From: Stanislaw Kardach <>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016 16:30:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add arm64 fixture

 nailgun/nailgun/fixtures/openstack.yaml | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+)

diff --git a/nailgun/nailgun/fixtures/openstack.yaml b/nailgun/nailgun/fixtures/openstack.yaml
index f9c8ab6..bf6f7c4 100644
--- a/nailgun/nailgun/fixtures/openstack.yaml
+++ b/nailgun/nailgun/fixtures/openstack.yaml
@@ -2079,3 +2079,102 @@
               uri: "http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz"
               format: "ext2"
               container: "gzip"
+- pk: 3
+  extend: *base_release
+  fields:
+    name: "Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 (aarch64)"
+    version: "liberty-8.0"
+    can_update_from_versions: []
+    operating_system: "Ubuntu"
+    description: "This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment."
+    attributes_metadata:
+      editable:
+        kernel_params:
+          kernel:
+            value: "console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=ttyS0,115200 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset"
+        repo_setup:
+          metadata:
+            label: "Repositories"
+            weight: 50
+            group: "general"
+            always_editable: true
+          repos:
+            type: "custom_repo_configuration"
+            extra_priority: null
+            description: |
+              Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.
+              To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.
+              Please make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.
+              For more details, please refer to the documentation (
+            value:
+              # first repository on the list is used for downloading the kernel and initrd
+              - type: "deb"
+                name: "ubuntu"
+                uri: ""
+                suite: "trusty"
+                section: "main universe multiverse"
+                priority: null
+              - type: "deb"
+                name: "ubuntu-updates"
+                uri: ""
+                suite: "trusty-updates"
+                section: "main universe multiverse"
+                priority: null
+              - type: "deb"
+                name: "ubuntu-security"
+                uri: ""
+                suite: "trusty-security"
+                section: "main universe multiverse"
+                priority: null
+              - type: "deb"
+                name: "mos"
+                uri: "http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64"
+                suite: "mos8.0"
+                section: "main restricted"
+                priority: 1050
+              - type: "deb"
+                name: "mos-updates"
+                uri: "{cluster.release.environment_version}"
+                suite: "mos8.0-updates"
+                section: "main restricted"
+                priority: 1050
+              - type: "deb"
+                name: "mos-security"
+                uri: "{cluster.release.environment_version}"
+                suite: "mos8.0-security"
+                section: "main restricted"
+                priority: 1050
+              - type: "deb"
+                name: "mos-holdback"
+                uri: "{cluster.release.environment_version}"
+                suite: "mos8.0-holdback"
+                section: "main restricted"
+                priority: 1100
+              - type: "deb"
+                name: "Auxiliary"
+                uri: "http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary"
+                suite: "auxiliary"
+                section: "main restricted"
+                priority: 1150
+      generated:
+        repo_setup:
+          installer_kernel:
+            remote_relative: "dists/trusty/main/installer-arm64/current/images/generic/netboot/vmlinuz"
+            local: "/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/arm64/images/linux"
+          installer_initrd:
+            remote_relative: "dists/trusty/main/installer-arm64/current/images/generic/netboot/initrd.gz"
+            local: "/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/arm64/images/initrd.gz"
+        cobbler:
+          profile:
+            generator_arg: "ubuntu_1404_arm64"
+        provision:
+          codename: "trusty"
+          image_data:
+            /:
+              uri: "http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{}_ubuntu_1404_arm64.img.gz"
+              format: "ext4"
+              container: "gzip"
+            /boot:
+              uri: "http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{}_ubuntu_1404_arm64-boot.img.gz"
+              format: "ext2"
+              container: "gzip"