HeatTemplateFormatVersion: '2012-12-12' Description: 'HEAT Template - Dedicated MySQL server' Parameters: KeyName: Description: Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instances Type: String Default: default InstanceType: Description: Use this flavor Type: String Default: m1.small MySQLImage: Type: String KeystoneUser: Description: Keystone database username. Type: String Default: keystone Resources: ApiAccessPolicy: Type: OS::Heat::AccessPolicy Properties: AllowedResources: [ MySQL ] ApiUser: Type: AWS::IAM::User Properties: Policies: [ { Ref: ApiAccessPolicy } ] MySQL: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Metadata: OpenStack::ImageBuilder::Elements: [ openstack-db ] OpenStack::Config: mysql: users: - database: keystone username: {Ref: KeystoneUser} userhandle: {Ref: KeystonePasswordHandle} heat: AWSAccessKeyId: Ref: ApiKey AWSSecretAccessKey: Fn::GetAtt: [ ApiKey, SecretAccessKey ] Properties: ImageId: {Ref: MySQLImage} InstanceType: {Ref: InstanceType} KeyName: {Ref: KeyName} KeystonePasswordHandle: Type: AWS::CloudFormation:WaitConditionHandle Properties: KeystonePassword: DependsOn: MySQL1 Type: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition Properties: Handle: {Ref: KeystonePasswordHandle} Timeout: 60 Outputs: MySQLHost: Fn::GetAtt: [ MySQL , PrivateIp ] KeystonePassword: Fn::GetAtt: [ KeystonePassword, Data ] KeystoneUser: {Ref: KeystoneUser}