############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Tim Rozet (trozet@redhat.com) and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import logging import os import re import shutil import subprocess from apex.common.exceptions import ApexDeployException from apex.network import ip_utils NET_MAP = { 'admin': 'br-admin', 'tenant': 'br-tenant', 'external': 'br-external', 'storage': 'br-storage', 'api': 'br-api' } def configure_bridges(ns): """ Configures IP on jumphost bridges :param ns: network_settings :return: None """ bridge_networks = ['admin'] if 'external' in ns.enabled_network_list: bridge_networks.append('external') for network in bridge_networks: if network == 'external': net_config = ns['networks'][network][0] else: net_config = ns['networks'][network] cidr = net_config['cidr'] interface = ip_utils.get_interface(NET_MAP[network], cidr.version) if interface: logging.info("Bridge {} already configured with IP: {}".format( NET_MAP[network], interface.ip)) else: logging.info("Will configure IP for {}".format(NET_MAP[network])) ovs_ip = net_config['overcloud_ip_range'][1] if cidr.version == 6: ipv6_br_path = "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{}/disable_" \ "ipv6".format(NET_MAP[network]) try: subprocess.check_call('echo', 0, '>', ipv6_br_path) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.error("Unable to enable ipv6 on " "bridge {}".format(NET_MAP[network])) raise try: ip_prefix = "{}/{}".format(ovs_ip, cidr.prefixlen) subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'addr', 'add', ip_prefix, 'dev', NET_MAP[network]]) subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'up', NET_MAP[ network]]) logging.info("IP configured: {} on bridge {}".format(ovs_ip, NET_MAP[network])) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.error("Unable to configure IP address on " "bridge {}".format(NET_MAP[network])) def attach_interface_to_ovs(bridge, interface, network): """ Attaches jumphost interface to OVS for baremetal deployments :param bridge: bridge to attach to :param interface: interface to attach to bridge :param network: Apex network type for these interfaces :return: None """ net_cfg_path = '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts' if_file = os.path.join(net_cfg_path, "ifcfg-{}".format(interface)) ovs_file = os.path.join(net_cfg_path, "ifcfg-{}".format(bridge)) logging.info("Attaching interface: {} to bridge: {} on network {}".format( bridge, interface, network )) try: output = subprocess.check_output(['ovs-vsctl', 'list-ports', bridge], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if interface in output.decode('utf-8'): logging.debug("Interface already attached to bridge") return except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logging.error("Unable to dump ports for bridge: {}".format(bridge)) logging.error("Error output: {}".format(e.output)) raise if not os.path.isfile(if_file): logging.error("Interface ifcfg not found: {}".format(if_file)) raise FileNotFoundError("Interface file missing: {}".format(if_file)) ifcfg_params = { 'IPADDR': '', 'NETMASK': '', 'GATEWAY': '', 'METRIC': '', 'DNS1': '', 'DNS2': '', 'PREFIX': '' } with open(if_file, 'r') as fh: interface_output = fh.read() for param in ifcfg_params.keys(): match = re.search("{}=(.*)\n".format(param), interface_output) if match: ifcfg_params[param] = match.group(1) if not ifcfg_params['IPADDR']: logging.error("IPADDR missing in {}".format(if_file)) raise ApexDeployException("IPADDR missing in {}".format(if_file)) if not (ifcfg_params['NETMASK'] or ifcfg_params['PREFIX']): logging.error("NETMASK/PREFIX missing in {}".format(if_file)) raise ApexDeployException("NETMASK/PREFIX missing in {}".format( if_file)) if network == 'external' and not ifcfg_params['GATEWAY']: logging.error("GATEWAY is required to be in {} for external " "network".format(if_file)) raise ApexDeployException("GATEWAY is required to be in {} for " "external network".format(if_file)) shutil.move(if_file, "{}.orig".format(if_file)) if_content = """DEVICE={} DEVICETYPE=ovs TYPE=OVSPort PEERDNS=no BOOTPROTO=static NM_CONTROLLED=no ONBOOT=yes OVS_BRIDGE={} PROMISC=yes""".format(interface, bridge) bridge_content = """DEVICE={} DEVICETYPE=ovs BOOTPROTO=static ONBOOT=yes TYPE=OVSBridge PROMISC=yes""".format(bridge) peer_dns = 'no' for param, value in ifcfg_params.items(): if value: bridge_content += "\n{}={}".format(param, value) if param == 'DNS1' or param == 'DNS2': peer_dns = 'yes' bridge_content += "\n{}={}".format('PEERDNS', peer_dns) logging.debug("New interface file content:\n{}".format(if_content)) logging.debug("New bridge file content:\n{}".format(bridge_content)) with open(if_file, 'w') as fh: fh.write(if_content) with open(ovs_file, 'w') as fh: fh.write(bridge_content) logging.info("New network ifcfg files written") logging.info("Restarting Linux networking") try: subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'network']) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.error("Failed to restart Linux networking") raise