#!/usr/bin/env python """ Generate the endpoint_map.yaml template from data in the endpoint_data.yaml file. By default the files in the same directory as this script are operated on, but different files can be optionally specified on the command line. The --check option verifies that the current output file is up-to-date with the latest data in the input file. The script exits with status code 2 if a mismatch is detected. """ from __future__ import print_function __all__ = ['load_endpoint_data', 'generate_endpoint_map_template', 'write_template', 'build_endpoint_map', 'check_up_to_date'] import collections import copy import itertools import os import sys import yaml (IN_FILE, OUT_FILE) = ('endpoint_data.yaml', 'endpoint_map.yaml') SUBST = (SUBST_IP_ADDRESS, SUBST_CLOUDNAME) = ('IP_ADDRESS', 'CLOUDNAME') PARAMS = (PARAM_CLOUD_ENDPOINTS, PARAM_ENDPOINTMAP, PARAM_NETIPMAP, PARAM_SERVICENETMAP) = ( 'CloudEndpoints', 'EndpointMap', 'NetIpMap', 'ServiceNetMap') FIELDS = (F_PORT, F_PROTOCOL, F_HOST) = ('port', 'protocol', 'host') ENDPOINT_TYPES = frozenset(['Internal', 'Public', 'Admin']) def get_file(default_fn, override=None, writable=False): if override == '-': if writable: return sys.stdout else: return sys.stdin if override is not None: filename = override else: filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), default_fn) return open(filename, 'w' if writable else 'r') def load_endpoint_data(infile=None): with get_file(IN_FILE, infile) as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) def net_param_name(endpoint_type_defn): return endpoint_type_defn['net_param'] + 'Network' def endpoint_map_default(config): def map_item(ep_name, ep_type, svc): values = collections.OrderedDict([ (F_PROTOCOL, svc.get(F_PROTOCOL, 'http')), (F_PORT, str(svc[ep_type].get(F_PORT, svc[F_PORT]))), (F_HOST, SUBST_IP_ADDRESS), ]) return ep_name + ep_type, values return collections.OrderedDict(map_item(ep_name, ep_type, svc) for ep_name, svc in sorted(config.items()) for ep_type in sorted(set(svc) & ENDPOINT_TYPES)) def make_parameter(ptype, default, description=None): param = collections.OrderedDict([('type', ptype), ('default', default)]) if description is not None: param['description'] = description return param def template_parameters(config): params = collections.OrderedDict() params[PARAM_NETIPMAP] = make_parameter('json', {}, 'The Net IP map') params[PARAM_SERVICENETMAP] = make_parameter('json', {}, 'The Service Net map') params[PARAM_ENDPOINTMAP] = make_parameter('json', endpoint_map_default(config), 'Mapping of service endpoint ' '-> protocol. Typically set ' 'via parameter_defaults in the ' 'resource registry.') params[PARAM_CLOUD_ENDPOINTS] = make_parameter( 'json', {}, ('A map containing the DNS names for the different endpoints ' '(external, internal_api, etc.)')) return params def template_output_definition(endpoint_name, endpoint_variant, endpoint_type, net_param, uri_suffix=None, name_override=None): def extract_field(field): assert field in FIELDS return {'get_param': ['EndpointMap', endpoint_name + endpoint_type, copy.copy(field)]} port = extract_field(F_PORT) protocol = extract_field(F_PROTOCOL) host_nobrackets = { 'str_replace': collections.OrderedDict([ ('template', extract_field(F_HOST)), ('params', { SUBST_IP_ADDRESS: {'get_param': ['NetIpMap', {'get_param': ['ServiceNetMap', net_param]}]}, SUBST_CLOUDNAME: {'get_param': [PARAM_CLOUD_ENDPOINTS, {'get_param': ['ServiceNetMap', net_param]}]}, }) ]) } host = { 'str_replace': collections.OrderedDict([ ('template', extract_field(F_HOST)), ('params', { SUBST_IP_ADDRESS: {'get_param': ['NetIpMap', {'str_replace': {'template': 'NETWORK_uri', 'params': {'NETWORK': {'get_param': ['ServiceNetMap', net_param]}}}}]}, SUBST_CLOUDNAME: {'get_param': [PARAM_CLOUD_ENDPOINTS, {'get_param': ['ServiceNetMap', net_param]}]}, }) ]) } uri_fields = [protocol, '://', copy.deepcopy(host), ':', port] uri_fields_suffix = (copy.deepcopy(uri_fields) + ([uri_suffix] if uri_suffix is not None else [])) name = name_override