############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Tim Rozet (trozet@redhat.com) and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import base64 import fileinput import logging import os import platform import shutil import uuid import struct import time import apex.builders.overcloud_builder as oc_builder import apex.builders.common_builder as c_builder from apex.common import constants as con from apex.common.exceptions import ApexDeployException from apex.common import parsers from apex.common import utils from apex.virtual import utils as virt_utils from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization as \ crypto_serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend as \ crypto_default_backend SDN_FILE_MAP = { 'opendaylight': { 'sfc': 'neutron-sfc-opendaylight.yaml', 'vpn': 'neutron-bgpvpn-opendaylight.yaml', 'gluon': 'gluon.yaml', 'vpp': { 'odl_vpp_netvirt': 'neutron-opendaylight-netvirt-vpp.yaml', 'dvr': 'neutron-opendaylight-fdio-dvr.yaml', 'default': 'neutron-opendaylight-honeycomb.yaml' }, 'l2gw': 'neutron-l2gw-opendaylight.yaml', 'sriov': 'neutron-opendaylight-sriov.yaml', 'default': 'neutron-opendaylight.yaml', }, 'onos': { 'sfc': 'neutron-onos-sfc.yaml', 'default': 'neutron-onos.yaml' }, 'ovn': 'neutron-ml2-ovn.yaml', False: { 'vpp': 'neutron-ml2-vpp.yaml', 'dataplane': ('ovs_dpdk', 'neutron-ovs-dpdk.yaml') } } OTHER_FILE_MAP = { 'tacker': 'enable_tacker.yaml', 'congress': 'enable_congress.yaml', 'barometer': 'enable_barometer.yaml', 'rt_kvm': 'enable_rt_kvm.yaml' } OVS_PERF_MAP = { 'HostCpusList': 'dpdk_cores', 'NeutronDpdkCoreList': 'pmd_cores', 'NeutronDpdkSocketMemory': 'socket_memory', 'NeutronDpdkMemoryChannels': 'memory_channels' } OVS_NSH_KMOD_RPM = "openvswitch-kmod-2.6.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm" OVS_NSH_RPM = "openvswitch-2.6.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm" ODL_NETVIRT_VPP_RPM = "/root/opendaylight-7.0.0-0.1.20170531snap665.el7" \ ".noarch.rpm" LOSETUP_SERVICE = """[Unit] Description=Setup loop devices Before=network.target [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/sbin/losetup /dev/loop3 /srv/data.img ExecStop=/sbin/losetup -d /dev/loop3 TimeoutSec=60 RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ def build_sdn_env_list(ds, sdn_map, env_list=None): """ Builds a list of SDN environment files to be used in the deploy cmd. This function recursively searches an sdn_map. First the sdn controller is matched and then the function looks for enabled features for that controller to determine which environment files should be used. By default the feature will be checked if set to true in deploy settings to be added to the list. If a feature does not have a boolean value, then the key and value pair to compare with are checked as a tuple (k,v). :param ds: deploy settings :param sdn_map: SDN map to recursively search :param env_list: recursive var to hold previously found env_list :return: A list of env files """ if env_list is None: env_list = list() for k, v in sdn_map.items(): if ds['sdn_controller'] == k or (k in ds and ds[k]): if isinstance(v, dict): # Append default SDN env file first # The assumption is that feature-enabled SDN env files # override and do not conflict with previously set default # settings if ds['sdn_controller'] == k and 'default' in v: env_list.append(os.path.join(con.THT_ENV_DIR, v['default'])) env_list.extend(build_sdn_env_list(ds, v)) # check if the value is not a boolean elif isinstance(v, tuple): if ds[k] == v[0]: env_list.append(os.path.join(con.THT_ENV_DIR, v[1])) else: env_list.append(os.path.join(con.THT_ENV_DIR, v)) if len(env_list) == 0: try: env_list.append(os.path.join( con.THT_ENV_DIR, sdn_map['default'])) except KeyError: logging.warning("Unable to find default file for SDN") return env_list def get_docker_sdn_file(ds_opts): """ Returns docker env file for detected SDN :param ds_opts: deploy options :return: docker THT env file for an SDN """ # FIXME(trozet): We assume right now there is only one docker SDN file docker_services = con.VALID_DOCKER_SERVICES sdn_env_list = build_sdn_env_list(ds_opts, SDN_FILE_MAP) for sdn_file in sdn_env_list: sdn_base = os.path.basename(sdn_file) if sdn_base in docker_services: if docker_services[sdn_base] is not None: return