#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Tim Rozet (Red Hat), Dan Radez (Red Hat) and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## ##preping it for deployment and launch the deploy ##params: none function overcloud_deploy { local num_compute_nodes local num_control_nodes if [[ "${#deploy_options_array[@]}" -eq 0 || "${deploy_options_array['sdn_controller']}" == 'opendaylight' ]]; then if [ "${deploy_options_array['sfc']}" == 'True' ]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/opendaylight_sfc.yaml" elif [ "${deploy_options_array['vpn']}" == 'True' ]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-opendaylight-bgpvpn.yaml" if [ "${deploy_options_array['gluon']}" == 'True' ]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/gluon.yaml" fi elif [ "${deploy_options_array['vpp']}" == 'True' ]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-opendaylight-honeycomb.yaml" else DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-opendaylight-l3.yaml" fi SDN_IMAGE=opendaylight elif [ "${deploy_options_array['sdn_controller']}" == 'opendaylight-external' ]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/opendaylight-external.yaml" SDN_IMAGE=opendaylight elif [ "${deploy_options_array['sdn_controller']}" == 'onos' ]; then if [ "${deploy_options_array['sfc']}" == 'True' ]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/onos_sfc.yaml" else DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/onos.yaml" fi SDN_IMAGE=onos elif [ "${deploy_options_array['sdn_controller']}" == 'opencontrail' ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: OpenContrail is currently unsupported...exiting${reset}" exit 1 elif [[ -z "${deploy_options_array['sdn_controller']}" || "${deploy_options_array['sdn_controller']}" == 'False' ]]; then echo -e "${blue}INFO: SDN Controller disabled...will deploy nosdn scenario${reset}" if [ "${deploy_options_array['vpp']}" == 'True' ]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-ml2-networking-vpp.yaml" fi SDN_IMAGE=opendaylight else echo "${red}Invalid sdn_controller: ${deploy_options_array['sdn_controller']}${reset}" echo "${red}Valid choices are opendaylight, opendaylight-external, onos, opencontrail, False, or null${reset}" exit 1 fi # Enable Tacker if [ "${deploy_options_array['tacker']}" == 'True' ]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/enable_tacker.yaml" fi # Enable Congress if [ "${deploy_options_array['congress']}" == 'True' ]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/enable_congress.yaml" fi # Make sure the correct overcloud image is available if [ ! -f $IMAGES/overcloud-full-${SDN_IMAGE}.qcow2 ]; then echo "${red} $IMAGES/overcloud-full-${SDN_IMAGE}.qcow2 is required to execute your deployment." echo "Please install the opnfv-apex package to provide this overcloud image for deployment.${reset}" exit 1 fi echo "Copying overcloud image to Undercloud" ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" "rm -f overcloud-full.qcow2" scp ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} $IMAGES/overcloud-full-${SDN_IMAGE}.qcow2 "stack@$UNDERCLOUD":overcloud-full.qcow2 if [ "${deploy_options_array['vpn']}" == 'True' ]; then echo -e "${blue}INFO: Enabling ZRPC and Quagga${reset}" ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize --run-command "yum -y install /root/quagga/*.rpm" \ --run-command "systemctl enable zrpcd" \ -a overcloud-full.qcow2 EOI fi # Install ovs-dpdk inside the overcloud image if it is enabled. if [[ "${deploy_options_array['dataplane']}" == 'ovs_dpdk' || "${deploy_options_array['dataplane']}" == 'fdio' ]]; then # install dpdk packages before ovs echo -e "${blue}INFO: Enabling kernel modules for dpdk inside overcloud image${reset}" ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI cat << EOF > vfio_pci.modules #!/bin/bash exec /sbin/modprobe vfio_pci >/dev/null 2>&1 EOF cat << EOF > uio_pci_generic.modules #!/bin/bash exec /sbin/modprobe uio_pci_generic >/dev/null 2>&1 EOF LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize --upload vfio_pci.modules:/etc/sysconfig/modules/ \ --upload uio_pci_generic.modules:/etc/sysconfig/modules/ \ --run-command "chmod 0755 /etc/sysconfig/modules/vfio_pci.modules" \ --run-command "chmod 0755 /etc/sysconfig/modules/uio_pci_generic.modules" \ -a overcloud-full.qcow2 if [ "${deploy_options_array['dataplane']}" == 'ovs_dpdk' ]; then LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize --run-command "yum install -y /root/dpdk_rpms/*" \ --run-command "sed -i '/RuntimeDirectoryMode=.