', ethertype = 'IPv4', remote_ip_prefix = '', port_range_min = '22', port_range_max = '22') except Exception as e: print(description_text, ' Exception:', type(e), e) try: description_text = 'enable IP traffic ingress IPv4' print('Creating rule:',description_text,'...') conn.network.create_security_group_rule( security_group_id = onap_security_group.id, description = description_text, protocol = None, direction = 'ingress', ethertype = 'IPv4', remote_ip_prefix = '', port_range_min = None, port_range_max = None) except Exception as e: print(description_text, ' Exception:', type(e), e) try: description_text = 'enable IP traffic ingress IPv6' print('Creating rule:',description_text,'...') conn.network.create_security_group_rule( security_group_id = onap_security_group.id, description = description_text, protocol = None, direction = 'ingress', ethertype = 'IPv6', remote_ip_prefix = '::/0', port_range_min = None, port_range_max = None) except Exception as e: print(description_text, ' Exception:', type(e), e) # IPv4 IP egress rule should already exist by default # try: # description_text = 'enable IP traffic egress IPv4' # print('Creating rule:',description_text,'...') # conn.network.create_security_group_rule( # security_group_id = onap_security_group.id, # description = description_text, # protocol = None, # direction = 'egress', # ethertype = 'IPv4', # remote_ip_prefix = '', # port_range_min = None, # port_range_max = None) # except Exception as e: # print(description_text, ' Exception:', type(e), e) # IPv6 IP egress rule should already exist by default # try: # description_text = 'enable IP traffic egress IPv6' # print('Creating rule:',description_text,'...') # conn.network.create_security_group_rule( # security_group_id = onap_security_group.id, # description = description_text, # protocol = None, # direction = 'egress', # ethertype = 'IPv6', # remote_ip_prefix = '::/0', # port_range_min = None, # port_range_max = None) # except Exception as e: # print(description_text, ' Exception:', type(e), e) # public network public_network = conn.network.find_network(ONAP_PUBLIC_NET_NAME) if public_network != None: print('ONAP public network already exists') else: print('Creating ONAP public network...') public_network = conn.network.create_network( name = ONAP_PUBLIC_NET_NAME, description = ONAP_PUBLIC_NET_DESC, #project_id = onap_project.id, is_admin_state_up = True, is_shared = True) # subnet_ids = []: not needed, subnet refers to network_id print('DEBUG public_network:\n',public_network,'\n\n') print('Creating subnetwork for ONAP public network...') public_subnet = conn.network.create_subnet( name = ONAP_PUBLIC_SUBNET_NAME, #project_id = onap_project.id, network_id = public_network.id, cidr = ONAP_PUBLIC_SUBNET_CIDR, ip_version = 4, is_dhcp_enabled = True, dns_nameservers = [DNS_SERVER_IP]) # list of DNS IP@ print('DEBUG public_network:\n',public_network,'\n\n') print('DEBUG public_subnet:\n',public_subnet,'\n\n') # OAM network oam_network = conn.network.find_network(ONAP_OAM_NET_NAME) if oam_network != None: print('ONAP OAM network already exists') else: print('Creating ONAP OAM network...') oam_network = conn.network.create_network( name = ONAP_OAM_NET_NAME, description = ONAP_OAM_NET_DESC, #project_id = onap_project.id, is_admin_state_up = True, is_shared = True) print('DEBUG oam_network:\n',oam_network,'\n\n') print('Creating subnetwork for ONAP OAM network...') oam_subnet = conn.network.create_subnet( name = ONAP_OAM_SUBNET_NAME, #project_id = onap_project.id, network_id = oam_network.id, cidr = ONAP_OAM_SUBNET_CIDR, ip_version = 4, is_dhcp_enabled = True, dns_nameservers = [DNS_SERVER_IP]) # list of DNS IP@; maybe not needed for OAM network print('DEBUG oam_network:\n',oam_network,'\n\n') print('DEBUG oam_subnet:\n',oam_subnet,'\n\n') # router onap_router = conn.network.find_router(ONAP_ROUTER_NAME) if onap_router != None: print('ONAP router already exists') else: print('Creating ONAP router...') onap_router = conn.network.create_router( name = ONAP_ROUTER_NAME, description = ONAP_ROUTER_DESC, #project_id = onap_project.id, is_admin_state_up = True) print('DEBUG onap_router:\n',onap_router,'\n\n') # add interfaces to ONAP networks: Public and OAM # syntax: add_interface_to_router(router, subnet_id=None, port_id=None) print('Adding interfaces to ONAP router for ONAP public and OAM networks...') conn.network.add_interface_to_router(onap_router, subnet_id = public_subnet.id) conn.network.add_interface_to_router(onap_router, subnet_id = oam_subnet.id) print('DEBUG onap_router:\n',onap_router,'\n\n') # not public network, but external network like floating_net # point to ONAP Public Network as external network (i.e. Gateway); network_id is passed in a body dictionary # syntax: add_gateway_to_router(router, **body) print('Adding