#!/usr/bin/env bash # /usr/bin/env bash or /bin/bash ? /usr/bin/env bash is more environment-independent # beware of files which were edited in Windows, and have invisible \r end-of-line characters, causing Linux errors ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 Wipro Limited and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## # OPNFV contribution guidelines Wiki page: # https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/DEV/Contribution+Guidelines # OPNFV/Auto project: # https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12389095 # localization control: force script to use default language for output, and force sorting to be bytewise # ("C" is from C language, represents "safe" locale everywhere) # (result: the script will consider only basic ASCII characters and disable UTF-8 multibyte match) export LANG=C export LC_ALL=C ################################################################################# ## installation of OpenStack via OPNFV Compass4nfv, on Ubuntu, virtual deployment ################################################################################# # reference manual: https://docs.opnfv.org/en/latest/submodules/compass4nfv/docs/release/installation/index.html # page for virtual deployment: https://docs.opnfv.org/en/latest/submodules/compass4nfv/docs/release/installation/vmdeploy.html echo "*** begin AUTO install: OPNFV Compass4nfv" # prepare install directory export INSTALLDIR=/opt/opnfv-compass mkdir -p $INSTALLDIR cd $INSTALLDIR # premptively install latest pip and clear $PATH cache # with apt-get (see apt-get -h and man apt-get for details) apt-get -y update apt-get -y upgrade apt-get -y install python-pip pip install --upgrade pip hash -r apt-get -y install python3-openstackclient apt-get -y autoremove ## note: apt is more recent than apt-get (apt was formally introduced with Ubuntu 16.04) ## APT: Advanced Packaging Tool; apt is more high-level, apt-get has more features; # apt -y update # Refreshes repository index # apt -y full-upgrade # Upgrades packages with auto-handling of dependencies # apt -y install python-pip # pip install --upgrade pip # hash -r # apt -y install python3-openstackclient # apt -y autoremove # 2 options: (option 1 is preferable) # 1) remain in master branch, use build.sh (which builds a tar ball), then launch deploy.sh # 2) download a tar ball and launch deploy.sh in a branch matching the tar ball release (e.g. fraser 6.2) ############## # OPTION 1: build.sh + deploy.sh in master branch # retrieve the repository of Compass4nfv code (this creates a compass4nfv subdir in the installation directory), current master branch echo "*** begin download Compass4nfv repository" git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/compass4nfv cd compass4nfv # launch build script echo "*** begin Compass4nfv build:" ./build.sh |& tee log1-Build.txt # edit in deploy.sh specific to OPTION 1 # set path to ISO file (tar ball), as built by build.sh previously # absolute path to tar ball file URL (MUST be absolute path) sed -i '/#export TAR_URL=/a export TAR_URL=file:///opt/opnfv-compass/compass4nfv/work/building/compass.tar.gz' deploy.sh # END OPTION 1 ############## ############## # OPTION 2: tar ball + deploy.sh in matching releases/branches # download tarball of a certain release/version #echo "*** begin download Compass4nfv tar ball" #wget http://artifacts.opnfv.org/compass4nfv/fraser/opnfv-6.2.tar.gz # note: list of tar ball (ISO) files from Compass4NFV in https://artifacts.opnfv.org/compass4nfv.html # retrieve the repository of Compass4nfv code (this creates a compass4nfv subdir in the installation directory), current master branch #echo "*** begin download Compass4nfv repository" #git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/compass4nfv #cd compass4nfv # note: list of compass4nfv branch names in https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/admin/projects/compass4nfv,branches # checkout to branch (or tag) matching the tarball release #git checkout stable/fraser # edit in deploy.sh specific to OPTION 2 # set path to ISO file (tar ball), as downloaded previously # absolute path to tar ball file URL (MUST be absolute path) # sed -i '/#export TAR_URL=/a export TAR_URL=file:///opt/opnfv-compass/opnfv-6.2.tar.gz' deploy.sh # END OPTION 2 ############## # edit remaining deploy.sh entries as needed # set operating system version: Ubuntu Xenial Xerus sed -i '/#export OS_VERSION=xenial\/centos7/a export OS_VERSION=xenial' deploy.sh # set path to OPNFV scenario / DHA (Deployment Hardware Adapter) YAML file # here, os-nosdn-nofeature-noha scenario sed -i '/#export DHA=/a export DHA=/opt/opnfv-compass/compass4nfv/deploy/conf/vm_environment/os-nosdn-nofeature-noha.yml' deploy.sh # set path to network YAML file sed -i '/#export NETWORK=/a export NETWORK=/opt/opnfv-compass/compass4nfv/deploy/conf/vm_environment/network.yml' deploy.sh # append parameters for virtual machines (for virtual deployments); e.g., 2 nodes for NOHA scenario, 5 for HA, etc. # note: this may not be needed in a future release of Compass4nfv # VIRT_NUMBER – the number of nodes for virtual deployment. # VIRT_CPUS – the number of CPUs allocated per virtual machine. # VIRT_MEM – the memory size (MB) allocated per virtual machine. # VIRT_DISK – the disk size allocated per virtual machine. # if OPTION 1 (master): OPENSTACK_VERSION is queens, so add the VIRT_NUMBER line after the queens match #sed -i '/export OPENSTACK_VERSION=queens/a export VIRT_DISK=200G' deploy.sh #sed -i '/export OPENSTACK_VERSION=queens/a export VIRT_MEM=16384' deploy.sh #sed -i '/export OPENSTACK_VERSION=queens/a export VIRT_CPUS=4' deploy.sh sed -i '/export OPENSTACK_VERSION=queens/a export VIRT_NUMBER=2' deploy.sh # if OPTION 2 (stable/fraser): OPENSTACK_VERSION is pike, so add the VIRT_NUMBER line after the pike match #sed -i '/export OPENSTACK_VERSION=pike/a export VIRT_DISK=200G' deploy.sh #sed -i '/export OPENSTACK_VERSION=pike/a export VIRT_MEM=16384' deploy.sh #sed -i '/export OPENSTACK_VERSION=pike/a export VIRT_CPUS=4' deploy.sh #sed -i '/export OPENSTACK_VERSION=pike/a export VIRT_NUMBER=5' deploy.sh # launch deploy script echo "*** begin Compass4nfv deploy:" ./deploy.sh |& tee log2-Deploy.txt # To access OpenStack Horizon GUI in Virtual deployment # source: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/compass4nfv/Containerized+Compass # confirm IP@ of the current server (jump server, such as 10.10.100.xyz on LaaS: for hpe32, etc.) external_nic=$(ip route |grep '^default'|awk '{print $5F}') echo "external_nic: $external_nic" ip addr show "$external_nic" # Config IPtables rules: pick an unused port number, e.g. 50000+machine number, 50032 for hpe32 at # is the OpenStack Horizon GUI after a Compass installation # syntax: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $EX_IP -p tcp --dport $PORT -j DNAT --to # (note: this could be automated: retrieve IP@, pick port number) # example: hpe15 # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 50015 -j DNAT --to # example: hpe33 # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 50033 -j DNAT --to # display IPtables NAT rules iptables -t nat -L # Enter https://$EX_IP:$PORT in you browser to visit the OpenStack Horizon dashboard # examples: , # The default user is "admin" # to get the Horizon password for "admin": sudo docker cp compass-tasks:/opt/openrc ./ sudo cat openrc | grep OS_PASSWORD source ./openrc # for OpenStack CLI (generic content from openrc) export OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE=publicURL export OS_INTERFACE=publicURL export OS_USERNAME=admin export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin export OS_AUTH_URL= export OS_NO_CACHE=1 export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=Default export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne # For openstackclient export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 export OS_AUTH_VERSION=3 echo "*** end AUTO install: OPNFV Compass4nfv"