heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 description: 'OpenStack ceph storage node configured by Puppet' parameters: Flavor: description: Flavor for the Ceph Storage node. type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor Image: type: string default: overcloud-ceph-storage constraints: - custom_constraint: glance.image ImageUpdatePolicy: default: 'REBUILD_PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL' description: What policy to use when reconstructing instances. REBUILD for rebuilds, REBUILD_PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL to preserve /mnt. type: string KeyName: description: Name of an existing Nova key pair to enable SSH access to the instances type: string default: default constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.keypair NtpServer: default: '' description: Comma-separated list of ntp servers type: comma_delimited_list EnablePackageInstall: default: 'false' description: Set to true to enable package installation via Puppet type: boolean ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json TimeZone: default: 'UTC' description: The timezone to be set on Ceph nodes. type: string UpdateIdentifier: default: '' type: string description: > Setting to a previously unused value during stack-update will trigger package update on all nodes Hostname: type: string default: '' # Defaults to Heat created hostname HostnameMap: type: json default: {} description: Optional mapping to override hostnames ExtraConfig: default: {} description: | Additional hiera configuration to inject into the cluster. Note that CephStorageExtraConfig takes precedence over ExtraConfig. type: json CephStorageExtraConfig: default: {} description: | Role specific additional hiera configuration to inject into the cluster. type: json CephStorageIPs: default: {} type: json NetworkDeploymentActions: type: comma_delimited_list description: > Heat action when to apply network configuration changes default: ['CREATE'] SoftwareConfigTransport: default: POLL_SERVER_CFN description: | How the server should receive the metadata required for software configuration. type: string constraints: - allowed_values: [POLL_SERVER_CFN, POLL_SERVER_HEAT, POLL_TEMP_URL, ZAQAR_MESSAGE] CloudDomain: default: '' type: string description: > The DNS domain used for the hosts. This should match the dhcp_domain configured in the Undercloud neutron. Defaults to localdomain. ServerMetadata: default: {} description: > Extra properties or metadata passed to Nova for the created nodes in the overcloud. It's accessible via the Nova metadata API. type: json SchedulerHints: type: json description: Optional scheduler hints to pass to nova default: {} NodeIndex: type: number default: 0 resources: CephStorage: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: {get_param: Image} image_update_policy: {get_param: ImageUpdatePolicy} flavor: {get_param: Flavor} key_name: {get_param: KeyName} networks: - network: ctlplane user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG user_data: {get_resource: UserData} name: str_replace: template: {get_param: Hostname} params: {get_param: HostnameMap} software_config_transport: {get_param: SoftwareConfigTransport} metadata: {get_param: ServerMetadata} scheduler_hints: {get_param: SchedulerHints} # Combine the NodeAdminUserData and NodeUserData mime archives UserData: type: OS::Heat::MultipartMime properties: parts: - config: {get_resource: NodeAdminUserData} type: multipart - config: {get_resource: NodeUserData} type: multipart # Creates the "heat-admin" user if configured via the environment # Should return a OS::Heat::MultipartMime reference via OS::stack_id NodeAdminUserData: type: OS::TripleO::NodeAdminUserData # For optional operator additional userdata # Should return a OS::Heat::MultipartMime reference via OS::stack_id NodeUserData: type: OS::TripleO::NodeUserData ExternalPort: type: OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::ExternalPort properties: ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [CephStorage, networks, ctlplane, 0]} IPPool: {get_param: CephStorageIPs} NodeIndex: {get_param: NodeIndex} InternalApiPort: type: OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::InternalApiPort properties: ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [CephStorage, networks, ctlplane, 0]} IPPool: {get_param: CephStorageIPs} NodeIndex: {get_param: NodeIndex} StoragePort: type: OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::StoragePort properties: ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [CephStorage, networks, ctlplane, 0]} IPPool: {get_param: CephStorageIPs} NodeIndex: {get_param: NodeIndex} StorageMgmtPort: type: OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::StorageMgmtPort properties: ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [CephStorage, networks, ctlplane, 0]} IPPool: {get_param: CephStorageIPs} NodeIndex: {get_param: NodeIndex} TenantPort: type: OS::Triple
heat_template_version: ocata

description: >
  Returns an IP from a network mapped list of IPs This version is for IPv6
  addresses. The ip_address_uri output will have brackets for use in URLs.

    description: Name of the storage MGMT network
    default: storage_mgmt
    type: string
    description: Name of the port
    default: ''
    type: string
  ControlPlaneIP: # Here for compatability with noop.yaml
    description: IP address on the control plane
    default: ''
    type: string
    default: {}
    description: A network mapped list of IPs
    type: json
    default: 0
    description: Index of the IP to get from Pool
    type: number
    default: 'fd00:fd00:fd00:4000::/64'
    description: Cidr for the storage MGMT network.
    type: string
