#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Get and install packages needed for Barometer service. # These are: collectd rpm's and dependencies, collectd-ceilometer-plugin, # puppet-barometer module. # Versions/branches COLLECTD_CEILOMETER_PLUGIN_BRANCH="stable/ocata" INTEL_CMT_CAT_VER="1.1.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm" ARCH="6.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm" # don't fail because of missing certificate GETFLAG="--no-check-certificate" # Locations of repos ARTIFACTS_BAROM="artifacts.opnfv.org/barometer" COLLECTD_CEILOMETER_REPO="https://github.com/openstack/collectd-ceilometer-plugin" PUPPET_BAROMETER_REPO="https://github.com/johnhinman/puppet-barometer" # upload barometer packages tar, extract, and install function barometer_pkgs { OVERCLOUD_IMAGE=$1 # get collectd packages and upload to image echo "adding barometer to " $1 rm -rf barometer mkdir barometer pushd barometer > /dev/null # get version of barometer packages to download wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/latest.properties BAROMETER_VER=$(grep OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION ./latest.properties | cut -d'=' -f2) echo "BAROMETER version = $BAROMETER_VER" # get collectd version from HTML wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM.html COLLECTD_VER=$(grep "$BAROMETER_VER/collectd-debuginfo" ./barometer.html | cut -d'-' -f7) SUFFIX=$COLLECTD_VER-$ARCH wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/$BAROMETER_VER/libcollectdclient-$SUFFIX wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/$BAROMETER_VER/libcollectdclient-devel-$SUFFIX wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/$BAROMETER_VER/collectd-$SUFFIX wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/$BAROMETER_VER/collectd-utils-$SUFFIX wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/$BAROMETER_VER/collectd-ovs_events-$SUFFIX wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/$BAROMETER_VER/collectd-ovs_stats-$SUFFIX wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/$BAROMETER_VER/collectd-virt-$SUFFIX wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/$BAROMETER_VER/intel-cmt-cat-$INTEL_CMT_CAT_VER wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/$BAROMETER_VER/intel-cmt-cat-devel-$INTEL_CMT_CAT_VER wget $GETFLAG $ARTIFACTS_BAROM/$BAROMETER_VER/collectd-python-$SUFFIX curl "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py" -o "get-pip.py" tar cfz collectd.tar.gz *.rpm get-pip.py cp collectd.tar.gz ${BUILD_DIR} popd > /dev/null # get collectd-ceilometer-plugin and tar it rm -rf collectd-ceilometer-plugin git clone https://github.com/openstack/collectd-ceilometer-plugin pushd collectd-ceilometer-plugin git checkout -b $COLLECTD_CEILOMETER_PLUGIN_BRANCH git archive --format=tar.gz HEAD > ${BUILD_DIR}/collectd-ceilometer-plugin.tar.gz popd > /dev/null # get the barometer puppet module and tar it rm -rf puppet-barometer git clone $PUPPET_BAROMETER_REPO pushd puppet-barometer/ > /dev/null git archive --format=tar.gz HEAD > ${BUILD_DIR}/puppet-barometer.tar.gz popd > /dev/null # Upload tar files to image # untar collectd packages # install dependencies LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize \ --upload ${BUILD_DIR}/collectd.tar.gz:/opt/ \ --upload ${BUILD_DIR}/collectd-ceilometer-plugin.tar.gz:/opt/ \ --upload ${BUILD_DIR}/puppet-barometer.tar.gz:/etc/puppet/modules/ \ --run-command 'tar xfz /opt/collectd.tar.gz -C /opt' \ --install libstatgrab,log4cplus,rrdtool,rrdtool-devel \ --install mcelog,python34,python34-libs,python34-devel \ --install libvirt,libvirt-devel,gcc \ -a $OVERCLOUD_IMAGE LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize \ --run-command 'python3.4 /opt/get-pip.py' \ --run-command 'pip3 install requests libvirt-python pbr babel future six' \ -a $OVERCLOUD_IMAGE LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize \ --run-command "yum install -y \ /opt/libcollectdclient-${SUFFIX} \ /opt/libcollectdclient-devel-${SUFFIX} \ /opt/collectd-${SUFFIX} \ /opt/collectd-utils-${SUFFIX} \ /opt/collectd-python-${SUFFIX} \ /opt/collectd-ovs_events-${SUFFIX} \ /opt/collectd-ovs_stats-${SUFFIX} \ /opt/collectd-virt-${SUFFIX} \ /opt/intel-cmt-cat-${INTEL_CMT_CAT_VER} \ /opt/intel-cmt-cat-devel-${INTEL_CMT_CAT_VER} \ /opt/collectd-virt-${SUFFIX}" \ -a $OVERCLOUD_IMAGE # install collectd-ceilometer plugin # install puppet-barometer module # make directory for config files LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize \ --run-command 'mkdir /opt/collectd-ceilometer' \ --run-command "tar xfz /opt/collectd-ceilometer-plugin.tar.gz -C /opt/collectd-ceilometer" \ --run-command "cd /etc/puppet/modules/ && mkdir barometer && \ tar xzf puppet-barometer.tar.gz -C barometer" \ --run-command 'mkdir -p /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d' \ -a $OVERCLOUD_IMAGE }