#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2018 Tieto # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Script for automated deployment of ONAP with Kubernetes at OPNFV LAAS # environment. # # Usage: # onap-deploy.sh # # where and are IP addresses of servers to be used # for ONAP installation. # # NOTE: Following must be assured for all MASTER and SLAVE servers before # onap-deploy.sh execution: # 1) ssh access without a password # 2) an user account with password-less sudo access must be # available - default user is "opnfv" # # Configuration # DOCKER_VERSION=17.03 RANCHER_VERSION=1.6.14 RANCHER_CLI_VER=0.6.11 KUBECTL_VERSION=1.8.10 HELM_VERSION=2.8.2 MASTER=$1 SERVERS=$* shift SLAVES=$* BRANCH='beijing' ENVIRON='onap' SSH_USER=${SSH_USER:-"opnfv"} SSH_OPTIONS='-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' # by defalult install full ONAP installation ONAP_COMPONENT_DISABLE=${ONAP_COMPONENT_DISABLE:-""} # example of minimal ONAP installation #ONAP_COMPONENT_DISABLE="clamp cli consul dcaegen2 esr log msb multicloud nbi oof policy uui vfc vnfsdk" # use identity file from the environment SSH_IDENTITY if [ -n "$SSH_IDENTITY" ] ; then SSH_OPTIONS="-i $SSH_IDENTITY $SSH_OPTIONS" fi # # Installation # echo "INSTALLING DOCKER ON ALL MACHINES" echo "$SERVERS" for MACHINE in $SERVERS; do ssh $SSH_OPTIONS $SSH_USER@"$MACHINE" "bash -s" < /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart docker apt-mark hold docker-ce for SERVER in $SERVERS; do echo "\$SERVER $ENVIRON\$(echo \$SERVER | cut -d. -f 4 )" >> /etc/hosts done hostname $ENVIRON\$(echo $MACHINE | cut -d. -f 4 ) echo "DOCKER INSTALLED ON $MACHINE" DOCKERINSTALL done wait echo "INSTALLING RANCHER ON MASTER" echo "$MASTER" ssh $SSH_OPTIONS $SSH_USER@"$MASTER" "bash -s" <>/etc/exports service nfs-kernel-server restart echo "Waiting 10 minutes for Rancher to setup at \$(date)" sleep 10m echo "Installing RANCHER CLI, KUBERNETES ENV on RANCHER" wget https://github.com/rancher/cli/releases/download/v${RANCHER_CLI_VER}-rc2\ /rancher-linux-amd64-v${RANCHER_CLI_VER}-rc2.tar.gz tar -zxvf rancher-linux-amd64-v${RANCHER_CLI_VER}-rc2.tar.gz cp rancher-v${RANCHER_CLI_VER}-rc2/rancher . API_RESPONSE=\`curl -s ''\ -d '{"type":"apikey","accountId":"1a1","name":"autoinstall",\ "description":"autoinstall","created":null,"kind":null,\ "removeTime":null,"removed":null,"uuid":null}'\` # Extract and store token echo "API_RESPONSE: \${API_RESPONSE}" KEY_PUBLIC=\`echo \${API_RESPONSE} | jq -r .publicValue\` KEY_SECRET=\`echo \${API_RESPONSE} | jq -r .secretValue\` echo "publicValue: \$KEY_PUBLIC secretValue: \$KEY_SECRET" export RANCHER_URL=http://${MASTER}:8080 export RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY=\$KEY_PUBLIC export RANCHER_SECRET_KEY=\$KEY_SECRET ./rancher env ls echo "Creating kubernetes environment named ${ENVIRON}" ./rancher env create -t kubernetes $ENVIRON > kube_env_id.json PROJECT_ID=\$( ~/.kube/config echo "docker run --rm --privileged\ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock\ -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher\ \$REGISTRATION_DOCKER\ \$RANCHER_URL/v1/scripts/\$REGISTRATION_TOKEN"\ > /tmp/rancher_register_host chown $SSH_USER /tmp/rancher_register_host RANCHERINSTALL echo "REGISTER TOKEN" HOSTREGTOKEN=$(ssh $SSH_OPTIONS $SSH_USER@"$MASTER" cat /tmp/rancher_register_host) echo "$HOSTREGTOKEN" echo "REGISTERING HOSTS WITH RANCHER ENVIRONMENT '$ENVIRON'" echo "$SERVERS" for MACHINE in $SERVERS; do ssh $SSH_OPTIONS $SSH_USER@"$MACHINE" "bash -s" <> /etc/fstab mount -a mount | grep dockerdata-nfs CONFIGURENFS done wait echo "DEPLOYING OOM ON RANCHER WITH MASTER" echo "$MASTER" ssh $SSH_OPTIONS $SSH_USER@"$MASTER" "bash -s" </dev/null & echo "Waiting for helm setup for 5 min at \$(date)" sleep 5m helm version helm repo add local helm repo list make all helm install local/onap -n dev --namespace $ENVIRON cd ../../ echo "Waiting for all pods to be up for 15-80 min at \$(date)" echo "Ignore failure of sdnc-ansible-server, see SDNC-443" TMP_POD_LIST='/tmp/onap_pod_list.txt' function get_onap_pods() { kubectl get pods --namespace $ENVIRON > \$TMP_POD_LIST return \$(cat \$TMP_POD_LIST | wc -l) } FAILED_PODS_LIMIT=1 # maximal number of falied ONAP PODs ALL_PODS_LIMIT=20 # minimum ONAP PODs to be up & running MAX_WAIT_PERIODS=500 # over 2 hours COUNTER=0 get_onap_pods ALL_PODS=\$? PENDING=\$(grep -E '0/|1/2' \$TMP_POD_LIST | wc -l) while [ \$PENDING -gt \$FAILED_PODS_LIMIT -o \$ALL_PODS -lt \$ALL_PODS_LIMIT ]; do # print header every 20th lines if [ \$COUNTER -eq \$((\$COUNTER/20*20)) ] ; then printf "%-3s %-29s %-3s/%s\n" "Nr." "Datetime of check" "Err" "Total PODs" fi COUNTER=\$((\$COUNTER+1)) printf "%3s %-29s %3s/%-3s\n" \$COUNTER "\$(date)" \$PENDING \$ALL_PODS sleep 15 if [ "\$MAX_WAIT_PERIODS" -eq \$COUNTER ]; then FAILED_PODS_LIMIT=800 ALL_PODS_LIMIT=0 fi get_onap_pods ALL_PODS=\$? PENDING=\$(grep -E '0/|1/2' \$TMP_POD_LIST | wc -l) done echo "Report on non-running containers" get_onap_pods grep -E '0/|1/2' \$TMP_POD_LIST echo echo "sleep 5 min - to allow rest frameworks to finish at \$(date)" sleep 5m echo "run healthcheck 2 times to warm caches and frameworks"\ "so rest endpoints report properly - see OOM-447" echo "curl with aai cert to cloud-region PUT" curl -X PUT\ cloud-regions/cloud-region/CloudOwner/RegionOne \ --data "@aai-cloud-region-put.json" \ -H "authorization: Basic TW9kZWxMb2FkZXI6TW9kZWxMb2FkZXI=" \ -H "X-TransactionId:jimmy-postman" \ -H "X-FromAppId:AAI" \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -H "Accept:application/json" \ --cacert aaiapisimpledemoopenecomporg_20171003.crt -k echo "get the cloud region back" curl -X GET\ cloud-regions/ \ -H "authorization: Basic TW9kZWxMb2FkZXI6TW9kZWxMb2FkZXI=" \ -H "X-TransactionId:jimmy-postman" \ -H "X-FromAppId:AAI" \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -H "Accept:application/json" \ --cacert aaiapisimpledemoopenecomporg_20171003.crt -k # OOM-484 - robot scripts moved cd oom/kubernetes/robot echo -e "\nrun healthcheck prep 1" # OOM-722 adds namespace parameter ./ete-k8s.sh $ENVIRON health > ~/health1.out echo "sleep 5 min at \$(date)" sleep 5m echo "run healthcheck prep 2" ./ete-k8s.sh $ENVIRON health > ~/health2.out echo "run healthcheck for real - wait a further 5 min at \$(date)" sleep 5m ./ete-k8s.sh $ENVIRON health OOMDEPLOY echo "Finished install, ruturned from Master at $(date)" exit 0