Description: 'Swift-proxy: OpenStack object storage proxy' Parameters: SwiftHashSuffix: Default: unset Description: A random string to be used as a salt when hashing to determine mappings in the ring. Type: String NoEcho: true SwiftPassword: Default: unset Description: The password for the swift service account, used by the swift proxy services. Type: String NoEcho: true Resources: controller0Swift: Type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment Properties: config: {Ref: SwiftConfig} server: {Ref: controller0} signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL input_values: swift_hash_suffix: {Ref: SwiftHashSuffix} swift_password: {Ref: SwiftPassword} swift_devices: Fn::Join: - ', ' - Merge::Map: controller0: Fn::Join: - '' - - 'r1z1-' - {"Fn::Select": [ 0, {"Fn::Select": [ "ctlplane", {"Fn::GetAtt": [controller0, networks]} ]} ] } - ':%PORT%/d1' SwiftStorage0: Fn::Join: - '' - - 'r1z1-' - Fn::Select: - 0 - Fn::Select: - 'ctlplane' - Fn::GetAtt: - SwiftStorage0 - networks - ':%PORT%/d1' swift_proxy_memcache: Fn::Join: - ',' - Merge::Map: controller0: Fn::Join: - ', ' - - Fn::Join: - '' - - {"Fn::Select": [ 0, {"Fn::Select": [ "ctlplane", {"Fn::GetAtt": [controller0, networks]} ]} ] } - ':11211'