heat_template_version: ocata description: 'OpenStack cinder storage configured by Puppet' parameters: BlockStorageImage: default: overcloud-full type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: glance.image ExtraConfig: default: {} description: | Additional hiera configuration to inject into the cluster. Note that BlockStorageExtraConfig takes precedence over ExtraConfig. type: json BlockStorageExtraConfig: default: {} description: | Role specific additional hiera configuration to inject into the cluster. type: json BlockStorageIPs: default: {} type: json OvercloudBlockStorageFlavor: description: Flavor for block storage nodes to request when deploying. type: string default: baremetal constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor KeyName: default: default description: Name of an existing Nova key pair to enable SSH access to the instances type: string UpdateIdentifier: default: '' type: string description: > Setting to a previously unused value during stack-update will trigger package update on all nodes Hostname: type: string default: '' # Defaults to Heat created hostname HostnameMap: type: json default: {} description: Optional mapping to override hostnames ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json NetworkDeploymentActions: type: comma_delimited_list description: > Heat action when to apply network configuration changes default: ['CREATE'] SoftwareConfigTransport: default: POLL_SERVER_CFN description: | How the server should receive the metadata required for software configuration. type: string constraints: - allowed_values: [POLL_SERVER_CFN, POLL_SERVER_HEAT, POLL_TEMP_URL, ZAQAR_MESSAGE] CloudDomain: default: 'localdomain' type: string description: > The DNS domain used for the hosts. This should match the dhcp_domain configured in the Undercloud neutron. Defaults to localdomain. BlockStorageServerMetadata: default: {} description: > Extra properties or metadata passed to Nova for the created nodes in the overcloud. It's accessible via the Nova metadata API. This option is role-specific and is merged with the values given to the ServerMetadata parameter. type: json ServerMetadata: default: {} description: > Extra properties or metadata passed to Nova for the created nodes in the overcloud. It's accessible via the Nova metadata API. This applies to all roles and is merged with a role-specific metadata parameter. type: json BlockStorageSchedulerHints: type: json description: Optional scheduler hints to pass to nova default: {} NodeIndex: type: number default: 0 ServiceConfigSettings: type: json default: {} ServiceNames: type: comma_delimited_list default: [] MonitoringSubscriptions: type: comma_delimited_list default: [] ServiceMetadataSettings: type: json default: {} ConfigCommand: type: string description: Command which will be run whenever configuration data changes default: os-refresh-config --timeout 14400 UpgradeInitCommand: type: string description: | Command or script snippet to run on all overcloud nodes to initialize the upgrade process. E.g. a repository switch. default: '' UpgradeInitCommonCommand: type: string description: | Common commands required by the upgrades process. This should not normally be modified by the operator and is set and unset in the major-upgrade-composable-steps.yaml and m
# A Heat environment file which can be used to enable a
# a TLS for in the internal network via certmonger
  EnableInternalTLS: true
  OS::TripleO::Services::ApacheTLS: ../puppet/services/apache-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Services::MySQLTLS: ../puppet/services/database/mysql-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
all nodes, e.g node registration/unregistration NodeExtraConfig: depends_on: NodeTLSCAData type: OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfig properties: server: {get_resource: BlockStorage} UpdateConfig: type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::PackageUpdate UpdateDeployment: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment depends_on: NetworkDeployment properties: name: UpdateDeployment config: {get_resource: UpdateConfig} server: {get_resource: BlockStorage} input_values: update_identifier: get_param: UpdateIdentifier outputs: ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the ctlplane network value: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, networks, ctlplane, 0]} hostname: description: Hostname of the server value: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, name]} hostname_map: description: Mapping of network names to hostnames value: external: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, external, fqdn]} internal_api: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, internal_api, fqdn]} storage: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, storage, fqdn]} storage_mgmt: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, storage_mgmt, fqdn]} tenant: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, tenant, fqdn]} management: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, management, fqdn]} ctlplane: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, ctlplane, fqdn]} hosts_entry: value: str_replace: template: | PRIMARYIP PRIMARYHOST.DOMAIN PRIMARYHOST EXTERNALIP EXTERNALHOST.DOMAIN EXTERNALHOST INTERNAL_APIIP INTERNAL_APIHOST.DOMAIN INTERNAL_APIHOST STORAGEIP STORAGEHOST.DOMAIN STORAGEHOST STORAGE_MGMTIP STORAGE_MGMTHOST.DOMAIN STORAGE_MGMTHOST TENANTIP TENANTHOST.DOMAIN TENANTHOST MANAGEMENTIP MANAGEMENTHOST.DOMAIN MANAGEMENTHOST CTLPLANEIP CTLPLANEHOST.DOMAIN CTLPLANEHOST params: PRIMARYIP: {get_attr: [NetIpMap, net_ip_map, {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, BlockStorageHostnameResolveNetwork]}]} DOMAIN: {get_param: CloudDomain} PRIMARYHOST: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, name]} EXTERNALIP: {get_attr: [ExternalPort, ip_address]} EXTERNALHOST: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, external, short]} INTERNAL_APIIP: {get_attr: [InternalApiPort, ip_address]} INTERNAL_APIHOST: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, internal_api, short]} STORAGEIP: {get_attr: [StoragePort, ip_address]} STORAGEHOST: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, storage, short]} STORAGE_MGMTIP: {get_attr: [StorageMgmtPort, ip_address]} STORAGE_MGMTHOST: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, storage_mgmt, short]} TENANTIP: {get_attr: [TenantPort, ip_address]} TENANTHOST: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, tenant, short]} MANAGEMENTIP: {get_attr: [ManagementPort, ip_address]} MANAGEMENTHOST: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, management, short]} CTLPLANEIP: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, networks, ctlplane, 0]} CTLPLANEHOST: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, ctlplane, short]} nova_server_resource: description: Heat resource handle for the block storage server value: {get_resource: BlockStorage} external_ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the external network value: {get_attr: [ExternalPort, ip_address]} internal_api_ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the internal_api network value: {get_attr: [InternalApiPort, ip_address]} storage_ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the storage network value: {get_attr: [StoragePort, ip_address]} storage_mgmt_ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the storage_mgmt network value: {get_attr: [StorageMgmtPort, ip_address]} tenant_ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the tenant network value: {get_attr: [TenantPort, ip_address]} management_ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the management network value: {get_attr: [ManagementPort, ip_address]}