if name_override is not None else (endpoint_name + endpoint_variant + endpoint_type) return name, { 'host_nobrackets': host_nobrackets, 'host': host, 'port': extract_field('port'), 'protocol': extract_field('protocol'), 'uri': { 'list_join': ['', uri_fields_suffix] }, 'uri_no_suffix': { 'list_join': ['', uri_fields] }, } def template_endpoint_items(config): def get_svc_endpoints(ep_name, svc): for ep_type in set(svc) & ENDPOINT_TYPES: defn = svc[ep_type] for variant, suffix in defn.get('uri_suffixes', {'': None}).items(): name_override = defn.get('names', {}).get(variant) yield template_output_definition(ep_name, variant, ep_type, net_param_name(defn), suffix, name_override) return itertools.chain.from_iterable(sorted(get_svc_endpoints(ep_name, svc)) for (ep_name, svc) in sorted(config.items())) def generate_endpoint_map_template(config): return collections.OrderedDict([ ('heat_template_version', 'ocata'), ('description', 'A map of OpenStack endpoints. Since the endpoints ' 'are URLs, we need to have brackets around IPv6 IP addresses. The ' 'inputs to these parameters come from net_ip_uri_map, which will ' 'include these brackets in IPv6 addresses.'), ('parameters', template_parameters(config)), ('outputs', { 'endpoint_map': { 'value': collections.OrderedDict(template_endpoint_items(config)) } }), ]) autogen_warning = """### DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE ### This file is automatically generated from endpoint_data.yaml ### by the script build_endpoint_map.py """ class TemplateDumper(yaml.SafeDumper): def represent_ordered_dict(self, data): return self.represent_dict(data.items()) TemplateDumper.add_representer(collections.OrderedDict, TemplateDumper.represent_ordered_dict) def write_template(template, filename=None): with get_file(OUT_FILE, filename, writable=True) as f: f.write(autogen_warning) yaml.dump(template, f, TemplateDumper, width=68) def read_template(template, filename=None): with get_file(OUT_FILE, filename) as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) def build_endpoint_map(output_filename=None, input_filename=None): if output_filename is not None and output_filename == input_filename: raise Exception('Cannot read from and write to the same file') config = load_endpoint_data(input_filename) template = generate_endpoint_map_template(config) write_template(template, output_filename) def check_up_to_date(output_filename=None, input_filename=None): if output_filename is not None and output_filename == input_filename: raise Exception('Input and output filenames must be different') config = load_endpoint_data(input_filename) template = generate_endpoint_map_template(config) existing_template = read_template(output_filename) return existing_template == template def get_options(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser('usage: %prog' ' [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--check]', description=__doc__) parser.add_option('-i', '--input', dest='input_file', action='store', default=None, help='Specify a different endpoint data file') parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output_file', action='store', default=None, help='Specify a different endpoint map template file') parser.add_option('-c', '--check', dest='check', action='store_true', default=False, help='Check that the output file is ' 'up to date with the data') parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print stack traces on error') return parser.parse_args() def main(): options, args = get_options() if args: print('Warning: ignoring positional args: %s' % ' '.join(args), file=sys.stderr) try: if options.check: if not check_up_to_date(options.output_file, options.input_file): print('EndpointMap template does not match input data', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) else: build_endpoint_map(options.output_file, options.input_file) except Exception as exc: if options.debug: raise print('%s: %s' % (type(exc).__name__, str(exc)), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()