#!/bin/bash # A heat-config-script which runs yum update during a stack-update. # Inputs: # deploy_action - yum will only be run if this is UPDATE # update_identifier - yum will only run for previously unused values of update_identifier # command - yum sub-command to run, defaults to "update" # command_arguments - yum command arguments, defaults to "" echo "Started yum_update.sh on server $deploy_server_id at `date`" echo -n "false" > $heat_outputs_path.update_managed_packages if [[ -z "$update_identifier" ]]; then echo "Not running due to unset update_identifier" exit 0 fi timestamp_dir=/var/lib/overcloud-yum-update mkdir -p $timestamp_dir # sanitise to remove unusual characters update_identifier=${update_identifier//[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]/} # seconds to wait for this node to rejoin the cluster after update cluster_start_timeout=600 galera_sync_timeout=1800 cluster_settle_timeout=1800 timestamp_file="$timestamp_dir/$update_identifier" if [[ -a "$timestamp_file" ]]; then echo "Not running for already-run timestamp \"$update_identifier\"" exit 0 fi touch "$timestamp_file" command_arguments=${command_arguments:-} list_updates=$(yum list updates) if [[ "$list_updates" == "" ]]; then echo "No packages require updating" exit 0 fi pacemaker_status=$(systemctl is-active pacemaker) pacemaker_dumpfile=$(mktemp) if [[ "$pacemaker_status" == "active" ]] ; then SERVICES="memcached httpd neutron-dhcp-agent neutron-l3-agent neutron-metadata-agent neutron-openvswitch-agent neutron-server openstack-ceilometer-alarm-evaluator openstack-ceilometer-alarm-notifier openstack-ceilometer-api openstack-ceilometer-central openstack-ceilometer-collector openstack-ceilometer-notification openstack-cinder-api openstack-cinder-scheduler openstack-cinder-volume openstack-glance-api openstack-glance-registry openstack-heat-api openstack-heat-api-cfn openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch openstack-heat-engine openstack-keystone openstack-nova-api openstack-nova-conductor openstack-nova-consoleauth openstack-nova-novncproxy openstack-nova-scheduler" echo "Dumping Pacemaker config" pcs cluster cib $pacemaker_dumpfile echo "Checking for missing constraints" if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start openstack-nova-novncproxy-clone then start openstack-nova-api-clone"; then pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start openstack-nova-novncproxy-clone then openstack-nova-api-clone fi if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start rabbitmq-clone then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start rabbitmq-clone then openstack-keystone-clone fi if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "promote galera-master then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order promote galera-master then openstack-keystone-clone fi if pcs resource | grep "haproxy-clone"; then SERVICES="$SERVICES haproxy" if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start haproxy-clone then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start haproxy-clone then openstack-keystone-clone fi fi if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start memcached-clone then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start memcached-clone then openstack-keystone-clone fi if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "promote redis-master then start openstack-ceilometer-central-clone"; then pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order promote redis-master then start openstack-ceilometer-central-clone require-all=false fi # ensure neutron constraints https://review.openstack.org/#/c/229466 # remove ovs-cleanup after server and add openvswitch-agent instead if pcs constraint order show | grep "start neutron-server-clone then start neutron-ovs-cleanup-clone"; then pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint remove order-neutron-server-clone-neutron-ovs-cleanup-clone-mandatory fi if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start neutron-server-clone then start neutron-openvswitch-agent-clone"; then pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start neutron-server-clone then neutron-openvswitch-agent-clone fi if ! pcs resource defaults | grep "resource-stickiness: INFINITY"; then pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY fi echo "Setting resource start/stop timeouts" for service in $SERVICES; do pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile resource update $service op start timeout=200s op stop timeout=200s done # mongod start timeout is higher, setting only stop timeout pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile resource update mongod op start timeout=370s op stop timeout=200s echo "Applying new Pacemaker config" if ! pcs cluster cib-push $pacemaker_dumpfile; then echo "ERROR failed to apply new pacemaker config" exit 1 fi echo "Pacemaker running, stopping cluster node and doing full package update" node_count=$(pcs status xml | grep -o "" | grep -o 'number="[0-9]*"' | grep -o "[0-9]*") if [[ "$node_count" == "1" ]] ; then echo "Active node count is 1, stopping node with --force" pcs cluster stop --force else pcs cluster stop fi # clean leftover keepalived and radvd instances from neutron # (can be removed when we remove neutron-netns-cleanup from cluster services) # see https://review.gerrithub.io/#/c/248931/1/neutron-netns-cleanup.init killall neutron-keepalived-state-change 2>/dev/null || : kill $(ps ax | grep -e "keepalived.*\.pid-vrrp" | awk '{print $1}') 2>/dev/null || : kill $(ps ax | grep -e "radvd.*\.pid\.radvd" | awk '{print $1}') 2>/dev/null || : else echo "Upgrading openstack-puppet-modules" yum -y update openstack-puppet-modules echo "Upgrading other packages is handled by config management tooling" echo -n "true" > $heat_outputs_path.update_managed_packages exit 0 fi command=${command:-update} full_command="yum -y $command $command_arguments" echo "Running: $full_command" result=$($full_command) return_code=$? echo "$result" echo "yum return code: $return_code" if [[ "$pacemaker_status" == "active" ]] ; then echo "Starting cluster node" pcs cluster start hostname=$(hostname -s) tstart=$(date +%s) while [[ "$(pcs status | grep "^Online" | grep -F -o $hostname)" == "" ]]; do sleep 5 tnow=$(date +%s) if (( tnow-tstart > cluster_start_timeout )) ; then echo "ERROR $hostname failed to join cluster in $cluster_start_timeout seconds" pcs status exit 1 fi done tstart=$(date +%s) while ! clustercheck; do sleep 5 tnow=$(date +%s) if (( tnow-tstart > galera_sync_timeout )) ; then echo "ERROR galera sync timed out" exit 1 fi done echo "Waiting for pacemaker cluster to settle" if ! timeout -k 10 $cluster_settle_timeout crm_resource --wait; then echo "ERROR timed out while waiting for the cluster to settle" exit 1 fi pcs status fi echo "Finished yum_update.sh on server $deploy_server_id at `date`" exit $return_code