############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Tim Rozet (trozet@redhat.com) and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## # Common building utilities for undercloud and overcloud import datetime import git import json import logging import os import re import urllib.parse import apex.builders.overcloud_builder as oc_builder from apex import build_utils from apex.builders import exceptions as exc from apex.common import constants as con from apex.common import utils from apex.virtual import utils as virt_utils def project_to_path(project, patch=None): """ Translates project to absolute file path to use in patching :param project: name of project :param patch: the patch to applied to the project :return: File path """ if project.startswith('openstack/'): project = os.path.basename(project) if 'puppet' in project: return "/etc/puppet/modules/{}".format(project.replace('puppet-', '')) elif 'tripleo-heat-templates' in project: return "/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates" elif ('tripleo-common' in project and build_utils.is_path_in_patch(patch, 'container-images/')): # tripleo-common has python and another component to it # here we detect if there is a change to the yaml component and if so # treat it like it is not python. This has the caveat of if there # is a patch to both python and yaml this will not work # FIXME(trozet): add ability to split tripleo-common patches that # modify both python and yaml return "/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-common-containers/" else: # assume python. python patches will apply to a project name subdir. # For example, python-tripleoclient patch will apply to the # tripleoclient directory, which is the directory extracted during # python install into the PYTHONPATH. Therefore we need to just be # in the PYTHONPATH directory to apply a patch return "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/" def project_to_docker_image(project): """ Translates OpenStack project to OOO services that are containerized :param project: short name of OpenStack project :return: List of OOO docker service names """ # Fetch all docker containers in docker hub with tripleo and filter # based on project logging.info("Checking for docker images matching project: {}".format( project)) hub_output = utils.open_webpage( urllib.parse.urljoin(con.DOCKERHUB_OOO, '?page_size=1024'), timeout=10) try: results = json.loads(hub_output.decode())['results'] except Exception as e: logging.error("Unable to parse docker hub output for" "tripleoupstream repository") logging.debug("HTTP response from dockerhub:\n{}".format(hub_output)) raise exc.ApexCommonBuilderException( "Failed to parse docker image info from Docker Hub: {}".format(e)) logging.debug("Docker Hub tripleoupstream entities found: {}".format( results)) docker_images = list() for result in results: if result['name'].startswith("centos-binary-{}".format(project)): # add as docker image shortname (just service name) logging.debug("Adding docker image {} for project {} for " "patching".format(result['name'], project)) docker_images.append(result['name'].replace('centos-binary-', '')) return docker_images def is_patch_promoted(change, branch, docker_image=None): """ Checks to see if a patch that is in merged exists in either the docker container or the promoted tripleo images :param change: gerrit change json output :param branch: branch to use when polling artifacts (does not include stable prefix) :param docker_image: container this applies to if (defaults to None) :return: True if the patch exists in a promoted artifact upstream """ assert isinstance(change, dict) assert 'status' in change # if not merged we already know this is not closed/abandoned, so we know # this is not promoted if change['status'] != 'MERGED': return False assert 'submitted' in change # drop microseconds cause who cares stime = re.sub('\..*$', '', change['submitted']) submitted_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(stime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Patch applies to overcloud/undercloud if docker_image is None: oc_url = urllib.parse.urljoin( con.UPSTREAM_RDO.replace(con.DEFAULT_OS_VERSION, branch), 'overcloud-full.tar') oc_mtime = utils.get_url_modified_date(oc_url) if oc_mtime > submitted_date: logging.debug("oc image was last modified at {}, which is" "newer than merge date: {}".format(oc_mtime, submitted_date)) return True else: # must be a docker patch, check docker tag modified time docker_url = con.DOCKERHUB_OOO.replace('tripleomaster', "tripleo{}".format(branch)) url_path = "{}/tags/{}".format(docker_image, con.DOCKER_TAG) docker_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(docker_url, url_path) logging.debug("docker url is: {}".format(docker_url)) docker_output = utils.open_webpage(docker_url, 10) logging.debug('Docker web output: {}'.format(docker_output)) hub_mtime = json.loads(docker_output.decode())['last_updated'] hub_mtime = re.sub('\..