*/d' /usr/lib/systemd/system/openvswitch-nonetwork.service" \ --run-command "printf \"%s\\n\" RuntimeDirectoryMode=0775 Group=qemu UMask=0002 >> /usr/lib/systemd/system/openvswitch-nonetwork.service" \ --run-command "sed -i 's/\\(^\\s\\+\\)\\(start_daemon "$OVS_VSWITCHD_PRIORITY"\\)/\\1umask 0002 \\&\\& \\2/' /usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl" \ -a overcloud-full.qcow2 fi EOI elif [ "${deploy_options_array['dataplane']}" != 'ovs' ]; then echo "${red}${deploy_options_array['dataplane']} not supported${reset}" exit 1 fi if [ "$debug" == 'TRUE' ]; then ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" "LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize -a overcloud-full.qcow2 --root-password password:opnfvapex" fi # upgrade ovs into ovs 2.5.90 with NSH function if SFC is enabled if [[ "${deploy_options_array['sfc']}" == 'True' && "${deploy_options_array['dataplane']}" == 'ovs' ]]; then ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize --run-command "yum install -y /root/ovs/rpm/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/${ovs_kmod_rpm_name}" \ --run-command "yum upgrade -y /root/ovs/rpm/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/${ovs_rpm_name}" \ -a overcloud-full.qcow2 EOI fi if [ -n "${deploy_options_array['performance']}" ]; then for option in "${performance_options[@]}" ; do arr=($option) # use compute's kernel settings for all nodes for now. if [ "${arr[0]}" == "Compute" ] && [ "${arr[1]}" == "kernel" ]; then kernel_args+=" ${arr[2]}=${arr[3]}" fi done ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI sed -i "/ComputeKernelArgs:/c\ ComputeKernelArgs: '$kernel_args'" ${ENV_FILE} sed -i "$ a\resource_registry:\n OS::TripleO::NodeUserData: first-boot.yaml" ${ENV_FILE} sed -i "/NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters:/c\ NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters: 'RamFilter,ComputeFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,ImagePropertiesFilter,NUMATopologyFilter'" ${ENV_FILE} EOI fi if [[ "${deploy_options_array['sdn_controller']}" == 'opendaylight' && "${deploy_options_array['dataplane']}" == 'fdio' ]]; then ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI sed -i "/neutron::agents::dhcp::interface_driver:/c\ neutron::agents::dhcp::interface_driver: neutron.agent.linux.interface.NSDriver" ${ENV_FILE} sed -i "/neutron::agents::l3::interface_driver:/c\ neutron::agents::l3::interface_driver: neutron.agent.linux.interface.NSDriver" ${ENV_FILE} EOI fi # Set ODL version accordingly if [[ "${deploy_options_array['sdn_controller']}" == 'opendaylight' && -n "${deploy_options_array['odl_version']}" ]]; then case "${deploy_options_array['odl_version']}" in beryllium) odl_version='' ;; boron) odl_version='boron' ;; carbon) odl_version='master' ;; *) echo -e "${red}Invalid ODL version ${deploy_options_array['odl_version']}. Please use 'carbon' or 'boron' values.${reset}" exit 1 ;; esac ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize --run-command "yum -y remove opendaylight" \ --run-command "yum -y install /root/${odl_version}/*" \ -a overcloud-full.qcow2 EOI fi # check if ceph should be enabled if [ "${deploy_options_array['ceph']}" == 'True' ]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml" fi #DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml" DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e network-environment.yaml" # get number of nodes available in inventory num_control_nodes=$(ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "root@$UNDERCLOUD" "grep -c profile:control /home/stack/instackenv.json") num_compute_nodes=$(ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "root@$UNDERCLOUD" "grep -c profile:compute /home/stack/instackenv.json") # check if HA is enabled if [[ "$ha_enabled" == "True" ]]; then if [ "$num_control_nodes" -lt 3 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: Number of control nodes in inventory is less than 3 and HA is enabled: ${num_control_nodes}. Check your inventory file.${reset}" exit 1 else DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" --control-scale ${num_control_nodes}" DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/puppet-pacemaker.yaml" echo -e "${blue}INFO: Number of control nodes set for deployment: ${num_control_nodes}${reset}" fi else if [ "$num_control_nodes" -lt 1 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: Number of control nodes in inventory is less than 1: ${num_control_nodes}. Check your inventory file.${reset}" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$num_compute_nodes" -le 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: Invalid number of compute nodes: ${num_compute_nodes}. Check your inventory file.