path: root/ci/
diff options
authorDan Radez <>2016-07-06 09:35:07 -0400
committerDan Radez <>2016-07-06 14:28:24 -0400
commit24b11bfd6c35d0c876c902cfc7c9046e20b001fb (patch)
tree4bb9d9d21002d3e1201e46a3d340642ffe1d85b9 /ci/
parentcce2d48443510c0fe1b9b7b6cb5aba490577f842 (diff)
Splitting out undercloud to functions file
trying to reduce the monolith to smaller parts Change-Id: Ia92c055021073dc72f46a970cd03206ddd8df8da Signed-off-by: Dan Radez <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ci/')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 6256039c..abe07e48 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ $LIB/
@@ -102,273 +103,6 @@ function verify_internet {
-##verify vm exists, an has a dhcp lease assigned to it
-##params: none
-function setup_undercloud_vm {
- if ! virsh list --all | grep undercloud > /dev/null; then
- undercloud_nets="default admin_network"
- if [[ $enabled_network_list =~ "public_network" ]]; then
- undercloud_nets+=" public_network"
- fi
- define_vm undercloud hd 30 "$undercloud_nets" 4 12288
- ### this doesn't work for some reason I was getting hangup events so using cp instead
- #virsh vol-upload --pool default --vol undercloud.qcow2 --file $CONFIG/stack/undercloud.qcow2
- #2015-12-05 12:57:20.569+0000: 8755: info : libvirt version: 1.2.8, package: 16.el7_1.5 (CentOS BuildSystem <>, 2015-11-03-13:56:46,
- #2015-12-05 12:57:20.569+0000: 8755: warning : virKeepAliveTimerInternal:143 : No response from client 0x7ff1e231e630 after 6 keepalive messages in 35 seconds
- #2015-12-05 12:57:20.569+0000: 8756: warning : virKeepAliveTimerInternal:143 : No response from client 0x7ff1e231e630 after 6 keepalive messages in 35 seconds
- #error: cannot close volume undercloud.qcow2
- #error: internal error: received hangup / error event on socket
- #error: Reconnected to the hypervisor
- local undercloud_dst=/var/lib/libvirt/images/undercloud.qcow2
- cp -f $RESOURCES/undercloud.qcow2 $undercloud_dst
- # resize Undercloud machine
- echo "Checking if Undercloud needs to be resized..."
- undercloud_size=$(LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-filesystems --long -h --all -a $undercloud_dst |grep device | grep -Eo "[0-9\.]+G" | sed -n 's/\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p')
- if [ "$undercloud_size" -lt 30 ]; then
- qemu-img resize /var/lib/libvirt/images/undercloud.qcow2 +25G
- LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-resize --expand /dev/sda1 $RESOURCES/undercloud.qcow2 $undercloud_dst
- LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize -a $undercloud_dst --run-command 'xfs_growfs -d /dev/sda1 || true'
- new_size=$(LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-filesystems --long -h --all -a $undercloud_dst |grep filesystem | grep -Eo "[0-9\.]+G" | sed -n 's/\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p')
- if [ "$new_size" -lt 30 ]; then
- echo "Error resizing Undercloud machine, disk size is ${new_size}"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "Undercloud successfully resized"
- fi
- else
- echo "Skipped Undercloud resize, upstream is large enough"
- fi
- else
- echo "Found Undercloud VM, using existing VM"
- fi
- # if the VM is not running update the authkeys and start it
- if ! virsh list | grep undercloud > /dev/null; then
- echo "Injecting ssh key to Undercloud VM"
- LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-customize -a $undercloud_dst --run-command "mkdir -p /root/.ssh/" \
- --upload ~/.ssh/ \
- --run-command "chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && restorecon /root/.ssh/authorized_keys" \
- --run-command "cp /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/stack/.ssh/" \
- --run-command "chown stack:stack /home/stack/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 /home/stack/.ssh/authorized_keys"
- virsh start undercloud
- fi
- sleep 10 # let undercloud get started up
- # get the undercloud VM IP
- CNT=10
- echo -n "${blue}Waiting for Undercloud's dhcp address${reset}"
- undercloud_mac=$(virsh domiflist undercloud | grep default | awk '{ print $5 }')
- while ! $(arp -e | grep ${undercloud_mac} > /dev/null) && [ $CNT -gt 0 ]; do
- echo -n "."
