#!/bin/bash set -eu check_cluster() { if pcs status 2>&1 | grep -E '(cluster is not currently running)|(OFFLINE:)'; then echo_error "ERROR: upgrade cannot start with some cluster nodes being offline" exit 1 fi } check_pcsd() { if pcs status 2>&1 | grep -E 'Offline'; then echo_error "ERROR: upgrade cannot start with some pcsd daemon offline" exit 1 fi } check_disk_for_mysql_dump() { # Where to backup current database if mysql need to be upgraded MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR=/var/tmp/mysql_upgrade_osp MYSQL_TEMP_UPGRADE_BACKUP_DIR=/var/lib/mysql-temp-upgrade-backup # Spare disk ratio for extra safety MYSQL_BACKUP_SIZE_RATIO=1.2 # Shall we upgrade mysql data directory during the stack upgrade? if [ "$mariadb_do_major_upgrade" = "auto" ]; then ret=$(is_mysql_upgrade_needed) if [ $ret = "1" ]; then DO_MYSQL_UPGRADE=1 else DO_MYSQL_UPGRADE=0 fi echo "mysql upgrade required: $DO_MYSQL_UPGRADE" elif [ "$mariadb_do_major_upgrade" = "no" ]; then DO_MYSQL_UPGRADE=0 else DO_MYSQL_UPGRADE=1 fi if [ "$(hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml bootstrap_nodeid)" = "$(facter hostname)" ]; then if [ $DO_MYSQL_UPGRADE -eq 1 ]; then if [ -d "$MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR" ]; then echo_error "Error: $MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR exists already. Likely an upgrade failed previously" exit 1 fi mkdir "$MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_error "Error: could not create temporary backup directory $MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR" exit 1 fi # the /root/.my.cnf is needed because we set the mysql root # password from liberty onwards backup_flags="--defaults-extra-file=/root/.my.cnf -u root --flush-privileges --all-databases --single-transaction" # While not ideal, this step allows us to calculate exactly how much space the dump # will need. Our main goal here is avoiding any chance of corruption due to disk space # exhaustion backup_size=$(mysqldump $backup_flags 2>/dev/null | wc -c) database_size=$(du -cb /var/lib/mysql | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }') free_space=$(df -B1 --output=avail "$MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR" | tail -1) # we need at least space for a new mysql database + dump of the existing one, # times a small factor for additional safety room # note: bash doesn't do floating point math or floats in if statements, # so use python to apply the ratio and cast it back to integer required_space=$(python -c "from __future__ import print_function; print(\"%d\" % int((($database_size + $backup_size) * $MYSQL_BACKUP_SIZE_RATIO)))") if [ $required_space -ge $free_space ]; then echo_error "Error: not enough free space in $MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR ($required_space bytes required)" exit 1 fi fi fi } check_python_rpm() { # If for some reason rpm-python are missing we want to error out early enough if ! rpm -q rpm-python &> /dev/null; then echo_error "ERROR: upgrade cannot start without rpm-python installed" exit 1 fi } check_clean_cluster() { if crm_mon -1 | grep -A3 Failed; then echo_error "ERROR: upgrade cannot start with failed resources on the cluster. Clean them up before starting: pcs resource cleanup." exit 1 fi } check_galera_root_password() { # BZ: 1357112 if [ ! -e /root/.my.cnf ]; then echo_error "ERROR: upgrade cannot be started, the galera password is missing. The overcloud needs update." exit 1 fi }