# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. include ::tripleo::packages include ::tripleo::firewall $enable_load_balancer = hiera('enable_load_balancer', true) if hiera('step') >= 1 { create_resources(kmod::load, hiera('kernel_modules'), {}) create_resources(sysctl::value, hiera('sysctl_settings'), {}) Exec <| tag == 'kmod::load' |> -> Sysctl <| |> } if hiera('step') >= 2 { if count(hiera('ntp::servers')) > 0 { include ::ntp } include ::timezone # MongoDB if downcase(hiera('ceilometer_backend')) == 'mongodb' { include ::mongodb::globals include ::mongodb::client include ::mongodb::server # NOTE(gfidente): We need to pass the list of IPv6 addresses *with* port and # without the brackets as 'members' argument for the 'mongodb_replset' # resource. if str2bool(hiera('mongodb::server::ipv6', false)) { $mongo_node_ips_with_port_prefixed = prefix(hiera('mongo_node_ips'), '[') $mongo_node_ips_with_port = suffix($mongo_node_ips_with_port_prefixed, ']:27017') $mongo_node_ips_with_port_nobr = suffix(hiera('mongo_node_ips'), ':27017') } else { $mongo_node_ips_with_port = suffix(hiera('mongo_node_ips'), ':27017') $mongo_node_ips_with_port_nobr = suffix(hiera('mongo_node_ips'), ':27017') } $mongo_node_string = join($mongo_node_ips_with_port, ',') $mongodb_replset = hiera('mongodb::server::replset') $ceilometer_mongodb_conn_string = "mongodb://${mongo_node_string}/ceilometer?replicaSet=${mongodb_replset}" if downcase(hiera('bootstrap_nodeid')) == $::hostname { mongodb_replset { $mongodb_replset : members => $mongo_node_ips_with_port_nobr, } } } if str2bool(hiera('enable_galera', true)) { $mysql_config_file = '/etc/my.cnf.d/galera.cnf' } else { $mysql_config_file = '/etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf' } # TODO Galara # FIXME: due to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1298671 we # set bind-address to a hostname instead of an ip address; to move Mysql # from internal_api on another network we'll have to customize both # MysqlNetwork and ControllerHostnameResolveNetwork in ServiceNetMap class { '::mysql::server': config_file => $mysql_config_file, override_options => { 'mysqld' => { 'bind-address' => $::hostname, 'max_connections' => hiera('mysql_max_connections'), 'open_files_limit' => '-1', }, }, remove_default_accounts => true, } # FIXME: this should only occur on the bootstrap host (ditto for db syncs) # Create all the database schemas include ::nova::db::mysql include ::nova::db::mysql_api include ::neutron::db::mysql if downcase(hiera('gnocchi_indexer_backend')) == 'mysql' { include ::gnocchi::db::mysql } if downcase(hiera('ceilometer_backend')) == 'mysql' { include ::ceilometer::db::mysql include ::aodh::db::mysql } $enable_ceph = hiera('ceph_storage_count', 0) > 0 or hiera('enable_ceph_storage', false) if $enable_ceph { $mon_initial_members = downcase(hiera('ceph_mon_initial_members')) if str2bool(hiera('ceph_ipv6', false)) { $mon_host = hiera('ceph_mon_host_v6') } else { $mon_host = hiera('ceph_mon_host') } class { '::ceph::profile::params': mon_initial_members => $mon_initial_members, mon_host => $mon_host, } include ::ceph::conf include ::ceph::profile::mon } if str2bool(hiera('enable_ceph_storage', false)) { if str2bool(hiera('ceph_osd_selinux_permissive', true)) { exec { 'set selinux to permissive on boot': command => "sed -ie 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/' /etc/selinux/config", onlyif => "test -f /etc/selinux/config && ! grep '^SELINUX=permissive' /etc/selinux/config", path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin'], } exec { 'set selinux to permissive': command => 'setenforce 0', onlyif => "which setenforce && getenforce | grep -i 'enforcing'", path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin'], } -> Class['ceph::profile::osd'] } include ::ceph::conf include ::ceph::profile::osd } if str2bool(hiera('enable_external_ceph', false)) { if str2bool(hiera('ceph_ipv6', false)) { $mon_host = hiera('ceph_mon_host_v6') } else { $mon_host = hiera('ceph_mon_host') } class { '::ceph::profile::params': mon_host => $mon_host, } include ::ceph::conf include ::ceph::profile::client } } #END STEP 2 if hiera('step') >= 4 { $nova_ipv6 = hiera('nova::use_ipv6', false) if $nova_ipv6 { $memcached_servers = suffix(hiera('memcache_node_ips_v6'), ':11211') } else { $memcached_servers = suffix(hiera('memcache_node_ips'), ':11211') } class { '::nova' : memcached_servers => $memcached_servers } include ::nova::config include ::nova::api include ::nova::cert include ::nova::conductor include ::nova::consoleauth include ::nova::network::neutron include ::nova::vncproxy include ::nova::scheduler include ::nova::scheduler::filter if hiera('neutron::core_plugin') == 'midonet.neutron.plugin_v1.MidonetPluginV2' { # TODO(devvesa) provide non-controller ips for these services $zookeeper_node_ips = hiera('neutron_api_node_ips') $cassandra_node_ips = hiera('neutron_api_node_ips') # Run zookeeper in the controller if configured if hiera('enable_zookeeper_on_controller') { class {'::tripleo::cluster::zookeeper': zookeeper_server_ips => $zookeeper_node_ips, # TODO: create a 'bind' hiera key for zookeeper zookeeper_client_ip => hiera('neutron::bind_host'), zookeeper_hostnames => hiera('controller_node_names') } } # Run cassandra in the controller if configured if hiera('enable_cassandra_on_controller') { class {'::tripleo::cluster::cassandra': cassandra_servers => $cassandra_node_ips, # TODO: create a 'bind' hiera key for cassandra cassandra_ip => hiera('neutron::bind_host'), } } class {'::tripleo::network::midonet::agent': zookeeper_servers => $zookeeper_node_ips, cassandra_seeds => $cassandra_node_ips } class {'::tripleo::network::midonet::api': zookeeper_servers => $zookeeper_node_ips, vip => hiera('public_virtual_ip'), keystone_ip => hiera('public_virtual_ip'), keystone_admin_token => hiera('keystone::admin_token'), # TODO: create a 'bind' hiera key for api bind_address => hiera('neutron::bind_host'), admin_password => hiera('admin_password') } # TODO: find a way to get an empty list from hiera class {'::neutron': service_plugins => [] } } else { # ML2 plugin include ::neutron } include ::neutron::config include ::neutron::server include ::neutron::server::notifications # If the value of core plugin is set to 'nuage' or'opencontrail' or 'plumgrid', # include nuage or opencontrail or plumgrid core plugins # else use the default value of 'ml2' if hiera('neutron::core_plugin') == 'neutron.plugins.nuage.plugin.NuagePlugin' { include ::neutron::plugins::nuage } elsif hiera('neutron::core_plugin') == 'neutron_plugin_contrail.plugins.opencontrail.contrail_plugin.NeutronPluginContrailCoreV2' { include ::neutron::plugins::opencontrail } elsif hiera('neutron::core_plugin') == 'networking_plumgrid.neutron.plugins.plugin.NeutronPluginPLUMgridV2' { class { '::neutron::plugins::plumgrid' : connection => hiera('neutron::server::database_connection'), controller_priv_host => hiera('keystone_admin_api_vip'), admin_password => hiera('admin_password'), metadata_proxy_shared_secret => hiera('nova::api::neutron_metadata_proxy_shared_secret'), } } else { # If the value of core plugin is set to 'midonet', # skip all the ML2 configuration if hiera('neutron::core_plugin') == 'midonet.neutron.plugin_v1.MidonetPluginV2' { class {'::neutron::plugins::midonet': midonet_api_ip => hiera('public_virtual_ip'), keystone_tenant => hiera('neutron::server::auth_tenant'), keystone_password => hiera('neutron::server::password') } } else { include ::neutron::plugins::ml2 include ::neutron::agents::ml2::ovs if 'cisco_n1kv' in hiera('neutron::plugins::ml2::mechanism_drivers') { include ::neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v class { '::neutron::agents::n1kv_vem': n1kv_source => hiera('n1kv_vem_source', undef), n1kv_version => hiera('n1kv_vem_version', undef), } class { '::n1k_vsm': n1kv_source => hiera('n1kv_vsm_source', undef), n1kv_version => hiera('n1kv_vsm_version', undef), pacemaker_control => false, } } if 'cisco_ucsm' in hiera('neutron::plugins::ml2::mechanism_drivers') { include ::neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::ucsm } if 'cisco_nexus' in hiera('neutron::plugins::ml2::mechanism_drivers') { include ::neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus include ::neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::type_nexus_vxlan } if 'bsn_ml2' in hiera('neutron::plugins::ml2::mechanism_drivers') { include ::neutron::plugins::ml2::bigswitch::restproxy