  - |
    Removed the hard coding of osd_pool_default_min_size. Setting this value
    to 1 can result in data loss in operating production deployments. Not
    setting this value (or setting it to 0) will allow ceph to calculate the
    value based on the current setting of osd_pool_default_size. If the
    replication count is 3, then the calculated min_size is 2.  If the
    replication count is 1, then the calcualted min_size is 1. For a POC
    deployments using a single OSD, set osd_pool_default_size = 1. See
    description at http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rados/configuration/pool-pg-config-ref/
    Added CephPoolDefaultSize to set default replication size. Default value is 3.