import sys import yaml import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('templates', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--master-role', nargs='?', help='Translate slave_roles to this') parser.add_argument('--slave-roles', nargs='*', help='Translate all of these to master_role') args = parser.parse_args() templates = args.templates def _translate_role(role): global args if not args.master_role: return role if role == args.master_role: return role if role not in args.slave_roles: return role return args.master_role def translate_role(role): r = _translate_role(role) if not isinstance(r, basestring): raise Exception('%s -> %r' % (role, r)) return r def resolve_params(item, param, value): if item == {'Ref': param}: return value if isinstance(item, dict): copy_item = dict(item) for k, v in iter(copy_item.items()): item[k] = resolve_params(v, param, value) elif isinstance(item, list): copy_item = list(item) new_item = [] for v in copy_item: new_item.append(resolve_params(v, param, value)) item = new_item return item MERGABLE_TYPES = {'OS::Nova::Server': {'image': 'image'}, 'AWS::EC2::Instance': {'image': 'ImageId'}, } def resolve_includes(template, params=None): new_template = {} if params is None: params = {} for key, value in iter(template.items()): if key == '__include__': new_params = dict(params) # do not propagate up the stack if not isinstance(value, dict): raise ValueError('__include__ must be a mapping') if 'path' not in value: raise ValueError('__include__ must have path') if 'params' in value: if not isinstance(value['params'], dict): raise ValueError('__include__ params must be a mapping') new_params.update(value['params']) with open(value['path']) as include_file: sub_template = yaml.safe_load( if 'subkey' in value: if ((not isinstance(value['subkey'], int) and not isinstance(sub_template, dict))): raise RuntimeError('subkey requires mapping root or' ' integer for list root') sub_template = sub_template[value['subkey']] for k, v in iter(new_params.items()): sub_template = resolve_params(sub_template, k, v) new_template.update(resolve_includes(sub_template)) else: if isinstance(value, dict): new_template[key] = resolve_includes(value) else: new_template[key] = value return new_template errors = [] end_template={'HeatTemplateFormatVersion': '2012-12-12', 'Description': []} resource_changes=[] for template_path in templates: template = yaml.safe_load(open(template_path)) # Resolve __include__ tags template = resolve_includes(template) end_template['Description'].append(template.get('Description', template_path)) new_parameters = template.get('Parameters', {}) for p, pbody in sorted(new_parameters.items()): if p in end_template.get('Parameters', {}): if pbody != end_template['Parameters'][p]: errors.append('Parameter %s from %s conflicts.' % (p, template_path)) continue if 'Parameters' not in end_template: end_template['Parameters'] = {} end_template['Parameters'][p] = pbody new_outputs = template.get('Outputs', {}) for o, obody in sorted(new_outputs.items()): if o in end_template.get('Outputs', {}): if pbody != end_template['Outputs'][p]: errors.append('Output %s from %s conflicts.' % (o, template_path)) continue if 'Outputs' not in end_template: end_template['Outputs'] = {} end_template['Outputs'][o] = obody new_resources = template.get('Resources', {}) for r, rbody in sorted(new_resources.items()): if rbody['Type'] in MERGABLE_TYPES: image_key = MERGABLE_TYPES[rbody['Type']]['image'] # XXX Assuming ImageId is always a Ref ikey_val = end_template['Parameters'][rbody['Properties'][image_key]['Ref']] del end_template['Parameters'][rbody['Properties'][image_key]['Ref']] role = rbody.get('Metadata', {}).get('OpenStack::Role', r) role = translate_role(role) if role != r: resource_changes.append((r, role)) if role in end_template.get('Resources', {}): new_metadata = rbody.get('Metadata', {}) for m, mbody in iter(new_metadata.items()): if m in end_template['Resources'][role].get('Metadata', {}): if m == 'OpenStack::ImageBuilder::Elements': end_template['Resources'][role]['Metadata'][m].extend(mbody) continue if mbody != end_template['Resources'][role]['Metadata'][m]: errors.append('Role %s metadata key %s conflicts.' % (role, m)) continue end_template['Resources'][role]['Metadata'][m] = mbody continue if 'Resources' not in end_template: end_template['Resources'] = {} end_template['Resources'][role] = rbody ikey = '%sImage' % (role) end_template['Resources'][role]['Properties'][image_key] = {'Ref': ikey} end_template['Parameters'][ikey] = ikey_val elif rbody['Type'] == 'FileInclude': with open(rbody['Path']) as rfile: include_content = yaml.safe_load( subkeys = rbody.get('SubKey','').split('.') while len(subkeys) and subkeys[0]: include_content = include_content[subkeys.pop(0)] for replace_param, replace_value in iter(rbody.get('Parameters', {}).items()): include_content = resolve_params(include_content, replace_param, replace_value) end_template['Resources'][r] = include_content else: if r in end_template.get('Resources', {}): if rbody != end_template['Resources'][r]: errors.append('Resource %s from %s conflicts' % (r, template_path)) continue if 'Resources' not in end_template: end_template['Resources'] = {} end_template['Resources'][r] = rbody def fix_ref(item, old, new): if isinstance(item, dict): copy_item = dict(item) for k, v in sorted(copy_item.items()): if k == 'Ref' and v == old: item[k] = new continue if k == 'DependsOn' and v == old: item[k] = new continue if k == 'Fn::GetAtt' and isinstance(v, list) and v[0] == old: new_list = list(v) new_list[0] = new item[k] = new_list continue if k == 'AllowedResources' and isinstance(v, list) and old in v: while old in v: pos = v.index(old) v[pos] = new continue fix_ref(v, old, new) elif isinstance(item, list): copy_item = list(item) for v in item: fix_ref(v, old, new) for change in resource_changes: fix_ref(end_template, change[0], change[1]) if errors: for e in errors: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e) end_template['Description'] = ','.join(end_template['Description']) sys.stdout.write(yaml.safe_dump(end_template, default_flow_style=False))