external network (gateway) to ONAP router...') # nope # network_dict_body = {'network_id': public_network.id} # nope # network_dict_body = { # 'external_fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id' : public_subnet.id}], # 'network_id': public_network.id # } external_network = conn.network.find_network(EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME) print('DEBUG external_network:\n',external_network,'\n\n') #network_dict_body = {'gateway' : {'network_id' : external_network.id}} #conn.network.add_gateway_to_router(onap_router, body=network_dict_body) conn.network.add_gateway_to_router(onap_router, network_id=external_network.id) # also create 5 flavors, from tiny to xlarge (hard-coded, no need for parameters) print('Creating flavors...') tiny_flavor = conn.compute.find_flavor("m1.tiny") if tiny_flavor != None: print('m1.tiny Flavor already exists') else: print('Creating m1.tiny Flavor...') tiny_flavor = conn.compute.create_flavor( name = 'm1.tiny', vcpus = 1, disk = 1, ram = 512, ephemeral = 0, #swap = 0, #rxtx_factor = 1.0, is_public = True) print('DEBUG tiny_flavor:\n',tiny_flavor,'\n\n') small_flavor = conn.compute.find_flavor("m1.small") if small_flavor != None: print('m1.small Flavor already exists') else: print('Creating m1.small Flavor...') small_flavor = conn.compute.create_flavor( name = 'm1.small', vcpus = 1, disk = 20, ram = 2048, ephemeral = 0, #swap = 0, #rxtx_factor = 1.0, is_public = True) print('DEBUG small_flavor:\n',small_flavor,'\n\n') medium_flavor = conn.compute.find_flavor("m1.medium") if medium_flavor != None: print('m1.medium Flavor already exists') else: print('Creating m1.medium Flavor...') medium_flavor = conn.compute.create_flavor( name = 'm1.medium', vcpus = 2, disk = 40, ram = 4096, ephemeral = 0, #swap = 0, #rxtx_factor = 1.0, is_public = True) print('DEBUG medium_flavor:\n',medium_flavor,'\n\n') large_flavor = conn.compute.find_flavor("m1.large") if large_flavor != None: print('m1.large Flavor already exists') else: print('Creating m1.large Flavor...') large_flavor = conn.compute.create_flavor( name = 'm1.large', vcpus = 4, disk = 80, ram = 8192, ephemeral = 0, #swap = 0, #rxtx_factor = 1.0, is_public = True) print('DEBUG large_flavor:\n',large_flavor,'\n\n') xlarge_flavor = conn.compute.find_flavor("m1.xlarge") if xlarge_flavor != None: print('m1.xlarge Flavor already exists') else: print('Creating m1.xlarge Flavor...') xlarge_flavor = conn.compute.create_flavor( name = 'm1.xlarge', vcpus = 8, disk = 160, ram = 16384, ephemeral = 0, #swap = 0, #rxtx_factor = 1.0, is_public = True) print('DEBUG xlarge_flavor:\n',xlarge_flavor,'\n\n') # also create 3 images, Ubuntu 16.04, 14.04, CirrOS # 64-bit QCOW2 image for cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img # description: CirrOS minimal Linux distribution # http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.4.0/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img # user/password: cirros/gocubsgo # 64-bit QCOW2 image for Ubuntu 16.04 is xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img # description: Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) # https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/xenial/current/xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img # user: ubuntu # 64-bit QCOW2 image for Ubuntu 14.04 is trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img # description: Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) # http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img # user: ubuntu # IMAGE_NAME = 'cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img' # cirros040 = conn.compute.find_image(IMAGE_NAME) # if cirros040 != None: # print(IMAGE_NAME,'Image already exists') # else: # print('Creating',IMAGE_NAME,'Image ...') # # no conn.compute.create_image() method yet in OpenStack SDK... unless doc is wrong ? # cirros040 = conn.compute.create_image( # name = IMAGE_NAME) # # no support for URL download ? maybe with Image.metadata, or with ImageDetail class ? # print('DEBUG cirros040:\n',cirros040,'\n\n') except Exception as e: print("Exception:",type(e), e) print("[Script terminated]\n") print("OPNFV Auto, end of configuration script\n") ###################################################################### def main(): # configure argument parser: one optional argument # if no "-d" or "--delete" option, then configure OpenStack for ONAP # with "-d" or "--delete" option, then delete ONAP configuration in OpenStack parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-d", "--delete", help = "delete ONAP configuration", action = "store_true") # parse arguments and use corresponding script args = parser.parse_args() if args.delete: delete_all_ONAP() else: configure_all_ONAP() if __name__ == "__main__": main()