#!/bin/sh ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 Dan Radez (Red Hat) and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## set -e display_usage () { cat << EOF $0 Builds the Apex OPNFV Deployment Toolchain usage: $0 [ -c cache_dir ] -r release_name [ --iso | --rpms ] OPTIONS: -c cache destination - directory of cached files, defaults to ./cache -r release name/version of the build result --iso build the iso (implies RPMs too) --rpms build the rpms --debug enable debug -h help, prints this help text Example: build -c file:///tmp/cache -r dev123 EOF } BUILD_BASE=$(readlink -e ../build/) CACHE_DEST="" CACHE_DIR="cache" CACHE_NAME="apex-cache" PYTHON_TESTS="TRUE" MAKE_TARGETS="images" REQUIRED_PKGS="rpm-build python-docutils" parse_cmdline() { while [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ] do case "$1" in -h|--help) display_usage exit 0 ;; -c|--cache-dir) CACHE_DEST=${2} shift 2 ;; -r|--release) RELEASE=${2} shift 2 ;; --iso ) MAKE_TARGETS="iso" echo "Building opnfv-apex RPMs and ISO" shift 1 ;; --rpms ) MAKE_TARGETS="rpms" echo "Buiding opnfv-apex RPMs" shift 1 ;; --skip-python-tests ) PYTHON_TESTS="FALSE" echo "Skipping Python Tests" shift 1 ;; --debug ) debug="TRUE" echo "Enable debug output" shift 1 ;; *) display_usage exit 1 ;; esac done } run_make() { make $MAKE_ARGS -C ${BUILD_BASE} $1 } parse_cmdline "$@" # Install build dependencies for pkg in $REQUIRED_PKGS; do if ! rpm -q $pkg > /dev/null; then if ! sudo yum -y install $pkg > /dev/null; then echo "Required package $pkg missing and installation failed." exit 1 fi fi done if [ -n "$RELEASE" ]; then MAKE_ARGS+="RELEASE=$RELEASE "; fi # Get the Old Cache if [ -n "$CACHE_DEST" ]; then echo "Retrieving Cache" if [ -f $CACHE_DEST/${CACHE_NAME}.tgz ]; then echo "Cache found at ${CACHE_DEST}/${CACHE_NAME}.tgz" rm -rf $BUILD_BASE/$CACHE_DIR echo "Unpacking Cache to $BUILD_BASE" tar -xvzf $CACHE_DEST/${CACHE_NAME}.tgz -C ${BUILD_BASE} echo "Cache contents after unpack:" ls -l $BUILD_BASE/$CACHE_DIR elif [ ! -d $BUILD_BASE/$CACHE_DIR ]; then mkdir $BUILD_BASE/$CACHE_DIR fi fi # Conditionally execute RPM build checks if the specs change and target is not rpm or iso if [[ "$MAKE_TARGETS" == "images" ]]; then commit_file_list=$(git show --pretty="format:" --name-only) if [[ $commit_file_list == *build/Makefile* ]]; then # Makefile forces all rpms to be checked MAKE_TARGETS+=" rpms-check" else # Spec files are selective if [[ $commit_file_list == *build/opnfv-apex-undercloud.spec* ]]; then MAKE_TARGETS+=" undercloud-rpm-check" fi if [[ $commit_file_list == *build/opnfv-apex-common.spec* ]]; then MAKE_TARGETS+=" common-rpm-check" fi if [[ $commit_file_list == *build/opnfv-apex.spec* ]]; then MAKE_TARGETS+=" opendaylight-rpm-check" fi if [[ $commit_file_list == *build/opnfv-apex-onos.spec* ]]; then MAKE_TARGETS+=" onos-rpm-check" fi if [[ $commit_file_list == *build/opnfv-apex-opendaylight-sfc.spec* ]]; then MAKE_TARGETS+=" opendaylight-sfc-rpm-check" fi fi fi # Make sure python is installed if ! rpm -q python34-devel > /dev/null; then sudo yum install -y epel-release if ! sudo yum install -y python34-devel; then echo "Failed to install python34-devel package..." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$PYTHON_TESTS" == "TRUE" ]; then # Make sure coverage is installed if ! python3 -c "import coverage" &> /dev/null; then sudo easy_install-3.4 coverage; fi run_make python-tests pushd ../tests/ > /dev/null percent=$(coverage3 report --include '*lib/python/*' -m | grep TOTAL | tr -s ' ' | awk '{ print $4 }' | cut -d % -f 1) if [[ percent -lt 80 ]]; then echo "Python Coverage: $percent" echo "Does not meet 80% requirement" exit 1 fi popd fi # Execute make against targets for t in $MAKE_TARGETS; do run_make $t done echo "Build Complete" # Build new Cache if [ -n "$CACHE_DEST" ]; then echo "Building Cache" if [ ! -d $CACHE_DEST ]; then mkdir -p $CACHE_DEST; fi tar --atime-preserve --dereference -C $BUILD_BASE -caf $BUILD_BASE/${CACHE_NAME}.tgz $CACHE_DIR -C ${CACHE_DEST}/ if [ -f "${CACHE_DEST}/${CACHE_NAME}.tgz" ]; then echo "Cache Build Complete" else echo "WARN: Cache file did not build correctly" fi fi echo "Complete"