${reset}" exit 1 else echo -e "${blue}INFO: Number of compute nodes set for deployment: ${num_compute_nodes}${reset}" DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" --compute-scale ${num_compute_nodes}" fi DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" --ntp-server $ntp_server" DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" --control-flavor control --compute-flavor compute" if [[ "$virtual" == "TRUE" ]]; then DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e virtual-environment.yaml" fi DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" -e ${ENV_FILE}" echo -e "${blue}INFO: Deploy options set:\n${DEPLOY_OPTIONS}${reset}" ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI # Create a key for use by nova for live migration echo "Creating nova SSH key for nova resize support" ssh-keygen -f nova_id_rsa -b 1024 -P "" public_key=\'\$(cat nova_id_rsa.pub | cut -d ' ' -f 2)\' sed -i "s#replace_public_key:#key: \$public_key#g" ${ENV_FILE} python -c 'open("opnfv-environment-new.yaml", "w").write((open("${ENV_FILE}").read().replace("replace_private_key:", "key: \"" + "".join(open("nova_id_rsa").readlines()).replace("\\n","\\\n") + "\"")))' mv -f opnfv-environment-new.yaml ${ENV_FILE} source stackrc set -o errexit # Workaround for APEX-207 where sometimes swift proxy is down if ! sudo systemctl status openstack-swift-proxy > /dev/null; then sudo systemctl restart openstack-swift-proxy fi echo "Uploading overcloud glance images" openstack overcloud image upload echo "Configuring undercloud and discovering nodes" openstack baremetal import --json instackenv.json if [[ -z "$virtual" ]]; then openstack baremetal introspection bulk start if [[ -n "$root_disk_list" ]]; then openstack baremetal configure boot --root-device=${root_disk_list} else openstack baremetal configure boot fi else openstack baremetal configure boot fi echo "Configuring flavors" for flavor in baremetal control compute; do echo -e "${blue}INFO: Updating flavor: \${flavor}${reset}" if openstack flavor list | grep \${flavor}; then openstack flavor delete \${flavor} fi openstack flavor create --id auto --ram 4096 --disk 39 --vcpus 1 \${flavor} if ! openstack flavor list | grep \${flavor}; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: Unable to create flavor \${flavor}${reset}" fi done openstack flavor set --property "cpu_arch"="x86_64" --property "capabilities:boot_option"="local" baremetal openstack flavor set --property "cpu_arch"="x86_64" --property "capabilities:boot_option"="local" --property "capabilities:profile"="control" control openstack flavor set --property "cpu_arch"="x86_64" --property "capabilities:boot_option"="local" --property "capabilities:profile"="compute" compute echo "Configuring nameserver on ctlplane network" dns_server_ext='' for dns_server in ${dns_servers}; do dns_server_ext="\${dns_server_ext} --dns-nameserver \${dns_server}" done neutron subnet-update \$(neutron subnet-list | grep -Ev "id|tenant|external|storage" | grep -v \\\\-\\\\- | awk {'print \$2'}) \${dns_server_ext} sed -i '/CloudDomain:/c\ CloudDomain: '${domain_name} ${ENV_FILE} echo "Executing overcloud deployment, this should run for an extended period without output." sleep 60 #wait for Hypervisor stats to check-in to nova # save deploy command so it can be used for debugging cat > deploy_command << EOF openstack overcloud deploy --templates $DEPLOY_OPTIONS --timeout 90 EOF EOI if [ "$interactive" == "TRUE" ]; then if ! prompt_user "Overcloud Deployment"; then echo -e "${blue}INFO: User requests exit${reset}" exit 0 fi fi ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI source stackrc openstack overcloud deploy --templates $DEPLOY_OPTIONS --timeout 90 if ! openstack stack list | grep CREATE_COMPLETE 1>/dev/null; then $(typeset -f debug_stack) debug_stack exit 1 fi EOI # Configure DPDK if [ "${deploy_options_array['dataplane']}" == 'ovs_dpdk' ]; then ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI || (echo "DPDK config failed, exiting..."; exit 1) source stackrc set -o errexit for node in \$(nova list | grep novacompute | grep -Eo "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+"); do echo "Running DPDK test app on \$node" ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "heat-admin@\$node" <<EOF set -o errexit sudo dpdk_helloworld --no-pci sudo dpdk_nic_bind -s EOF done EOI fi if [ "$debug" == 'TRUE' ]; then ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI source overcloudrc echo "Keystone Endpoint List:" openstack endpoint list echo "Keystone Service List" openstack service list EOI fi }