#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import argparse import copy import datetime import importlib import json import os import sys import traceback from attrdict import AttrDict from logging import FileHandler import pbr.version from pkg_resources import resource_string from .__init__ import __version__ from .chain_runner import ChainRunner from .cleanup import Cleaner from .config import config_load from .config import config_loads from . import credentials from .fluentd import FluentLogHandler from . import log from .log import LOG from .nfvbenchd import WebServer from .specs import ChainType from .specs import Specs from .summarizer import NFVBenchSummarizer from . import utils fluent_logger = None class NFVBench(object): """Main class of NFV benchmarking tool.""" STATUS_OK = 'OK' STATUS_ERROR = 'ERROR' def __init__(self, config, openstack_spec, config_plugin, factory, notifier=None): # the base config never changes for a given NFVbench instance self.base_config = config # this is the running config, updated at every run() self.config = None self.config_plugin = config_plugin self.factory = factory self.notifier = notifier self.cred = credentials.Credentials(config.openrc_file, None, False) \ if config.openrc_file else None self.chain_runner = None self.specs = Specs() self.specs.set_openstack_spec(openstack_spec) self.vni_ports = [] sys.stdout.flush() def set_notifier(self, notifier): self.notifier = notifier def run(self, opts, args): """This run() method is called for every NFVbench benchmark request. In CLI mode, this method is called only once per invocation. In REST server mode, this is called once per REST POST request """ status = NFVBench.STATUS_OK result = None message = '' if fluent_logger: # take a snapshot of the current time for this new run # so that all subsequent logs can relate to this run fluent_logger.start_new_run() LOG.info(args) try: # recalc the running config based on the base config and options for this run self._update_config(opts) # check that an empty openrc file (no OpenStack) is only allowed # with EXT chain if not self.config.openrc_file and self.config.service_chain != ChainType.EXT: raise Exception("openrc_file in the configuration is required for PVP/PVVP chains") self.specs.set_run_spec(self.config_plugin.get_run_spec(self.config, self.specs.openstack)) self.chain_runner = ChainRunner(self.config, self.cred, self.specs, self.factory, self.notifier) new_frame_sizes = [] # make sure that the min frame size is 64 min_packet_size = 64 for frame_size in self.config.frame_sizes: try: if int(frame_size) < min_packet_size: frame_size = str(min_packet_size) LOG.info("Adjusting frame size %s bytes to minimum size %s bytes", frame_size, min_packet_size) if frame_size no
HeatTemplateFormatVersion: '2012-12-12'
    Type: String
    Default: test3
    Type: String
    Default: resource2
    Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
      OpenStack::Role: notcomputeConfig
      c: {Ref: C}
    Type: OS::Nova::Server
      flavor: test_flavor
      image: {Ref: resource2Image}
      key_name: test_key
o use') parser.add_argument('-l3', '--l3-router', dest='l3_router', default=None, action='store_true', help='Use L3 neutron routers to handle traffic') parser.add_argument('-0', '--no-traffic', dest='no_traffic', default=None, action='store_true', help='Check config and connectivity only - do not generate traffic') parser.add_argument('--no-arp', dest='no_arp', default=None, action='store_true', help='Do not use ARP to find MAC addresses, ' 'instead use values in config file') parser.add_argument('--loop-vm-arp', dest='loop_vm_arp', default=None, action='store_true', help='Use ARP to find MAC addresses ' 'instead of using values from TRex ports (VPP forwarder only)') parser.add_argument('--no-vswitch-access', dest='no_vswitch_access', default=None, action='store_true', help='Skip vswitch configuration and retrieving of stats') parser.add_argument('--vxlan', dest='vxlan', default=None, action='store_true', help='Enable VxLan encapsulation') parser.add_argument('--mpls', dest='mpls', default=None, action='store_true', help='Enable MPLS encapsulation') parser.add_argument('--no-cleanup', dest='no_cleanup', default=None, action='store_true', help='no cleanup after run') parser.add_argument('--cleanup', dest='cleanup', default=None, action='store_true', help='Cleanup NFVbench resources (prompt to confirm)') parser.add_argument('--force-cleanup', dest='force_cleanup', default=None, action='store_true', help='Cleanup NFVbench resources (do not prompt)') parser.add_argument('--restart', dest='restart', default=None, action='store_true', help='Restart TRex server') parser.add_argument('--json', dest='json', action='store', help='store results in json format file', metavar='/') parser.add_argument('--std-json', dest='std_json', action='store', help='store results in json format file with nfvbench standard filename: ' '--' '-.json', metavar='') parser.add_argument('--show-default-config', dest='show_default_config', default=None, action='store_true', help='print the default config in yaml format (unedited)') parser.add_argument('--show-config', dest='show_config', default=None, action='store_true', help='print the running config in json format') parser.add_argument('-ss', '--show-summary', dest='summary', action='store', help='Show summary from nfvbench json file', metavar='') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', dest='version', default=None, action='store_true', help='Show version') parser.add_argument('-fs', '--frame-size', dest='frame_sizes', action='append', help='Override traffic profile frame sizes', metavar='') parser.add_argument('--unidir', dest='unidir', action='store_true', default=None, help='Override traffic profile direction (requires -fs)') parser.add_argument('--log-file', '--logfile', dest='log_file', action='store', help='Filename for saving logs', metavar='') parser.add_argument('--user-label', '--userlabel', dest='user_label', action='store', help='Custom label for performance records') parser.add_argument('--hypervisor', dest='hypervisor', action='store', metavar='', help='Where chains must run ("compute", "az:", "az:compute")') parser.add_argument('--l2-loopback', '--l2loopback', dest='l2_loopback', action='store', metavar='', help='Port to port or port to switch to port L2 loopback ' 'tagged with given VLAN id(s) or not (given \'no-tag\') ' '\'true\': use current vlans; \'false\': disable this mode.') parser.add_argument('--user-info', dest='user_info', action='append', metavar='', help='Custom data to be included as is ' 'in the json report config branch - ' ' example, pay attention! no space: ' '--user-info=\'{"status":"explore","description":' '{"target":"lab","ok":true,"version":2020}}\' - ' 'this option may be repeated; given data will be merged.') parser.add_argument('--vlan-tagging', dest='vlan_tagging', type=bool_arg, metavar='', action='store', default=None, help='Override the NFVbench \'vlan_tagging\' parameter') parser.add_argument('--intf-speed', dest='intf_speed', metavar='', action='store', default=None, help='Override the NFVbench \'intf_speed\' ' 'parameter (e.g. 10Gbps, auto, 16.72Gbps)') parser.add_argument('--cores', dest='cores', type=int_arg, metavar='', action='store', default=None, help='Override the T-Rex \'cores\' parameter') parser.add_argument('--cache-size', dest='cache_size', type=int_arg, metavar='', action='store', default=None, help='Specify the FE cache size (default: 0, flow-count if < 0)') parser.add_argument('--service-mode', dest='service_mode', action='store_true', default=None, help='Enable T-Rex service mode (for debugging purpose)') parser.add_argument('--no-e2e-check', dest='no_e2e_check', action='store_true', default=None, help='Skip "end to end" connectivity check (on test purpose)') parser.add_argument('--no-flow-stats', dest='no_flow_stats', action='store_true', default=None, help='Disable additional flow stats (on high load traffic)') parser.add_argument('--no-latency-stats', dest='no_latency_stats', action='store_true', default=None, help='Disable flow stats for latency traffic') parser.add_argument('--no-latency-streams', dest='no_latency_streams', action='store_true', default=None, help='Disable latency measurements (no streams)') parser.add_argument('--user-id', dest='user_id', type=int_arg, metavar='', action='store', default=None, help='Change json/log files ownership with this user (int)') parser.add_argument('--group-id', dest='group_id', type=int_arg, metavar='', action='store', default=None, help='Change json/log files ownership with this group (int)') parser.add_argument('--show-trex-log', dest='show_trex_log', default=None, action='store_true', help='Show the current TRex local server log file contents' ' => diagnostic/help in case of configuration problems') parser.add_argument('--debug-mask', dest='debug_mask', type=int_arg, metavar='', action='store', default=None, help='General purpose register (debugging flags), ' 'the hexadecimal notation (0x...) is accepted.' 'Designed for development needs (default: 0).') opts, unknown_opts = parser.parse_known_args() return opts, unknown_opts def load_default_config(): default_cfg = resource_string(__name__, "cfg.default.yaml") config = config_loads(default_cfg) config.name = '(built-in default config)' return config, default_cfg def override_custom_traffic(config, frame_sizes, unidir): """Override the traffic profiles with a custom one.""" if frame_sizes is not None: traffic_profile_name = "custom_traffic_profile" config.traffic_profile = [ { "l2frame_size": frame_sizes, "name": traffic_profile_name } ] else: traffic_profile_name = config.traffic["profile"] bidirectional = config.traffic['bidirectional'] if unidir is None else not unidir config.traffic = { "bidirectional": bidirectional, "profile": traffic_profile_name } def check_physnet(name, netattrs): if not netattrs.physical_network: raise Exception("SRIOV requires physical_network to be specified for the {n} network" .format(n=name)) if not netattrs.segmentation_id: raise Exception("SRIOV requires segmentation_id to be specified for the {n} network" .format(n=name)) def status_cleanup(config, cleanup, force_cleanup): LOG.info('Version: %s', pbr.version.VersionInfo('nfvbench').version_string_with_vcs()) # check if another run is pending ret_code = 0 try: with utils.RunLock(): LOG.info('Status: idle') except Exception: LOG.info('Status: busy (run pending)') ret_code = 1 # check nfvbench resources if config.openrc_file and config.service_chain != ChainType.EXT: cleaner = Cleaner(config) count = cleaner.show_resources() if count and (cleanup or force_cleanup): cleaner.clean(not force_cleanup) sys.exit(ret_code) def main(): global fluent_logger run_summary_required = False try: log.setup() # load default config file config, default_cfg = load_default_config() # possibly override the default user_id & group_id values if 'USER_ID' in os.environ: config.user_id = int(os.environ['USER_ID']) if 'GROUP_ID' in os.environ: config.group_id = int(os.environ['GROUP_ID']) # create factory for platform specific classes try: factory_module = importlib.import_module(config['factory_module']) factory = getattr(factory_module, config['factory_class'])() except AttributeError: raise Exception("Requested factory module '{m}' or class '{c}' was not found." .format(m=config['factory_module'], c=config['factory_class'])) from AttributeError # create config plugin for this platform config_plugin = factory.get_config_plugin_class()(config) config = config_plugin.get_config() opts, unknown_opts = _parse_opts_from_cli() log.set_level(debug=opts.debug) if opts.version: print((pbr.version.VersionInfo('nfvbench').version_string_with_vcs())) sys.exit(0) if opts.summary: with open(opts.summary) as json_data: result = json.load(json_data) if opts.user_label: result['config']['user_label'] = opts.user_label print((NFVBenchSummarizer(result, fluent_logger))) sys.exit(0) # show default config in text/yaml format if opts.show_default_config: print((default_cfg.decode("utf-8"))) sys.exit(0) # dump the contents of the trex log file if opts.show_trex_log: try: print(open('/tmp/trex.log').read(), end="") except FileNotFoundError: print("No TRex log file found!") sys.exit(0) config.name = '' if opts.config: # do not check extra_specs in flavor as it can contain any key/value pairs # the same principle applies also to the optional user_info open property whitelist_keys = ['extra_specs', 'user_info'] # override default config options with start config at path parsed from CLI # check if it is an inline yaml/json config or a file name if os.path.isfile(opts.config): LOG.info('Loading configuration file: %s', opts.config) config = config_load(opts.config, config, whitelist_keys) config.name = os.path.basename(opts.config) else: LOG.info('Loading configuration string: %s', opts.config) config = config_loads(opts.config, config, whitelist_keys) # setup the fluent logger as soon as possible right after the config plugin is called, # if there is any logging or result tag is set then initialize the fluent logger for fluentd in config.fluentd: if fluentd.logging_tag or fluentd.result_tag: fluent_logger = FluentLogHandler(config.fluentd) LOG.addHandler(fluent_logger) break # traffic profile override options override_custom_traffic(config, opts.frame_sizes, opts.unidir) # Copy over some of the cli options that are used in config. # This explicit copy is sometimes necessary # because some early evaluation depends on them # and cannot wait for _update_config() coming further. # It is good practice then to set them to None (<=> done) # and even required if a specific conversion is performed here # that would be corrupted by a default update (simple copy). # On the other hand, some excessive assignments have been removed # from here, since the _update_config() procedure does them well. config.generator_profile = opts.generator_profile if opts.sriov is not None: config.sriov = True opts.sriov = None if opts.log_file is not None: config.log_file = opts.log_file opts.log_file = None if opts.user_id is not None: config.user_id = opts.user_id opts.user_id = None if opts.group_id is not None: config.group_id = opts.group_id opts.group_id = None if opts.service_chain is not None: config.service_chain = opts.service_chain opts.service_chain = None if opts.hypervisor is not None: # can be any of 'comp1', 'nova:', 'nova:comp1' config.compute_nodes = opts.hypervisor opts.hypervisor = None if opts.debug_mask is not None: config.debug_mask = opts.debug_mask opts.debug_mask = None # convert 'user_info' opt from json string to dictionnary # and merge the result with the current config dictionnary if opts.user_info is not None: for user_info_json in opts.user_info: user_info_dict = json.loads(user_info_json) if config.user_info: config.user_info = config.user_info + user_info_dict else: config.user_info = user_info_dict opts.user_info = None # port to port loopback (direct or through switch) # we accept the following syntaxes for the CLI argument # 'false' : mode not enabled # 'true' : mode enabled with currently defined vlan IDs # 'no-tag' : mode enabled with no vlan tagging # : mode enabled using the given (pair of) vlan ID lists # - If present, a '_' char will separate left an right ports lists # e.g. 