From: Alexandru Avadanii <>
Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 17:05:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] UX: Update bootstrap/target build time estimate.

While building for a different architecture (e.g. AArch64 on x86_64),
the bootstrap/target image build may take longer, due to latency
introduced by using qemu-user-static.

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Avadanii <>
 build/ | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)

diff --git a/build/patch-repos/ b/build/patch-repos/
index c66b497..46b53e6 100644
--- a/build/patch-repos/
+++ b/build/patch-repos/
@@ -8,5 +8,20 @@
 --- a/iso/
 +++ b/iso/
+@@ -86,9 +86,11 @@
+ bootstrap_troubleshoot.html"
+ bs_progress_message="There is no active bootstrap. Bootstrap image building \
+-is in progress. Usually it takes 15-20 minutes. It depends on your internet \
+-connection and hardware performance. After bootstrap image becomes available, \
+-reboot nodes that failed to be discovered."
++is in progress. Usually it takes 15-20 minutes for a native build (x86_64) \
++and/or 30-45 minutes for each cross-build (e.g. AArch64). \
++It depends on your internet connection, hardware performance and selected \
++bootstrap architecture(s). This ISO supports AArch64 only. After bootstrap \
++image becomes available, reboot nodes that failed to be discovered."
+ bs_done_message="Default bootstrap image building done. Now you can boot new \
+ nodes over PXE, they will be discovered and become available for installing \
+ OpenStack on them"
 @@ -339,8 +339,22 @@ fuelmenu --save-only --iface=$ADMIN_INTERFACE || fail
  set +x
  echo "Done!"