# The only global parameter at this time is ha_enabled, which will use
# the tripleo ha architecture described here:
# https://github.com/beekhof/osp-ha-deploy/blob/master/HA-keepalived.md
# with 3 controllers by default
# If ha_enabled is false, there will only be one controller.
  ha_enabled: true

  # Which SDN controller to use. Valid options are 'opendaylight', 'onos',
  # 'opendaylight-external', 'opencontrail' or false. A value of false will
  # use Neutron's OVS ML2 controller.
  sdn_controller: opendaylight

  # Which version of ODL to use. This is only valid if 'opendaylight' was used
  # above. Valid options are 'beryllium', 'boron' and 'carbon'. If no value
  # is specified, Beryllium will be used.
  #odl_version: boron

  # Whether to configure ODL L3 support. This will disable the Neutron L3 Agent and
  # use ODL instead.
  sdn_l3: false

  # Whether to install and configure Tacker (VNF Manager)
  tacker: true

  # Whether to configure Congress (policy as a service) datasources
  # Note: Congress is already installed by default
  congress: false

  # Whether to configure ODL or ONOS with Service Function Chaining support. This
  # requires the opnfv-apex-opendaylight-sfc package to be installed, since it
  # uses a different overcloud image.
  sfc: false

  # Whether to configure ODL with SDNVPN support.
  vpn: false

  # Which dataplane to use for overcloud tenant networks. Valid options are
  # 'ovs', 'ovs_dpdk' and 'fdio'.
  dataplane : ovs

  # Whether to run the kvm real time kernel (rt_kvm) in the compute node(s) to
  # reduce the network latencies caused by network function virtualization
  rt_kvm: false

  # Whether to install and configure fdio functionality in the overcloud
  # The dataplane should be specified as fdio if this is set to true
  vpp: false

  # Whether to run vsperf after the install has completed
  #vsperf: false

  # Specify a device for ceph to use for the OSDs. By default a virtual disk
  # is created for the OSDs. This setting allows you to specify a different
  # target for the OSDs. The setting must be valid on all overcloud nodes.
  # The controllers and the compute nodes all have OSDs setup on them and
  # therefore this device name must be valid on all overcloud nodes.
  #ceph_device: /dev/sdb

  # Set performance options on specific roles. The valid roles are 'Compute', 'Controller'
  # and 'Storage', and the valid sections are 'kernel' and 'nova'
  #  Controller:
  #    kernel:
  #      # In this example, these three settings will be passed to the kernel boot line.
  #      # Any key/value pair can be entered here, so care should be taken to ensure that machines
  #      # do not fail to boot.
  #      #
  #      # isolcpus is generally used to push host processes off a particular core,
  #      # so that it can be dedicated to a specific process. On control nodes
  #      # this could be an ovs_dpdk process.
  #      isolcpus: 1
  #      # Hugepages are required for ovs_dpdk support.
  #      hugepage: 2M
  #      # intel_iommu is also required for ovs_dpdk support.
  #      intel_iommu: 'on'
  #  Compute:
  #    nova:
  #      # This is currently the only available option in the nova section. It will
  #      # add the provided string to vcpu_pin_set in nova.conf. This is used to pin
  #      # guest VMs to a set of CPU cores, and is decsribed in more detail here:
  #      # http://docs.openstack.org/newton/config-reference/compute/config-options.html
  #      libvirtpin: 1
  #    kernel:
  #      # On compute nodes, isolcpus is usually used to reserve cores for use either by VMs
  #      # or ovs_dpdk
  #      isolcpus: 0
  #      hugepage: 2M
  #      intel_iommu: 'on'

  # Set yardstick option to install yardstick
  #yardstick: false

  # Set dovetail option to install dovetail
  #dovetail: false