#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Tim Rozet (Red Hat), Dan Radez (Red Hat) and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## ##download dependencies if missing and configure host #params: none function configure_deps { if ! verify_internet; then echo "${red}Will not download dependencies${reset}" internet=false fi # verify ip forwarding if sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward | grep 0; then sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 sudo sh -c "echo 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf" fi # ensure no dhcp server is running on jumphost if ! sudo systemctl status dhcpd | grep dead; then echo "${red}WARN: DHCP Server detected on jumphost, disabling...${reset}" sudo systemctl stop dhcpd sudo systemctl disable dhcpd fi # ensure networks are configured systemctl status libvirtd || systemctl start libvirtd systemctl status openvswitch || systemctl start openvswitch # If flat we only use admin network if [[ "$net_isolation_enabled" == "FALSE" ]]; then virsh_enabled_networks="admin_network" enabled_network_list="admin_network" # For baremetal we only need to create/attach Undercloud to admin and public elif [ "$virtual" == "FALSE" ]; then virsh_enabled_networks="admin_network public_network" else virsh_enabled_networks=$enabled_network_list fi # ensure default network is configured correctly libvirt_dir="/usr/share/libvirt/networks" virsh net-list --all | grep default || virsh net-define ${libvirt_dir}/default.xml virsh net-list --all | grep -E "default\s+active" > /dev/null || virsh net-start default virsh net-list --all | grep -E "default\s+active\s+yes" > /dev/null || virsh net-autostart --network default if [[ -z "$virtual" || "$virtual" == "FALSE" ]]; then for network in ${enabled_network_list}; do echo "${blue}INFO: Creating Virsh Network: $network & OVS Bridge: ${NET_MAP[$network]}${reset}" ovs-vsctl list-br | grep "^${NET_MAP[$network]}$" > /dev/null || ovs-vsctl add-br ${NET_MAP[$network]} virsh net-list --all | grep $network > /dev/null || (cat > ${libvirt_dir}/apex-virsh-net.xml && virsh net-define ${libvirt_dir}/apex-virsh-net.xml) << EOF $network EOF if ! (virsh net-list --all | grep $network > /dev/null); then echo "${red}ERROR: unable to create network: ${network}${reset}" exit 1; fi rm -f ${libvirt_dir}/apex-virsh-net.xml &> /dev/null; virsh net-list | grep -E "$network\s+active" > /dev/null || virsh net-start $network virsh net-list | grep -E "$network\s+active\s+yes" > /dev/null || virsh net-autostart --network $network done echo -e "${blue}INFO: Bridges set: ${reset}" ovs-vsctl list-br # bridge interfaces to correct OVS instances for baremetal deployment for network in ${enabled_network_list}; do if [[ "$network" != "admin_network" && "$network" != "public_network" ]]; then continue fi this_interface=$(eval echo \${${network}_bridged_interface}) # check if this a bridged interface for this network if [[ ! -z "$this_interface" || "$this_interface" != "none" ]]; then if ! attach_interface_to_ovs ${NET_MAP[$network]} ${this_interface} ${network}; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: Unable to bridge interface ${this_interface} to bridge ${NET_MAP[$network]} for enabled network: ${network}${reset}" exit 1 else echo -e "${blue}INFO: Interface ${this_interface} bridged to bridge ${NET_MAP[$network]} for enabled network: ${network}${reset}" fi else echo "${red}ERROR: Unable to determine interface to bridge to for enabled network: ${network}${reset}" exit 1 fi done else for network in ${OPNFV_NETWORK_TYPES}; do echo "${blue}INFO: Creating Virsh Network: $network${reset}" virsh net-list --all | grep $network > /dev/null || (cat > ${libvirt_dir}/apex-virsh-net.xml && virsh net-define ${libvirt_dir}/apex-virsh-net.xml) << EOF $network EOF if ! (virsh net-list --all | grep $network > /dev/null); then echo "${red}ERROR: unable to create network: ${network}${reset}" exit 1; fi rm -f ${libvirt_dir}/apex-virsh-net.xml &> /dev/null; virsh net-list | grep -E "$network\s+active" > /dev/null || virsh net-start $network virsh net-list | grep -E "$network\s+active\s+yes" > /dev/null || virsh net-autostart --network $network done echo -e "${blue}INFO: Bridges set: ${reset}" brctl show fi echo -e "${blue}INFO: virsh networks set: ${reset}" virsh net-list # ensure storage pool exists and is started virsh pool-list --all | grep default > /dev/null || virsh pool-define-as --name default dir --target /var/lib/libvirt/images virsh pool-list | grep -Eo "default\s+active" > /dev/null || (virsh pool-autostart default; virsh pool-start default) if ! egrep '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null; then echo "${red}virtualization extensions not found, kvm kernel module insertion may fail.\n \ Are you sure you have enabled vmx in your bios or hypervisor?${reset}" fi if ! lsmod | grep kvm > /dev/null; then modprobe kvm; fi if ! lsmod | grep kvm_intel > /dev/null; then modprobe kvm_intel; fi if ! lsmod | grep kvm > /dev/null; then echo "${red}kvm kernel modules not loaded!${reset}" return 1 fi ##sshkeygen for root if [ ! -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa fi echo "${blue}All dependencies installed and running${reset}" }