include ::neutron::agents::bigswitch } Service['neutron-server'] -> Service['neutron-ovs-agent-service'] } Service['neutron-server'] -> Service['neutron-metadata'] } if $enable_ceph { $ceph_pools = hiera('ceph_pools') ceph::pool { $ceph_pools : pg_num => hiera('ceph::profile::params::osd_pool_default_pg_num'), pgp_num => hiera('ceph::profile::params::osd_pool_default_pgp_num'), size => hiera('ceph::profile::params::osd_pool_default_size'), } } # swift storage if str2bool(hiera('enable_swift_storage', true)) { class { '::swift::storage::all': mount_check => str2bool(hiera('swift_mount_check')), } if(!defined(File['/srv/node'])) { file { '/srv/node': ensure => directory, owner => 'swift', group => 'swift', require => Package['openstack-swift'], } } $swift_components = ['account', 'container', 'object'] swift::storage::filter::recon { $swift_components : } swift::storage::filter::healthcheck { $swift_components : } } # Ceilometer $ceilometer_backend = downcase(hiera('ceilometer_backend')) case $ceilometer_backend { /mysql/ : { $ceilometer_database_connection = hiera('ceilometer_mysql_conn_string') } default : { $ceilometer_database_connection = $ceilometer_mongodb_conn_string } } include ::ceilometer include ::ceilometer::config include ::ceilometer::api include ::ceilometer::agent::notification include ::ceilometer::agent::central include ::ceilometer::expirer include ::ceilometer::collector include ::ceilometer::agent::auth include ::ceilometer::dispatcher::gnocchi class { '::ceilometer::db' : database_connection => $ceilometer_database_connection, } Cron <| title == 'ceilometer-expirer' |> { command => "sleep $((\$(od -A n -t d -N 3 /dev/urandom) % 86400)) && ${::ceilometer::params::expirer_command}" } # Aodh class { '::aodh' : database_connection => $ceilometer_database_connection, } include ::aodh::db::sync # To manage the upgrade: Exec['ceilometer-dbsync'] -> Exec['aodh-db-sync'] include ::aodh::auth include ::aodh::api include ::aodh::wsgi::apache include ::aodh::evaluator include ::aodh::notifier include ::aodh::listener include ::aodh::client # Horizon include ::apache::mod::remoteip if 'cisco_n1kv' in hiera('neutron::plugins::ml2::mechanism_drivers') { $_profile_support = 'cisco' } else { $_profile_support = 'None' } $neutron_options = {'profile_support' => $_profile_support } $memcached_ipv6 = hiera('memcached_ipv6', false) if $memcached_ipv6 { $horizon_memcached_servers = hiera('memcache_node_ips_v6', '[::1]') } else { $horizon_memcached_servers = hiera('memcache_node_ips', '') } class { '::horizon': cache_server_ip => $horizon_memcached_servers, neutron_options => $neutron_options, } # Gnocchi $gnocchi_database_connection = hiera('gnocchi_mysql_conn_string') class { '::gnocchi': database_connection => $gnocchi_database_connection, } include ::gnocchi::api include ::gnocchi::wsgi::apache include ::gnocchi::client include ::gnocchi::db::sync include ::gnocchi::storage include ::gnocchi::metricd include ::gnocchi::statsd $gnocchi_backend = downcase(hiera('gnocchi_backend', 'swift')) case $gnocchi_backend { 'swift': { include ::gnocchi::storage::swift } 'file': { include ::gnocchi::storage::file } 'rbd': { include ::gnocchi::storage::ceph } default: { fail('Unrecognized gnocchi_backend parameter.') } } $snmpd_user = hiera('snmpd_readonly_user_name') snmp::snmpv3_user { $snmpd_user: authtype => 'MD5', authpass => hiera('snmpd_readonly_user_password'), } class { '::snmp': agentaddress => ['udp:161','udp6:[::1]:161'], snmpd_config => [ join(['createUser ', hiera('snmpd_readonly_user_name'), ' MD5 "', hiera('snmpd_readonly_user_password'), '"']), join(['rouser ', hiera('snmpd_readonly_user_name')]), 'proc cron', 'includeAllDisks 10%', 'master agentx', 'trapsink localhost public', 'iquerySecName internalUser', 'rouser internalUser', 'defaultMonitors yes', 'linkUpDownNotifications yes' ], } hiera_include('controller_classes') } #END STEP 4 if hiera('step') >= 5 { $nova_enable_db_purge = hiera('nova_enable_db_purge', true) if $nova_enable_db_purge { include ::nova::cron::archive_deleted_rows } } #END STEP 5 $package_manifest_name = join(['/var/lib/tripleo/installed-packages/overcloud_controller', hiera('step')]) package_manifest{$package_manifest_name: ensure => present}