'a_x' => vlans: [[a],[x]] # 'a,b,c_x,y,z' => [[a,b,c],[x,y,z]] # - Otherwise the given vlan ID list applies to both sides # e.g. 'a' => vlans: [[a],[a]] # 'a,b' => [[a,b],[a,b]] # - Vlan lists size needs to be at least the actual SCC value # - Unless overriden in CLI opts, config.service_chain_count # is adjusted to the size of the VLAN ID lists given here. if opts.l2_loopback is not None: arg_pair = opts.l2_loopback.lower().split('_') if arg_pair[0] == 'false': config.l2_loopback = False else: config.l2_loopback = True if config.service_chain != ChainType.EXT: LOG.info('Changing service chain type to EXT') config.service_chain = ChainType.EXT if not config.no_arp: LOG.info('Disabling ARP') config.no_arp = True if arg_pair[0] == 'true': pass else: # here explicit (not)tagging is not CLI overridable opts.vlan_tagging = None if arg_pair[0] == 'no-tag': config.vlan_tagging = False else: config.vlan_tagging = True if len(arg_pair) == 1 or not arg_pair[1]: arg_pair = [arg_pair[0], arg_pair[0]] vlans = [[], []] def append_vlan(port, vlan_id): # a vlan tag value must be in [0..4095] if vlan_id not in range(0, 4096): raise ValueError vlans[port].append(vlan_id) try: for port in [0, 1]: vlan_ids = arg_pair[port].split(',') for vlan_id in vlan_ids: append_vlan(port, int(vlan_id)) if len(vlans[0]) != len(vlans[1]): raise ValueError except ValueError: # at least one invalid tag => no tagging config.vlan_tagging = False if config.vlan_tagging: config.vlans = vlans # force service chain count if not CLI overriden if opts.service_chain_count is None: config.service_chain_count = len(vlans[0]) opts.l2_loopback = None if config.use_sriov_middle_net is None: config.use_sriov_middle_net = False if opts.use_sriov_middle_net is not None: config.use_sriov_middle_net = opts.use_sriov_middle_net opts.use_sriov_middle_net = None if (config.use_sriov_middle_net and ( (not config.sriov) or (config.service_chain != ChainType.PVVP))): raise Exception("--use-sriov-middle-net is only valid for PVVP with SRIOV") if config.sriov and config.service_chain != ChainType.EXT: # if sriov is requested (does not apply to ext chains) # make sure the physnet names are specified check_physnet("left", config.internal_networks.left) check_physnet("right", config.internal_networks.right) if config.service_chain == ChainType.PVVP and config.use_sriov_middle_net: check_physnet("middle", config.internal_networks.middle) # show running config in json format if opts.show_config: print((json.dumps(config, sort_keys=True, indent=4))) sys.exit(0) # update the config in the config plugin as it might have changed # in a copy of the dict (config plugin still holds the original dict) config_plugin.set_config(config) if opts.status or opts.cleanup or opts.force_cleanup: status_cleanup(config, opts.cleanup, opts.force_cleanup) # add file log if requested if config.log_file: log.add_file_logger(config.log_file) # possibly change file ownership uid = config.user_id gid = config.group_id if gid is None: gid = uid if uid is not None: os.chown(config.log_file, uid, gid) openstack_spec = config_plugin.get_openstack_spec() if config.openrc_file \ else None nfvbench_instance = NFVBench(config, openstack_spec, config_plugin, factory) if opts.server: server = WebServer(nfvbench_instance, fluent_logger) try: port = int(opts.port) except ValueError: server.run(host=opts.host) else: server.run(host=opts.host, port=port) # server.run() should never return else: with utils.RunLock(): run_summary_required = True if unknown_opts: err_msg = 'Unknown options: ' + ' '.join(unknown_opts) LOG.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) # remove unfilled values opts = {k: v for k, v in list(vars(opts).items()) if v is not None} # get CLI args params = ' '.join(str(e) for e in sys.argv[1:]) result = nfvbench_instance.run(opts, params) if 'error_message' in result: raise Exception(result['error_message']) if 'result' in result and result['status']: nfvbench_instance.save(result['result']) nfvbench_instance.prepare_summary(result['result']) except Exception as exc: run_summary_required = True LOG.error({ 'status': NFVBench.STATUS_ERROR, 'error_message': traceback.format_exc() }) print((str(exc))) finally: if fluent_logger: # only send a summary record if there was an actual nfvbench run or # if an error/exception was logged. fluent_logger.send_run_summary(run_summary_required) if __name__ == '__main__': main()