os.path.join(con.THT_DOCKER_ENV_DIR, docker_services[sdn_base]) else: return os.path.join(con.THT_DOCKER_ENV_DIR, sdn_base) def create_deploy_cmd(ds, ns, inv, tmp_dir, virtual, env_file='opnfv-environment.yaml', net_data=False): logging.info("Creating deployment command") deploy_options = ['network-environment.yaml'] ds_opts = ds['deploy_options'] if ds_opts['containers']: deploy_options.append(os.path.join(con.THT_ENV_DIR, 'docker.yaml')) if ds['global_params']['ha_enabled']: if ds_opts['containers']: deploy_options.append(os.path.join(con.THT_ENV_DIR, 'docker-ha.yaml')) else: deploy_options.append(os.path.join(con.THT_ENV_DIR, 'puppet-pacemaker.yaml')) if env_file: deploy_options.append(env_file) if ds_opts['containers']: deploy_options.append('docker-images.yaml') sdn_docker_file = get_docker_sdn_file(ds_opts) if sdn_docker_file: deploy_options.append(sdn_docker_file) deploy_options.append('sdn-images.yaml') else: deploy_options += build_sdn_env_list(ds_opts, SDN_FILE_MAP) for k, v in OTHER_FILE_MAP.items(): if k in ds_opts and ds_opts[k]: if ds_opts['containers']: deploy_options.append(os.path.join(con.THT_DOCKER_ENV_DIR, "{}.yaml".format(k))) else: deploy_options.append(os.path.join(con.THT_ENV_DIR, v)) if ds_opts['ceph']: prep_storage_env(ds, ns, virtual, tmp_dir) deploy_options.append(os.path.join(con.THT_ENV_DIR, 'storage-environment.yaml')) if ds_opts['sriov']: prep_sriov_env(ds, tmp_dir) if virtual: deploy_options.append('virtual-environment.yaml') else: deploy_options.append('baremetal-environment.yaml') num_control, num_compute = inv.get_node_counts() if num_control == 0 or num_compute == 0: logging.error("Detected 0 control or compute nodes. Control nodes: " "{}, compute nodes{}".format(num_control, num_compute)) raise ApexDeployException("Invalid number of control or computes") elif num_control > 1 and not ds['global_params']['ha_enabled']: num_control = 1 if platform.machine() == 'aarch64': # aarch64 deploys were not completing in the default 90 mins. # Not sure if this is related to the hardware the OOO support # was developed on or the virtualization support in CentOS # Either way it will probably get better over time as the aarch # support matures in CentOS and deploy time should be tested in # the future so this multiplier can be removed. con.DEPLOY_TIMEOUT *= 2 cmd = "openstack overcloud deploy --templates --timeout {} " \ .format(con.DEPLOY_TIMEOUT) # build cmd env args for option in deploy_options: cmd += " -e {}".format(option) cmd += " --ntp-server {}".format(ns['ntp'][0]) cmd += " --control-scale {}".format(num_control) cmd += " --compute-scale {}".format(num_compute) cmd += ' --control-flavor control --compute-flavor compute' if net_data: cmd += ' --networks-file network_data.yaml' libvirt_type = 'kvm' if virtual: with open('/sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested') as f: nested_kvm = f.read().strip() if nested_kvm != 'Y': libvirt_type = 'qemu' cmd += ' --libvirt-type {}'.format(libvirt_type) logging.info("Deploy command set: {}".format(cmd)) with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'deploy_command'), 'w') as fh: fh.write(cmd) return cmd def prep_image(ds, ns, img, tmp_dir, root_pw=None, docker_tag=None, patches=None, upstream=False): """ Locates sdn image and preps for deployment. :param ds: deploy settings :param ns: network settings :param img: sdn image :param tmp_dir: dir to store modified sdn image :param root_pw: password to configure for overcloud image :param docker_tag: Docker image tag for RDO version (default None) :param patches: List of patches to apply to overcloud image :param upstream: (boolean) Indicates if upstream deployment or not :return: None """ # TODO(trozet): Come up with a better way to organize this logic in this # function logging.info("Preparing image: {} for deployment".format(img)) if not os.path.isfile(img): logging.error("Missing SDN image {}".format(img)) raise ApexDeployException("Missing SDN image file: {}".format(img)) ds_opts = ds['deploy_options'] virt_cmds = list() sdn = ds_opts['sdn_controller'] patched_containers = set() # we need this due to rhbz #1436021 # fixed in systemd-219-37.el7 if sdn is not False: logging.info("Neutron openvswitch-agent disabled") virt_cmds.extend([{ con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "rm -f /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/" "neutron-openvswitch-agent.service"}, { con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "rm -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/neutron-openvswitch-agent" ".service" }]) if ns.get('http_proxy', ''): virt_cmds.append({ con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "echo 'http_proxy={}' >> /etc/environment".format( ns['http_proxy'])}) if ns.get('https_proxy', ''): virt_cmds.append({ con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "echo 'https_proxy={}' >> /etc/environment".format( ns['https_proxy'])}) if ds_opts['vpn']: virt_cmds.append({con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local"}) virt_cmds.append({ con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "echo 'sudo /opt/quagga/etc/init.d/zrpcd start' > " "/opt/quagga/etc/init.d/zrpcd_start.sh"}) virt_cmds.append({ con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "chmod +x /opt/quagga/etc/init.d/" "zrpcd_start.sh"}) virt_cmds.append({ con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "sed -i '$a /opt/quagga/etc/" "init.d/zrpcd_start.sh' /etc/rc.local "}) virt_cmds.append({ con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "sed -i '$a /opt/quagga/etc/" "init.d/zrpcd_start.sh' /etc/rc.d/rc.local"}) logging.info("ZRPCD process started") dataplane = ds_opts['dataplane'] if dataplane == 'ovs_dpdk' or dataplane == 'fdio': logging.info("Enabling kernel modules for dpdk") # file to module mapping uio_types = { os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'vfio_pci.modules'): 'vfio_pci', os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'uio_pci_generic.modules'): 'uio_pci_generic' } for mod_file, mod in uio_types.items(): with open(mod_file, 'w') as fh: fh.write('#!/bin/bash\n') fh.write('exec /sbin/modprobe {}'.format(mod)) fh.close() virt_cmds.extend([ {con.VIRT_UPLOAD: "{}:/etc/sysconfig/modules/".format( mod_file)}, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "chmod 0755 /etc/sysconfig/modules/" "{}".format(os.path.basename(mod_file))} ]) if root_pw: pw_op = "password:{}".format(root_pw) virt_cmds.append({con.VIRT_PW: pw_op}) if ds_opts['sfc'] and dataplane == 'ovs': virt_cmds.extend([ {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "yum -y install " "/root/ovs/rpm/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/" "{}".format(OVS_NSH_KMOD_RPM)}, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "yum downgrade -y " "/root/ovs/rpm/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/" "{}".format(OVS_NSH_RPM)} ]) if dataplane == 'fdio': # Patch neutron with using OVS external interface for router # and add generic linux NS interface driver virt_cmds.append( {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "cd /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages && patch " "-p1 < neutron-patch-NSDriver.patch"}) if sdn is False: virt_cmds.extend([ {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "yum remove -y vpp-lib"}, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "yum install -y " "/root/nosdn_vpp_rpms/*.rpm"} ]) tmp_oc_image = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'overcloud-full.qcow2') shutil.copyfile(img, tmp_oc_image) logging.debug("Temporary overcloud image stored as: {}".format( tmp_oc_image)) # TODO (trozet): remove this if block after Fraser if sdn == 'opendaylight' and not upstream: if ds_opts['odl_version'] != con.DEFAULT_ODL_VERSION: virt_cmds.extend([ {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "yum -y remove opendaylight"}, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "rm -rf /etc/puppet/modules/opendaylight"}, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "cd /etc/puppet/modules && tar xzf " "/root/puppet-opendaylight-" "{}.tar.gz".format(ds_opts['odl_version'])} ]) if ds_opts['odl_version'] == 'master': virt_cmds.extend([ {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "rpm -ivh --nodeps /root/{}/*".format( ds_opts['odl_version'])} ]) else: virt_cmds.extend([ {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "yum -y install /root/{}/*".format( ds_opts['odl_version'])} ]) elif sdn == 'opendaylight' and 'odl_vpp_netvirt' in ds_opts \ and ds_opts['odl_vpp_netvirt']: virt_cmds.extend([ {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "yum -y remove opendaylight"}, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "yum -y install /root/{}/*".format( ODL_NETVIRT_VPP_RPM)} ]) elif sdn == 'opendaylight': undercloud_admin_ip = ns['networks'][con.ADMIN_NETWORK][ 'installer_vm']['ip'] oc_builder.inject_opendaylight( odl_version=ds_opts['odl_version'], image=tmp_oc_image, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, uc_ip=undercloud_admin_ip, os_version=ds_opts['os_version'], docker_tag=docker_tag, ) if docker_tag: patched_containers = patched_containers.union({'opendaylight'}) if patches: if ds_opts['os_version'] == 'master': branch = ds_opts['os_version'] else: branch = "stable/{}".format(ds_opts['os_version']) logging.info('Adding patches to overcloud') patched_containers = patched_containers.union( c_builder.add_upstream_patches(patches, tmp_oc_image, tmp_dir, branch, uc_ip=undercloud_admin_ip, docker_tag=docker_tag)) # if containers with ceph, and no ceph device we need to use a # persistent loop device for Ceph OSDs if docker_tag and not ds_opts.get('ceph_device', None): tmp_losetup = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'losetup.service') with open(tmp_losetup, 'w') as fh: fh.write(LOSETUP_SERVICE) virt_cmds.extend([ {con.VIRT_UPLOAD: "{}:/usr/lib/systemd/system/".format(tmp_losetup) }, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: 'truncate /srv/data.img --size 10G'}, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: 'mkfs.ext4 -F /srv/data.img'}, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: 'systemctl daemon-reload'}, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: 'systemctl enable losetup.service'}, ]) # TODO(trozet) remove this after LP#173474 is fixed dhcp_unit = '/usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcp-interface@.service' virt_cmds.append( {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "crudini --del {} Unit " "ConditionPathExists".format(dhcp_unit)}) virt_utils.virt_customize(virt_cmds, tmp_oc_image) logging.info("Overcloud image customization complete") return patched_containers def make_ssh_key(): """ Creates public and private ssh keys with 1024 bit RSA encryption :return: private, public key """ key = rsa.generate_private_key( backend=crypto_default_backend(), public_exponent=65537, key_size=1024 ) private_key = key.private_bytes( crypto_serialization.Encoding.PEM, crypto_serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8, crypto_serialization.NoEncryption()) public_key = key.public_key().public_bytes( crypto_serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH, crypto_serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH ) return private_key.decode('utf-8'), public_key.decode('utf-8') def prep_env(ds, ns, inv, opnfv_env, net_env, tmp_dir): """ Creates modified opnfv/network environments for deployment :param ds: deploy settings :param ns: network settings :param inv: node inventory :param opnfv_env: file path for opnfv-environment file :param net_env: file path for network-environment file :param tmp_dir: Apex tmp dir :return: """ logging.info("Preparing opnfv-environment and network-environment files") ds_opts = ds['deploy_options'] tmp_opnfv_env = os.path.join(tmp_dir, os.path.basename(opnfv_env)) shutil.copyfile(opnfv_env, tmp_opnfv_env) tenant_nic_map = ns['networks']['tenant']['nic_mapping'] tenant_nic = dict() tenant_nic['Controller'] = tenant_nic_map['controller']['members'][0] tenant_nic['NovaCompute'] = tenant_nic_map['compute']['members'][0] external_nic_map = ns['networks']['external'][0]['nic_mapping'] external_nic = dict() external_nic['NovaCompute'] = external_nic_map['compute']['members'][0] # SSH keys private_key, public_key = make_ssh_key() # Make easier/faster variables to index in the file editor if 'performance' in ds_opts: perf = True # vpp if 'vpp' in ds_opts['performance']['Compute']: perf_vpp_comp = ds_opts['performance']['Compute']['vpp'] else: perf_vpp_comp = None if 'vpp' in ds_opts['performance']['Controller']: perf_vpp_ctrl = ds_opts['performance']['Controller']['vpp'] else: perf_vpp_ctrl = None # ovs if 'ovs' in ds_opts['performance']['Compute']: perf_ovs_comp = ds_opts['performance']['Compute']['ovs'] else: perf_ovs_comp = None # kernel if 'kernel' in ds_opts['performance']['Compute']: perf_kern_comp = ds_opts['performance']['Compute']['kernel'] else: perf_kern_comp = None else: perf = False # Modify OPNFV environment # TODO: Change to build a dict and outputting yaml rather than parsing for line in fileinput.input(tmp_opnfv_env, inplace=True): line = line.strip('\n') output_line = line if 'CloudDomain' in line: output_line = " CloudDomain: {}".format(ns['domain_name']) elif 'replace_private_key' in line: output_line = " private_key: |\n" key_out = '' for line in private_key.splitlines(): key_out += " {}\n".format(line) output_line += key_out elif 'replace_public_key' in line: output_line = " public_key: '{}'".format(public_key) elif ((perf and perf_kern_comp) or ds_opts.get('rt_kvm')) and \ 'resource_registry' in line: output_line = "resource_registry:\n" \ " OS::TripleO::NodeUserData: first-boot.yaml" elif 'ComputeExtraConfigPre' in line and \ ds_opts['dataplane'] == 'ovs_dpdk': output_line = ' OS::TripleO::ComputeExtraConfigPre: ' \ './ovs-dpdk-preconfig.yaml' if ds_opts['sdn_controller'] == 'opendaylight' and \ 'odl_vpp_routing_node' in ds_opts: if 'opendaylight::vpp_routing_node' in line: output_line = (" opendaylight::vpp_routing_node: {}.{}" .format(ds_opts['odl_vpp_routing_node'], ns['domain_name'])) elif not ds_opts['sdn_controller'] and ds_opts['dataplane'] == 'fdio': if 'NeutronVPPAgentPhysnets' in line: # VPP interface tap0 will be used for external network # connectivity. output_line = (" NeutronVPPAgentPhysnets: " "'datacentre:{},external:tap0'" .format(tenant_nic['Controller'])) elif ds_opts['sdn_controller'] == 'opendaylight' and ds_opts.get( 'dvr') is True: if 'OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronDhcpAgent' in line: output_line = '' elif 'NeutronDhcpAgentsPerNetwork' in line: num_control, num_compute = inv.get_node_counts() output_line = (" NeutronDhcpAgentsPerNetwork: {}" .format(num_compute)) elif 'ComputeServices' in line: output_line = (" ComputeServices:\n" " - OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronDhcpAgent") # SRIOV networks are VLAN based provider networks. In order to simplify # the deployment, nfv_sriov will be the default physnet. VLANs are not # needed in advance, and the user will have to create the network # specifying the segmentation-id. if ds_opts['sriov']: if 'NeutronNetworkVLANRanges' in line: output_line = ("{},nfv_sriov'".format(line[:-1])) if perf: for role in 'NovaCompute', 'Controller': if role == 'NovaCompute': perf_opts = perf_vpp_comp else: perf_opts = perf_vpp_ctrl cfg = "{}ExtraConfig".format(role) if cfg in line and perf_opts: perf_line = '' if 'main-core' in perf_opts: perf_line += ("\n fdio::vpp_cpu_main_core: '{}'" .format(perf_opts['main-core'])) if 'corelist-workers' in perf_opts: perf_line += ("\n " "fdio::vpp_cpu_corelist_workers: '{}'" .format(perf_opts['corelist-workers'])) if ds_opts['sdn_controller'] == 'opendaylight' and \ ds_opts['dataplane'] == 'fdio': if role == 'NovaCompute': perf_line += ("\n " "tripleo::profile::base::neutron::" "agents::honeycomb::" "interface_role_mapping:" " ['{}:tenant-interface'," "'{}:public-interface']" .format(tenant_nic[role], external_nic[role])) else: perf_line += ("\n " "tripleo::profile::base::neutron::" "agents::honeycomb::" "interface_role_mapping:" " ['{}:tenant-interface']" .format(tenant_nic[role])) if perf_line: output_line = (" {}:{}".format(cfg, perf_line)) if ds_opts['dataplane'] == 'ovs_dpdk' and perf_ovs_comp: for k, v in OVS_PERF_MAP.items(): if k in line and v in perf_ovs_comp: output_line = " {}: '{}'".format(k, perf_ovs_comp[v]) # kernel args # (FIXME) use compute's kernel settings for all nodes for now. if perf_kern_comp: if 'NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters' in line: output_line = \ " NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters: 'RamFilter," \ "ComputeFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter," \ "ComputeCapabilitiesFilter," \ "ImagePropertiesFilter,NUMATopologyFilter'" elif 'ComputeKernelArgs' in line: kernel_args = '' for k, v in perf_kern_comp.items(): kernel_args += "{}={} ".format(k, v) if kernel_args: output_line = " ComputeKernelArgs: '{}'".\ format(kernel_args) print(output_line) logging.info("opnfv-environment file written to {}".format(tmp_opnfv_env)) def generate_ceph_key(): key = os.urandom(16) header = struct.pack('