# *******************************************************************
# This file was created automatically by the sample environment
# generator. Developers should use `tox -e genconfig` to update it.
# Users are recommended to make changes to a copy of the file instead
# of the original, if any customizations are needed.
# *******************************************************************
# title: Enable the Neutron MidoNet Services
# description: |
#   A Heat environment that can be used to deploy MidoNet Services
  # Native Transport Port
  # Type: string
  CassandraClientPort: 9042

  # The port for the Thrift RPC service, which is used for client connections
  # Type: string
  CassandraClientPortThrift: 9160

  # The SSL port for encrypted communication. Unused unless enabled in encryption_options
  # Type: string
  CassandraSslStoragePort: 7001

  # The Cassandra port for inter-node communication
  # Type: string
  CassandraStoragePort: 7000

  # Name of the tunnel zone used to tunnel packages
  # Type: string
  TunnelZoneName: tunnelzone_tripleo

  # Type of the tunnels on the overlay. Choose between `gre` and `vxlan`
  # Type: string
  TunnelZoneType: vxlan

  # ******************************************************
  # Static parameters - these are values that must be
  # included in the environment but should not be changed.
  # ******************************************************
  # Whether enable Cassandra cluster on Controller
  # Type: boolean
  EnableCassandraOnController: True

  # Whether enable Zookeeper cluster on Controller
  # Type: boolean
  EnableZookeeperOnController: True

  # The core plugin for Neutron. The value should be the entrypoint to be loaded
  # from neutron.core_plugins namespace.
  # Type: string
  NeutronCorePlugin: midonet.neutron.plugin_v1.MidonetPluginV2

  # If True, DHCP provide metadata route to VM.
  # Type: boolean
  NeutronEnableIsolatedMetadata: True

  # *********************
  # End static parameters
  # *********************
  OS::TripleO::AllNodesExtraConfig: ../../puppet/extraconfig/all_nodes/neutron-midonet-all-nodes.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../../net-config-linux-bridge.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Services::ComputeNeutronCorePlugin: ../../puppet/services/neutron-compute-plugin-midonet.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Services::ComputeNeutronOvsAgent: OS::Heat::None
  OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronCorePlugin: OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronCorePluginMidonet
  OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronL3Agent: OS::Heat::None
  OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronOvsAgent: OS::Heat::None