#!/bin/bash # A heat-config-script which runs yum update during a stack-update. # Inputs: # deploy_action - yum will only be run if this is UPDATE # update_identifier - yum will only run for previously unused values of update_identifier # command - yum sub-command to run, defaults to "update" # command_arguments - yum command arguments, defaults to "" echo "Started yum_update.sh on server $deploy_server_id at `date`" if [[ -z "$update_identifier" ]]; then echo "Not running due to unset update_identifier" exit 0 fi timestamp_dir=/var/lib/overcloud-yum-update mkdir -p $timestamp_dir # sanitise to remove unusual characters update_identifier=${update_identifier//[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]/} timestamp_file="$timestamp_dir/$update_identifier" if [[ -a "$timestamp_file" ]]; then echo "Not running for already-run timestamp \"$update_identifier\"" exit 0 fi touch "$timestamp_file" command=${command:-update} full_command="yum -y $command $command_arguments" echo "Running: $full_command" result=$($full_command) return_code=$? echo "$result" echo "yum return code: $return_code" echo "Finished yum_update.sh on server $deploy_server_id at `date`" exit $return_code