- sleep 10
- CNT=$((CNT-1))
- done
- UNDERCLOUD=$(arp -e | grep ${undercloud_mac} | awk {'print $1'})
- if [ -z "$UNDERCLOUD" ]; then
- echo "\n\nCan't get IP for Undercloud. Can Not Continue."
- exit 1
- else
- echo -e "${blue}\rUndercloud VM has IP $UNDERCLOUD${reset}"
- fi
- CNT=10
- echo -en "${blue}\rValidating Undercloud VM connectivity${reset}"
- while ! ping -c 1 $UNDERCLOUD > /dev/null && [ $CNT -gt 0 ]; do
- echo -n "."
- sleep 3
- CNT=$((CNT-1))
- done
- if [ "$CNT" -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Failed to contact Undercloud. Can Not Continue"
- exit 1
- fi
- CNT=10
- while ! ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "root@$UNDERCLOUD" "echo ''" 2>&1> /dev/null && [ $CNT -gt 0 ]; do
- echo -n "."
- sleep 3
- CNT=$((CNT-1))
- done
- if [ "$CNT" -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Failed to connect to Undercloud. Can Not Continue"
- exit 1
- fi
- # extra space to overwrite the previous connectivity output
- echo -e "${blue}\r ${reset}"
- sleep 1
- # ssh key fix for stack user
- ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "root@$UNDERCLOUD" "restorecon -r /home/stack"
-##Copy over the glance images and instackenv json file
-##params: none
-function configure_undercloud {
- local controller_nic_template compute_nic_template
- echo
- echo "Copying configuration files to Undercloud"
- if [[ "$net_isolation_enabled" == "TRUE" ]]; then
- echo -e "${blue}Network Environment set for Deployment: ${reset}"
- cat /tmp/network-environment.yaml
- scp ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} /tmp/network-environment.yaml "stack@$UNDERCLOUD":
- # check for ODL L3/ONOS
- if [ "${deploy_options_array['sdn_l3']}" == 'True' ]; then
- ext_net_type=br-ex
- fi
- if [ "${deploy_options_array['dataplane']}" == 'ovs_dpdk' ]; then
- ovs_dpdk_bridge='br-phy'
- else
- ovs_dpdk_bridge=''
- fi
- if ! controller_nic_template=$(python3.4 -B $LIB/python/ nic-template -r controller -s $NETSETS -i $net_isolation_enabled -t $CONFIG/nics-template.yaml.jinja2 -n "$enabled_network_list" -e "br-ex" -af $ip_addr_family); then
- echo -e "${red}ERROR: Failed to generate controller NIC heat template ${reset}"
- exit 1
- fi
- if ! compute_nic_template=$(python3.4 -B $LIB/python/ nic-template -r compute -s $NETSETS -i $net_isolation_enabled -t $CONFIG/nics-template.yaml.jinja2 -n "$enabled_network_list" -e $ext_net_type -af $ip_addr_family -d "$ovs_dpdk_bridge"); then
- echo -e "${red}ERROR: Failed to generate compute NIC heat template ${reset}"
- exit 1
- fi
- ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" << EOI
-mkdir nics/
-cat > nics/controller.yaml << EOF
-cat > nics/compute.yaml << EOF
- fi
- # ensure stack user on Undercloud machine has an ssh key
- ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" "if [ ! -e ~/.ssh/ ]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa; fi"
- if [ "$virtual" == "TRUE" ]; then
- # copy the Undercloud VM's stack user's pub key to
- # root's auth keys so that Undercloud can control
- # vm power on the hypervisor
- ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" "cat /home/stack/.ssh/" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
- DEPLOY_OPTIONS+=" --libvirt-type qemu"
- INSTACKENV=$CONFIG/instackenv-virt.json
- # upload instackenv file to Undercloud for virtual deployment
- scp ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} $INSTACKENV "stack@$UNDERCLOUD":instackenv.json
- fi
- # allow stack to control power management on the hypervisor via sshkey
- # only if this is a virtual deployment
- if [ "$virtual" == "TRUE" ]; then
- ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" <<EOI
-while read -r line; do
- stack_key=\${stack_key}\\\\\\\\n\${line}
-done < <(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)
-stack_key=\$(echo \$stack_key | sed 's/\\\\\\\\n//')
-sed -i 's~INSERT_STACK_USER_PRIV_KEY~'"\$stack_key"'~' instackenv.json
- fi
- # copy stack's ssh key to this users authorized keys
- ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "root@$UNDERCLOUD" "cat /home/stack/.ssh/" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- # disable requiretty for sudo
- ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "root@$UNDERCLOUD" "sed -i 's/Defaults\s*requiretty//'" /etc/sudoers
- # configure undercloud on Undercloud VM
- echo "Running undercloud configuration."