*$', '', hub_mtime) # docker modified time is in this format '2018-06-11T15:23:55.135744Z' # and we drop microseconds hub_dtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(hub_mtime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if hub_dtime > submitted_date: logging.debug("docker image: {} was last modified at {}, which is" "newer than merge date: {}".format(docker_image, hub_dtime, submitted_date)) return True return False def add_upstream_patches(patches, image, tmp_dir, default_branch=os.path.join('stable', con.DEFAULT_OS_VERSION), uc_ip=None, docker_tag=None): """ Adds patches from upstream OpenStack gerrit to Undercloud for deployment :param patches: list of patches :param image: undercloud image :param tmp_dir: to store temporary patch files :param default_branch: default branch to fetch commit (if not specified in patch) :param uc_ip: undercloud IP (required only for docker patches) :param docker_tag: Docker Tag (required only for docker patches) :return: Set of docker services patched (if applicable) """ virt_ops = [{con.VIRT_INSTALL: 'patch'}] logging.debug("Evaluating upstream patches:\n{}".format(patches)) docker_services = set() for patch in patches: assert isinstance(patch, dict) assert all(i in patch.keys() for i in ['project', 'change-id']) if 'branch' in patch.keys(): branch = patch['branch'] else: branch = default_branch patch_diff = build_utils.get_patch(patch['change-id'], patch['project'], branch) project_path = project_to_path(patch['project'], patch_diff) # If docker tag and python we know this patch belongs on docker # container for a docker service. Therefore we build the dockerfile # and move the patch into the containers directory. We also assume # this builder call is for overcloud, because we do not support # undercloud containers if docker_tag and 'python' in project_path: # Projects map to multiple THT services, need to check which # are supported project_short_name = os.path.basename(patch['project']) ooo_docker_services = project_to_docker_image(project_short_name) if not ooo_docker_services: logging.error("Did not find any matching docker containers " "for project: {}".format(project_short_name)) raise exc.ApexCommonBuilderException( 'Unable to find docker services for python project in ' 'patch') # Just use the first image to see if patch was promoted into it docker_img = ooo_docker_services[0] else: ooo_docker_services = [] docker_img = None change = build_utils.get_change(con.OPENSTACK_GERRIT, patch['project'], branch, patch['change-id']) patch_promoted = is_patch_promoted(change, branch.replace('stable/', ''), docker_img) if patch_diff and not patch_promoted: patch_file = "{}.patch".format(patch['change-id']) patch_file_paths = [] # If we found services, then we treat the patch like it applies to # docker only if ooo_docker_services: os_version = default_branch.replace('stable/', '') for service in ooo_docker_services: docker_services = docker_services.union({service}) # We need to go root to be able to install patch and then # switch back to previous user. Some containers that # have the same name as the project do not necessarily # contain the project code. For example # novajoin-notifier does not contain nova package code. # Therefore we must try to patch and unfortunately # ignore failures until we have a better way of checking # this docker_cmds = [ "WORKDIR {}".format(project_path), "USER root", "ARG REAL_USER", "RUN yum -y install patch", "ADD {} {}".format(patch_file, project_path), "RUN patch -p1 < {} || echo " "'Patching failed'".format(patch_file), "USER $REAL_USER" ] src_img_uri = "{}:8787/tripleo{}/centos-binary-{}:" \ "{}".format(uc_ip, os_version, service, docker_tag) oc_builder.build_dockerfile(service, tmp_dir, docker_cmds, src_img_uri) patch_file_paths.append(os.path.join( tmp_dir, "containers/{}".format(service), patch_file)) else: patch_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, patch_file) virt_ops.extend([ {con.VIRT_UPLOAD: "{}:{}".format(patch_file_path, project_path)}, {con.VIRT_RUN_CMD: "cd {} && patch -p1 < {}".format( project_path, patch_file)}]) logging.info("Adding patch {} to {}".format(patch_file, image)) patch_file_paths.append(patch_file_path) for patch_fp in patch_file_paths: with open(patch_fp, 'w') as fh: fh.write(patch_diff) else: logging.info("Ignoring patch:\n{}".format(patch)) if len(virt_ops) > 1: virt_utils.virt_customize(virt_ops, image) return docker_services def add_repo(repo_url, repo_name, image, tmp_dir): assert repo_name is not None assert repo_url is not None repo_file = "{}.repo".format(repo_name) repo_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, repo_file) content = [ "[{}]".format(repo_name), "name={}".format(repo_name), "baseurl={}".format(repo_url), "gpgcheck=0" ] logging.debug("Creating repo file {}".format(repo_name)) with open(repo_file_path, 'w') as fh: fh.writelines("{}\n".format(line) for line in content) logging.debug("Adding repo {} to {}".format(repo_file, image)) virt_utils.virt_customize([ {con.VIRT_UPLOAD: "{}:/etc/yum.repos.d/".format(repo_file_path)}], image ) def create_git_archive(repo_url, repo_name, tmp_dir, branch='master', prefix=''): repo = git.Repo.clone_from(repo_url, os.path.join(tmp_dir, repo_name)) repo_git = repo.git if branch != str(repo.active_branch): repo_git.checkout("origin/{}".format(branch)) archive_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "{}.tar".format(repo_name)) with open(archive_path, 'wb') as fh: repo.archive(fh, prefix=prefix) logging.debug("Wrote archive file: {}".format(archive_path)) return archive_path