- echo "Logging undercloud configuration to undercloud:/home/stack/apex-undercloud-install.log"
- ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "stack@$UNDERCLOUD" << EOI
-if [[ "$net_isolation_enabled" == "TRUE" ]]; then
- sed -i 's/#local_ip/local_ip/' undercloud.conf
- sed -i 's/#network_gateway/network_gateway/' undercloud.conf
- sed -i 's/#network_cidr/network_cidr/' undercloud.conf
- sed -i 's/#dhcp_start/dhcp_start/' undercloud.conf
- sed -i 's/#dhcp_end/dhcp_end/' undercloud.conf
- sed -i 's/#inspection_iprange/inspection_iprange/' undercloud.conf
- sed -i 's/#undercloud_debug/undercloud_debug/' undercloud.conf
- openstack-config --set undercloud.conf DEFAULT local_ip ${admin_network_provisioner_ip}/${admin_network_cidr##*/}
- openstack-config --set undercloud.conf DEFAULT network_gateway ${admin_network_provisioner_ip}
- openstack-config --set undercloud.conf DEFAULT network_cidr ${admin_network_cidr}
- openstack-config --set undercloud.conf DEFAULT dhcp_start ${admin_network_dhcp_range%%,*}
- openstack-config --set undercloud.conf DEFAULT dhcp_end ${admin_network_dhcp_range##*,}
- openstack-config --set undercloud.conf DEFAULT inspection_iprange ${admin_network_introspection_range}
- openstack-config --set undercloud.conf DEFAULT undercloud_debug false
-sudo sed -i '/CephClusterFSID:/c\\ CephClusterFSID: \\x27$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)\\x27' /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml
-sudo sed -i '/CephMonKey:/c\\ CephMonKey: \\x27'"\$(ceph-authtool --gen-print-key)"'\\x27' /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml
-sudo sed -i '/CephAdminKey:/c\\ CephAdminKey: \\x27'"\$(ceph-authtool --gen-print-key)"'\\x27' /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml
-# we assume that packages will not need to be updated with undercloud install
-# and that it will be used only to configure the undercloud
-# packages updates would need to be handled manually with yum update
-sudo cp -f /usr/share/diskimage-builder/elements/yum/bin/install-packages /usr/share/diskimage-builder/elements/yum/bin/install-packages.bak
-cat << 'EOF' | sudo tee /usr/share/diskimage-builder/elements/yum/bin/install-packages > /dev/null
-exit 0
-openstack undercloud install &> apex-undercloud-install.log || {
- # cat the undercloud install log incase it fails
- echo "ERROR: openstack undercloud install has failed. Dumping Log:"
- cat apex-undercloud-install.log
- exit 1
-sleep 30
-sudo systemctl restart openstack-glance-api
-sudo systemctl restart openstack-nova-conductor
-sudo systemctl restart openstack-nova-compute
-sudo sed -i '/num_engine_workers/c\num_engine_workers = 2' /etc/heat/heat.conf
-sudo sed -i '/#workers\s=/c\workers = 2' /etc/heat/heat.conf
-sudo systemctl restart openstack-heat-engine
-sudo systemctl restart openstack-heat-api
-# configure external network
- ssh -T ${SSH_OPTIONS[@]} "root@$UNDERCLOUD" << EOI
-if [[ "$public_network_vlan" != "native" ]]; then
- cat <<EOF > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-vlan${public_network_vlan}
- ifup vlan${public_network_vlan}
- if ! ip a s eth2 | grep ${public_network_provisioner_ip} > /dev/null; then
- ip a a ${public_network_provisioner_ip}/${public_network_cidr##*/} dev eth2
- ip link set up dev eth2
- fi
-# WORKAROUND: must restart the above services to fix sync problem with nova compute manager
-# TODO: revisit and file a bug if necessary. This should eventually be removed
-# as well as glance api problem
-echo -e "${blue}INFO: Sleeping 15 seconds while services come back from restart${reset}"
-sleep 15
##preping it for deployment and launch the deploy
##params: none
function undercloud_prep_overcloud_deploy {